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Thursday, June 30, 2011

patti labelle 2011

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  • tatyavinchu
    09-17 11:54 AM
    I am a july 07 filer with EB2 PD Oct 2005. I switched employers in early part of this year. My employer has been very erratic and not paying me salary for past 2 months because his money is not cleared from his client. I have found another contract but my employer wants to wait until his money is cleared before he can pay me and that can take longer than 6 months !!! (if his money is not cleared before)

    Under such circumstances I am jeopardising everything. I was wondering if I start working for my own company on a W2 with a same job profile same salary structure will USCIS consider this as something fraudulent or do they allow self employment under AC21 ? After I have my GC I plan to continue working for my own company. In that case what do I need to do from my side to make this happen ? I started my company in August 2008.

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  • maddipati1
    01-08 10:18 PM

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  • Steve Mitchell
    February 11th, 2006, 08:12 AM
    Nikon has acknowledged a limited number of early production D200's may be afflicted with a banding problem. To read Nikon's official stance on the issue, read here (http://support.nikontech.com/cgi-bin/nikonusa.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=13872).

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  • Blog Feeds
    07-23 11:40 AM
    U.S. Department of Labor has implemented a new integrated online system � known as the iCert Portal � through which employers can submit applications for permanent labor certification, labor condition applications (LCAs) and other applications for immigration-related DOL programs. In addition, the agency will introduce new editions of Form ETA-9089, the PERM labor certification application, and have already introduced Form ETA-9035, the labor condition application. iCert has already replaced the method of LCA filing for H-1B. The new iCert system begins to accept LCAs as of July 1, 2009. Employer and attorneys as the case may be, can still use the old LCA account but cannot submit new LCA. New LCA has to be filed from iCert.

    Following are the new changes which has taken place:
    - The new LCA requires writing the SOC (ONET/OES) code and the occupation title for the job.
    - The new LCA has a section for basis for the visa classification supported by the application. There are the following categories:
    a. New employment;
    b. Continuation of previously approved employment without change with the same employer;
    c. Change in previously approved employment;
    d. New concurrent employment;
    e. Change of employer;
    f. Amended petition.
    - One has to indicate the total number of H-1B/H-1B1 (http://www.h1b.biz/lawyer-attorney-1137085.html) non-immigrant workers.
    - The new LCA also requires, in the employer information section, to indicate the Trade name/doing business as (DBA), if applicable, the old LCA does not have this requirement.
    - In the new LCA, one is required to write NAICS code.
    - There is a new section in the new LCA - Employer point of contact information, which requires to indicate the following: full contact�s name; contact�s job; contact�s address; contact�s telephone number; contact�s e-mail address.

    More... (http://www.visalawyerblog.com/2009/07/icert_portal_for_lca_filing.html)


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  • stillalone
    02-03 02:36 PM
    ITU is not operating illegally and it is approved by Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) and Authorized by the Student Exchange and Visitor (SEVP) program of the US Department of Homeland Security.

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  • Patti LaBelle

  • satishku_2000
    08-17 03:57 PM
    Don't tell me you got one for this!


    There is a possibility in cases of where job requires minimum GPA . 140 adjudicator can always ask petitioner that the benificiary meets all the requirements for the position offered. In substitution cases there is always a possibility of things getting verified in a microscope.


    patti labelle 2011. PATTI LABELLEHONORING

  • waitingimmigrant
    11-09 11:05 PM
    hi friends,

    some time ago i contact my senator through this site


    and wrote to him about plight of workers in limbo for years
    if not decades ... following is response i recieved... request
    all those stuck in GC limbo to contact their senators...

    U.S. immigration policy is based on four underlying principles: reunification of families, admissions of immigrants with needed skills, protection of refugees, and diversity of admission by country of origin. The Immigration and Nationality Act specifies priorities for permanent immigration using a complex set of numerical limits and preference categories. Immediate relatives, defined as spouses of citizens, children (under 21 years of age and unmarried) of citizens, and parents of citizens 21 years of age or older, have been given priority in the immigration process.

    Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) introduced S.1085 on May 20, 2009. This legislation seeks to reduce current immigration backlogs by classifying lawful permanent resident (LPR) spouses and children as "immediate relatives." Currently, spouses and children of LPRs must obtain visas through the Family Second Preference category. This can lead to a waiting period of several years. Among other things, this bill would allow unused and unclaimed visas from 1992-2007 to be placed back in the pool of current available visas for families, and would establish a �roll over� system for unused and unclaimed visas in the future. This bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, where it awaits further review.

    I will continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate to craft effective solutions to address our nation�s immigration problems. I will keep your thoughts in mind should S.1085, or any similar legislation, come before me in the full Senate.

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  • salvador marley
    04-29 05:01 PM
    only two replies makes it a bad stamp - it should be removed


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  • Blog Feeds
    05-27 12:40 PM
    Two little-known types of immigrant visas are the T and the U visas. The T visa is for people innocently involved in human trafficking, and the U visa is for victims of crime. The U visa's basic purpose is to make it easier for police to prosecute those who commit violence.

    Both types of visas were discussed in a recent Dallas Morning News (http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/052010dnmetuvisa.8c47617.html) article. Here are excerpts from the article, beginning with a discussion of the U visa:

    The visas began flowing only 18 months ago and the majority have gone to domestic violence victims, say officials from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

    Under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, up to 10,000 such visas are authorized annually. Illegal immigrants may receive such visas if they've suffered "substantial" physical or mental abuse from criminal activity and, among other things, a law enforcement agency certifies they have information on criminal activity. The visa can lead to permanent legal residency status.

    The issuing of U visas comes at a tense time in the national immigration debate, amid a polarizing crackdown and potentially broader policing powers against immigrants in Arizona. And it illuminates a prickly point of justice: Should the federal government give illegal immigrants special treatment for a societal good such as fighting violent crime?

    The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act created both the U visa and the T visa. They're near the end of a complex network of visas, A through V.

    T visas, for those involved in human trafficking, began flowing in 2002, but the flow of U visas was delayed as regulations on issuance were hammered out. In the last three full fiscal years, only about 250 to 300 T visas have been approved of the maximum annual allotment of 5,000.

    In the last fiscal year, ending in September 2009, the federal government authorized 5,825 U visas. In the first five months of this fiscal year, nearly 5,000 such visas were given. There are about 6,600 visa applications pending, and the 10,000 allotment is expected to be reached as early as next month, said Maria Elena Garcia Upson, a spokeswoman for the immigration agency.

    More... (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Immigration-law-answers-blog/~3/9QAoUnEU-G4/)

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  • sunny1000
    12-18 10:52 PM
    The labor is for your future job that your company is offering (atleast technically). The LCA is based on your employer's address and NOT based on your address..As long as your employer doesn't move, it should be no problem. Of course, please check with an immigration attorney on this.:D

    My company wants me to relocate to another state. Because of which I need to re apply for new LC for green card processing. My current approved LC is EB3. My question: To be able to apply for EB2 position, can I use training & experience gained in my current company?


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  • happy2006
    05-20 08:32 PM
    We are filing through our lawyer, do we need to give a reason for why we are expediting the process when filing to INS?

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  • pappu
    06-09 10:37 AM
    I am sure IV has thought about this...

    But just curious if there are any mainstream News channels or Media that is covering or publishing anything about the IV Advocacy event and IV's agenda?


    The aim of advocacy day was to meet lawmakers. It was not really for media publicity. It was not a rally. Infact we canceled the press event that we originally planned to focus on lawmaker meetings. There are already hundreds of articles in the media on Greencard backlogs published in the last 4 years. Articles will anyways be published when there is activity in DC on this issue. Reporters contact us every now and then for stories. The most important work we need to do is meet our lawmakers in person and get relief on Immigration. We believe we have been very successful in the task of meeting lawmakers and administration officials during the advocacy days. This will help us in the Immigration reform next year. We now need to continually work on reinforcing and advocating our changes until the bill comes on the floor. You will see lots of media articles on this issue when there is any discussion on relief in the months to come.


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  • Blog Feeds
    07-13 12:48 PM
    DHS Leadership Journal Has Just Posted the Following:

    I am extremely pleased to congratulate the crew of the cutter Bertholf for their first drug interdiction on one of our new national security cutters. This success demonstrates the capability of this important national security asset and directly supports the department's strategy for protecting and securing the southwest border.

    The national security cutter program (http://www.uscg.mil/acquisition/NSC/) is a vital component of the Department's effort to rebuild the Coast Guard (http://www.uscg.mil/)'s fleet so that it can continue its proud history of executing important missions to support the nation's maritime security and safety while protecting our economic prosperity.

    http://www.dhs.gov/journal/theblog/uploaded_images/TrainingOnBertholf-777201.jpg (http://www.dhs.gov/journal/theblog/uploaded_images/TrainingOnBertholf-777228.jpg)
    Last week I visited the cutter Dallas in a shipyard in Charleston. The Dallas, and her sister ship Gallatin, are undergoing extensive work to repair major structural and machinery problems that are the result of their age and overuse. The national security cutter program will replace these 40-year old, Vietnam era vessels with modern, capable ships to secure America.

    In Wednesday's seizure off the coast of Guatemala, the crew of the Bertholf disrupted four drug smuggling speedboats at the same time with their multiple pursuit boats and helicopter. The crew successfully captured two vessels and four suspects while disrupting the other two boats.

    The continued renewal of the Coast Guard fleet and use of modern technology across the department is an indispensable part of our strategy to improve the ability of DHS to secure our nation and protect its citizens.

    Janet NapolitanoPublished by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/7013398738785291364-3818099099399185818?l=www.dhs.gov%2Fjournal%2Flead ership
    http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?d=yIl2AUoC8zA (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?a=GUt8s3_EEbk:o9WyoQJD7xA:yI l2AUoC8zA) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?i=GUt8s3_EEbk:o9WyoQJD7xA:V_ sGLiPBpWU (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?a=GUt8s3_EEbk:o9WyoQJD7xA:V_ sGLiPBpWU) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?i=GUt8s3_EEbk:o9WyoQJD7xA:F7 zBnMyn0Lo (http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/DHS_LeadershipJournal?a=GUt8s3_EEbk:o9WyoQJD7xA:F7 zBnMyn0Lo)

    More... (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DHS_LeadershipJournal/~3/GUt8s3_EEbk/national-security-cutter-program.html)

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  • aioros
    05-15 02:07 AM
    yea, maybe so jamie - i just wanted the "c" to stay within the confines of the square, and throw in a "circle" figure within all those ... squares. :)

    :smirk: what do all you guys think?


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  • wallpaper Assault: Patti LaBelle patti labelle sued.

  • ValleyCoolie
    02-22 08:28 PM
    This is going to be interesting.. Finally someone speeking about legal immigration..

    The description says its about people getting their citizenship in time to vote. I doubt if they would talk about EB, backlogs, and the plight of honest-tax-paying H1B people.


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  • LostInGCProcess
    06-29 02:01 AM
    Can one do Day Trading being on H1?


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  • smarth
    10-04 09:00 PM
    Which center did your application went? What is RD and ND?

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  • fromnaija
    12-12 02:17 PM
    Thanks for your reply

    What if the case is where I want to take up a new full time position and convert my current full time position to part time.....I guess one way to do it would be to transfer H1 to the new employer...wait for an approval and then file for another concurrent H1 for the part time job with the old company..But the problem is I'd have to wait until new approval comes...and also convince both companies to shell out 2k plus in filing fees....does any one have a better alternative ? Thanks again

    I believe that to convert a full time position to part time, all you have to do is re-file your LCA.

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  • eilsoe
    04-18 04:08 AM
    nice.. psychedelic :crazy:

    you forgot the price though ;)

    11-17 03:26 PM
    I do not have anything,It was applied by my previous employer, and we do not have good terms.

    05-07 02:48 PM
    As long as company's tax id remains same, it does not matter. Talk to your attorney.

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