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Monday, May 30, 2011

angled bob hairstyle

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  • R.Perez
    Mar 15, 10:01 PM
    Which makes all the difference. Night and day. As far as anyone is concerned, making tech usable and desirable to that degree is pretty innovative.

    You really need to step out of your fanboi bubble, it seems a little silly to be honest.

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  • Angled Bob Hairstyle

  • D1G1T4L
    Mar 17, 05:14 PM
    You mean like posting just to say "I'm laughing at you all?" Welcome to the "holier than thou club, buddy.

    Please read my post again. Never did I say I was laughing at "you all" but rather the post "buddy". Hope I didn't touch a nerve.

    Also who are you quoting?

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  • Christopher387A
    Apr 25, 02:09 PM
    IMHO, it looks gorgeous. I'd love to have one...

    I agree. Even though I would love a 4" screen, this one looks perfect for the current size of the iP4.

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  • Mike31c
    Nov 18, 10:01 AM
    I don't see why AMD and Intel OSX laptops can't live together... We all see the windoze users have their choice of AMD or Intel, dual cores or single cores... why can't Apple/OSX?

    As for the G5 ibook/powerbook, well judging by the way the G5 iMac was built, then frankly, I don't see why a G5 laptop could not of been built. The current line of iMacs practically IS a notebook on a vertical stand so they could of put it in a notebook form. Besides, how do we know the G5 iBook does not exist?

    I mean besides from the fact that "unless Mr. Jobs says it exists, it does not exist" logic. :p

    Come on folks, there has to be a LOT of stuff in the R&D labs of Apple that we will never know of or see because of a change of the Master Plan of Steve Jobs:


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  • aliensporebomb
    Jul 22, 06:55 AM
    Amazing how polarized the results here are.

    I wonder how dry or how moist the skin is on the users who have the constant call dropping problem.

    My skin is really dry, bordering on uber dry.

    No problems here really.

    In fact, yesterday for the first time I ever I conducted a long distance call from a basement conference room in Stillwater Minnesota normally impossible to make cell calls from on ANY cell phone be it LG, Blackberry (various models), etc.

    The iPhone4 held that call brilliantly - normally I had to walk upstairs to make and hold a call at that location.

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  • darh
    Sep 12, 08:30 AM

    bottom left of page

    ow plz everyone, read the thread!:(


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  • Winni
    Mar 25, 07:33 AM
    [SIZE=1]I seem to remember Mac OS X was touted as Apple's platform "for the next 20 years" when it was introduced. So it's only halfway finished!

    I think Jobs said that it is "the software platform for the next one and a half decades". But whatever. I don't think that there will be another OS X after "Lion" - there must be a reason why they named it after the "king of the animals".

    They will either merge iOS and OS X into something new or they will simply drop OS X altogether in favor of iOS. Since iOS is much more successful than OS X ever was and since it is getting more and more features and we are currently being trained - or better: conditioned - to even obtain our development tools through the AppStore, an "open" platform like OS X will very soon become obsolete for Apple.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 04:54 PM
    I liked it how it was before.... :(


    It was confusing but they could have sorted that out.


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  • skunk
    Apr 21, 12:07 PM
    It may be that the backend has a different value stored than what displayed in your cached version. Honestly I know about as much of the system as you do. I haven't seen that behavior exhibited but I do thank you for bringing it up so that it can be looked into.I clicked on a post rated 0 and it went to -2. I clicked on another post rated 0, and it went to -2. I clicked - again and it went to -1.

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  • linux2mac
    Mar 24, 08:42 PM
    As a switcher in I feel I have to give a big thanks to Microsoft and Windows Vista - after all, if Vista hadn't been so terrible, I might not have switched ;)


    Same here. Went to Linux then to Mac.


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  • SilentPanda
    Apr 21, 12:08 PM
    I clicked on a post rated 0 and it went to -2. I clicked on another post rated 0, and it went to -2. I clicked - again and it went to -1.

    Can you give your browser details in case that is part of the problem?

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  • tylerhbrown
    Oct 6, 12:05 PM
    Except Verizon does that too!!!!

    Ahh, no, not really. Or at least not in my experience or that of anyone I know. I have had all three iphones and I love them, but ATT and their admitted 30% call drop rate is truly sad. I never lost calls with Verizon (T-mobile and Sprint we're not great for me, but neither we in the same badness-ballpark as ATT). We need to let Apple know how disappointed we are with ATT. I would gladly pay to get out of my ATT contract and go back to Verizon, if they offered an iphone. Lucky for me, I really like texting (although even those have been failing a lot too lately)




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  • There#39;s a reason this hairstyle on most women, it#39;s neat and clean and stylish as well as sexy. Angled bob

  • bobber205
    Apr 18, 12:33 PM
    An extraordinary position: members of the "essential workforce" are also usually voting citizens. Don't you think that a balanced knowledge of history is valuable in making political judgements?

    Not when history often makes your side look very foolish. ;)

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  • Angled Bob Hairstyles Pictures

  • snebes
    Dec 13, 11:57 AM
    Is this the same Verizon LTE network that takes about 2 minutes to handshake between the LTE and 3G network?

    Yeah, that isn't happening.


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  • Short Hairstyles – Angled

  • blahblah100
    Oct 7, 06:34 PM
    Except Verizon does that too!!!!

    About 2 months ago I paid an early termination fee and gave up my iPhone because of the dropped calls. I have a Blackberry on Verizon, and consume about 800 minutes a month (peak times, not nights and weekends) and close to 200MB of bandwidth.

    I have not had a single dropped call. I can also finally browse the web without Safari crashing all the time.

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  • Jenny McCarthy with Angled Bob

  • ucfgrad93
    Mar 17, 05:36 PM
    I don't know why people feel the need to put others down over their choice of electronic gadgets. People should get what best suits their needs and forget about what others are using. Personally, I would just ignore the rude comments.


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  • Short Bob Hair Styles 2011

  • trunkster
    Oct 6, 02:47 PM
    Verizon really doesn't offer any good phones. The phones with cheap data plans can hardly handle the processing speed of loading the websites so sure it's 3G, it will load just as slow as edge.

    angled bob hairstyle. Angled Bob Hairstyle
  • Angled Bob Hairstyle

  • JustARumor
    Mar 24, 03:46 PM
    While OS X was a huge step for Apple--and an absolutely critical one--I'd argue that it wasn't the *first* step in their turnaround. That role belongs to the original iMac. By the time OS X came around, more iMacs had been sold than all Macs for the previous several years, and every PC company was trying to copy it with some flavor of their own. It had also revolutionized the peripherals market by pushing USB from being a minor side technology to being the primary connectivity method.

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  • jclardy
    May 3, 09:30 PM
    just getting started...iPad 3!

    Or you know, the more obvious conclusion - iOS 5.

    Jan 16, 10:31 AM
    Well, then try to run Aperture on your PB. Good luck.

    No money from me until MBP is state of the art. I'm not going to pay nearly $ 3.000 in January 2008 for a notebook without SSE4 and Blue-Ray.
    I just sold my shares.


    My point was to ask the guy what exactly he does that demands that kind of firepower. Computers these days are overpowered for what 90% of the population does. However, Aperture is a perfect example of an application that needs more firepower... Thanks for pointing that out. It is a professional application that is useful, almost necessary, to professional photographers but a complete luxury for anyone else.

    If you can justify the purchase of Aperture to manage images from your $10,000 mega-res SLR, then you can probably afford a desktop workstation to handle it... and write it off as a business expense.

    But otherwise, I'm asking why does the poster in particular to whom I responded need more than that in a MacBook Air? Not because I want him to buy one. Clearly he could buy a MacBook or a MacBook Pro that better suits him. But you have to understand I see way too many people complaining every year that Apple hasn't produced the gadget to snatch up the money burning a hole in their pockets since... oh, a year ago when they bought that year's latest and greatest.

    People say "I'm ready for a new computer" six months to a year after they just bought one... and I find that patently absurd when 90% of the time, the person speaking uses said computer for: internet, email, word processing, music and consumer photo/video.

    Mar 23, 06:16 PM
    Excellent! :)

    This is kind of a tricky situation... it's stealing, but if you allow it to happen you basically suck. :P

    When I last went home to visit parents, I found an open router called "linksys" and I connected to its conf page using the default login/password and changed the SSID to "open_router_please_hack_me" ;)

    Heh I know that will never happen to me, my walls are so thick, my neighbors walls are so thick and I have NO adjacent houses next to mine anyway... hell, the wireless signal barely gets to my room :D and even so I have it secured :)

    Back on topic rtdgoldfish, at least now you know that whoever stole your Xbox360 is near you and you'll probably get it back, even if a little late. Best of luck :)

    Small White Car
    Oct 6, 10:18 AM
    Hey. Good for them.

    An even BETTER commercial would focus on the fact that AT&T service is slow and drops out even where there IS coverage.

    Maybe that'll be their next ad.

    May 3, 09:31 PM
    The other "if you asked" commercial was strange. It goes:

    Samsung: If you asked "can we copy your ipad?", we would have said no.

    May 4, 08:25 AM
    lol at those "u signed the contract" blablabla, its not like u have a choice, it should be left out from the damn contract u sign from begin with just like here in germany :D

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