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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Many Faces of Death

Mike asked for," some skulls and shit" on his arm. Ten hours of tattooing later (broken in to sittings) he ended up with this crazy pile of bones. I think he was pretty stoked, but he was too busy arguing with his girlfriend to really tell...

Cover-ups are fun?!

You won't hear many tattooers say they enjoyed covering an old design up, but I have to admit- this was a fun one! It was really just the right design for the situation, and I feel like it turned out nice. The original design (shown first ;) was actually tattooed in the barracks in the early eighties, so there were all kinds of stories to be told during the session, as well. Of course, if I told any of them to you, I'd have to kill you...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Abschied, Mr.Staygold!

 As you may or may not know, our friend Sagent Staygold graces us with his presence from time to time, and bangs out some awesome work while he's here- and when I say work, I mean it. This Man put in over 45 hours in the mere four days he was here at Flying Tiger. I'm sure he'll post photos on his blog, which you can reach through our "people to watch" links. To tide you over, here are a couple of action shots of Sagent tattooing Gary, and a flick of the Panther I tattooed on his right hand the last day he was in town. Until next time, mein Freund!

Daily Bangers

I've been getting more requests for drawings in a classic tattoo style, which is awesome! Here are four that I've done in the past week-or-so. The soccer ball is on my neighbor from back-in-the-day, and future soccer star, Elle. Natalia picked a sweet anchor with forget-me-nots. Ashley picked a design dedicated to her family, with a high heel for Mom, and a hammer for Pops. Lastly, Chris picked yet another winner with his lighthouse tattoo. Thanks, guys- you're great!!