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Sunday, April 24, 2011


Here is the beginning stage of what will eventually be Jason's Japanese style bodysuit, which I am very grateful to have been asked to work on. In this chest panel are the Daruma dolls on a wind background. Daruma is the Japanese name for the Indian Monk Bodhidharma, who, through his works and meditation, brought Zen to China, where it is said to have spread from, and also formed the basis of the Shaolin teachings of Kung-Fu. These dolls are used to represent goals and wishes, one eye being painted in for the initial thought, and the other eye to be filled in when the goal is completed. They are burned in great piles at the Daruma Festival each year. I admire Jason, not only for his choice of subject matter and style, but for his patients, endurance, and dedication throughout the process so far. Thank you!

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