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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

lady gaga fame monster album cover

lady gaga fame monster album cover. lady gaga fame album cover
  • lady gaga fame album cover

  • Hugh
    Apr 27, 07:54 PM
    I am going to ask a dumb question here. Why do we have 2 threads talking about the same subject? I think these threads should be combined. :/

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga Fame Monster Album
  • Lady Gaga Fame Monster Album

  • AppleScruff1
    May 3, 06:21 PM
    This sucks. I don't want to have to pay Verizon an extra $20 a month on top of an already expensive phone bill to do this crap. Will this affect using PDAnet on a jail broken iPhone?

    Don't you want Verizon to have record profits?

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga #39;The Fame Monster#39;
  • Lady Gaga #39;The Fame Monster#39;

  • McBeats
    Oct 6, 04:49 PM
    No the add is right. To many people drool over apple so they go with ATT. If you picked AT&T for the iPhone and knew the service was spotty in your area you loose all right to complain about it.

    i get what your sayin, but nah, they can still complain all they want... i dont think it says in the contract be expected to have 30% dropped calls.

    people complain not only to relieve themselves, but to eventually get whats right. (complaining on macrumors isnt exactly the best way of going about it, ill give you that)

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady gaga album the fame
  • Lady gaga album the fame

  • chrono1081
    Apr 5, 04:23 PM
    anyone that would download this app is a complete moron

    Not really. You know this app is more for people interested in creating iAds right? This way they can see what is possible to be done and create their own. Think of it like when you go to the paint store and they have swatches for you to look at. Its kind of the same thing.

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga Album Cover The Fame
  • Lady Gaga Album Cover The Fame

  • jayducharme
    Oct 6, 10:32 AM
    The only drawback for Verizon is that they still don't have the iPhone ... yet.

    I like how the commercial gives a little taste of the coming augmented reality craze.

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. lady gaga fame monster album
  • lady gaga fame monster album

    Jan 10, 12:15 AM
    Apple TV update:

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga
  • Lady Gaga

  • Slix
    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    Apple listens to it's fans. Yay! XD

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga#39;s Fame Whore
  • Lady Gaga#39;s Fame Whore

  • fastlane1588
    Sep 12, 07:47 AM
    i thought the event started at 7est

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga: The Fame Monster
  • Lady Gaga: The Fame Monster

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 08:39 PM

    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

    @interface ATimerViewController : UIViewController {

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga The Fame Monster
  • Lady Gaga The Fame Monster

  • Hans Brix
    Apr 26, 10:17 AM
    I'm hoping this rumor is true. I've always felt the iPhone screen could use more space.

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga The Fame Monster
  • Lady Gaga The Fame Monster

  • rdowns
    Apr 25, 02:24 PM
    Already a thread and still in Current Events.


    lady gaga fame monster album cover. lady gaga fame album art. lady
  • lady gaga fame album art. lady

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:05 PM
    What is the hole above the ear piece?

    Secret location tracker.

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. fame monster lady explains
  • fame monster lady explains

  • marktwain
    Nov 23, 07:05 PM
    I got a black macbook for my father today and when I asked the girl at the cash register if I should wait until tomorrow she replied that if the price goes down on the macbook, they will adjust the price for me. I hope that's really true. She even said that it wouldn't be fair to penalise me because I wanted to buy a computer the day before a sale...hmmm. Does anybody know how this would work? Do I need to bring it in again, or can I just bring the receipt?

    Bring it in with you...they will most likely do a return and repurchase using the same serial number, so you don't actually swap computers. Bring it with you to show them you are upset and serious. Remember...they don't HAVE to help you but most likely will.

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga Fame Monster Album; Lady Gaga Fame Monster Album. radleywotson. Sep 1, 12:08 AM. Gorgeous.
  • lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga Fame Monster Album; Lady Gaga Fame Monster Album. radleywotson. Sep 1, 12:08 AM. Gorgeous.

  • Bobdude161
    Mar 30, 04:36 AM
    wow I'm subscribing to this thread. My first subscription. Whenever you find out who it is, make that son of a bitch bite the curb. :)

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Re-lady gaga gagas re-release
  • Re-lady gaga gagas re-release

  • Glideslope
    Apr 25, 01:23 PM
    Why are you so adamant that they will use 4S instead of 5?

    -The 3GS had an identical appearance to the 3G, but with upgraded internals, hence the S.
    -A 3.7" iPhone would not have an identical appearance to the iPhone 4 by virtue of the screen size alone, so there would be no reason to simply add an S.
    -3G is a feature description, adding an S might make some sense there as it could also be considered a "feature description". 4 is a revision number, why would they add an S to that? 4.5 or 5 would make more sense.
    -The iPhone 4 and iOS 4 were launched in the same time frame, it makes sense for the numbers on each to match up. What's next? iPhone 5 and iOS 5 of course. I don't know why they'd stray from matching revision numbers so quickly after finally achieving them.
    -If they plan on calling the phone after this 6, why would they skip 5, which sounds like a bigger upgrade than 4S?

    As far as I'm concerned, 4S is the least likely name possible for the next iPhone. iPhone 5, 4G (LTE), 4.5 (very unlikely), and plain "iPhone" all have a much greater chance than 4S (with 5 being the most likely). I just spent way to much time on this minor issue though.

    The phone will be the 4s. The start of production of the CDMA phone in Aug 2010 threw everything off kilter.

    The 4s will be a 4 with the 3.7 screen, and a A5 chip. That is it. Period.

    The 5 will be out in 2012 with Qualcomms 2nd gen Dual Band Chip which will be ready early 2012. It will will be a complete redesign with LTE. My money is on some type of new chassis with a new hybrid aluminum. The back glass will be gone for sure.

    Apple will then produce 1 World iPhone. 5,6,7,8,9.... all Global Phones. :apple:

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Lady Gaga - The Monster Ball
  • Lady Gaga - The Monster Ball

  • phytonix
    Nov 23, 10:45 PM
    I hope AppleCare will be on sale.

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. Fame monster album flash in
  • Fame monster album flash in

  • zenio
    Mar 7, 01:32 AM
    It's Apple's philosophy. It comes down to building priorities around it and executing on them.

    Yes, it's Apples highly erratic priorities that are puzzling.

    Their extreme hypocrisy and superiority complex that causes them to go into denial in so many cases.

    They stonewall and refuse to operate in a candid & open way with customers. Instead they practice silently hiding as many of their issues as possible.

    Apples one true area of brilliance is their masterful art of marketing. In the finest example of typical American deceptive advertising, Apple describes their products as "magical & revolutionary".

    What a crock.

    They can't or won't even build a cool running MBP, after years on the market.


    lady gaga fame monster album cover. fame monster album cover
  • fame monster album cover

  • leekohler
    Apr 26, 10:24 AM
    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing

    Oh boy- the ignorance displayed in this forum sometimes can be staggering.

    I bolded a key word in your quote. IMO

    I'm not looking to stir anything up, so stop insinuating.

    Just because I have a different opinion from you doesn't justify your annoying statement, "your act is wearing thin"

    Really guy? I could care less about what you think so stop -__-

    You certainly do come off as less than compassionate. That's for sure.

    lady gaga fame monster album cover. LADY GAGA The Fame Monster
  • LADY GAGA The Fame Monster

  • *LTD*
    Apr 10, 11:59 PM
    Did they copy Apple to get 90% of the market?

    No, they licensed out their OS to everyone and anyone who could slam together a box and then set about strong-arming box-makers to use Windows and only Windows.

    Plus, PCs were and are cheap.

    The success of Windows has NOTHING to do with its quality as an OS, and has everything to do with MS' comfortable universal licensing racket.

    Jan 10, 09:35 PM
    Wow- imagine if someone had the button pressing capability of shifting to Steve's next slide during his keynote. He's building suspense, toying with us, and bam. Revealed. On to next slide, hold, next slide, finally A/V guy turns projector off.
    No SDK for you! 1 year!

    i would be a tad upset

    May 2, 12:48 PM
    I am glad they are addressing it as well; however...Apple's response to this issue has been somewhat confusing (and begs the question as to why they needed that much data and why it was not encrypted properly). Ill be first to say that it most likely is and was just a dumb move on Apple's behalf...

    Lord Blackadder
    May 6, 11:02 PM
    Me too. I've shot guns and was once shot at, and live with someone who's shot guns and is disfigured by being shot pointblank. Both of us are for gun control.

    I'm for gun control as well, but the phrase is so broad as to be almost meaningless. Guns need to be regulated at all times. But the level and manner of regulation are very vexed questions.

    I think the notion that fewer guns means less gun crime is true in the absolute sense, but far from the whole story - nor is it linear process.

    Guns use to be a everyday needed practical aspect of life (like cars still are today). They no longer are.

    Guns have never been a practical everyday tool for the vast majority of humanity. However, a lack of practical utility is not in itself a good reason to ban, criminalize, or otherwise restrict legal access to something. Nor is the fact that something is dangerous by itself grounds for bans or criminalization. We are surrounded by dangerous things every day. Seeking to manage risk is far more effective than a policy of trying to simply legislate it away.

    Jan 15, 02:19 PM
    Some nice products, but nothing I wanted or need.

    Nov 24, 11:50 AM
    if i buy .mac today, will the 360 days start now or when my brother actually inserts the disk and creates a name etc
    It starts whenever your bro activates it. Not from the date of purshase.

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