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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

thing 1 thing 2

thing 1 thing 2. Thing One and Thing Two
  • Thing One and Thing Two

  • JayMysterio
    Dec 8, 07:29 PM
    - You see it as that...i see it as don't play a team game if you don't want to be a team player. If you want to run around like a headless chicken do it in free-for-all.

    thing 1 thing 2. Thing 1 And Thing 2.
  • Thing 1 And Thing 2.

  • shawnce
    Aug 1, 10:00 AM
    I get all my music from the local library... :cool:
    Cool screw the artist!

    (you can find many artists that you can purchase music from directly... including on iTMS)

    thing 1 thing 2. right thing 2 Air Jordan 1
  • right thing 2 Air Jordan 1

  • mytakeontech
    Apr 5, 06:23 PM
    I wanted to test my ad-block on iPhone is working fine so I wanted to download the app but App Store says I need to have iOS 4.2.6 :confused:

    thing 1 thing 2. thing 1 thing 2. thing 1 thing
  • thing 1 thing 2. thing 1 thing

  • noservice2001
    Nov 23, 04:40 PM
    i was just wondering if this would update...


    thing 1 thing 2. Dr. Seuss#39;s Thing 1 and Thing
  • Dr. Seuss#39;s Thing 1 and Thing

  • CocoaPuffs
    Apr 15, 04:22 PM
    Why would Apple change the aesthetic look of iPhone after 3 generations without any added benefit for making the change?

    thing 1 thing 2. Next Trick Thing 1 and Thing 2
  • Next Trick Thing 1 and Thing 2

  • glocke12
    May 4, 06:03 PM
    Is asking if the gun is locked up and out of the kids reach really crossing the line?

    I don't get why people would get so worked up over that. Is it weird for a pediatrician to ask if the gun is locked up? Sure, but I don't think it crosses any boundaries.

    I don't see how people condone other people asking intrusive questions.

    Now provide information on gun safety as part of a package of being information that helps people become responsible parents, but to be perfectly honest, what I own or do not own (as long as it is legal) is no ones business but my own and my families.


    thing 1 thing 2. Hat - Thing 1 and Thing 2,
  • Hat - Thing 1 and Thing 2,

  • hob
    Nov 16, 07:44 AM
    The Register reports (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/11/16/apple_amd_laptop_claim/) that Apple may be developing an AMD based solution, although details are very sketchy at this moment in time.

    As they say, Core 2 Duo still has the lead, but there is the fact that AMD just bought ATI... Apple may prefer to get more bits from one supplier...


    thing 1 thing 2. Thing 2
  • Thing 2

  • jonutarr
    Apr 13, 08:44 PM
    If i still lived in the city i would buy a TV-B-Gone
    they obviously work well :p


    thing 1 thing 2. Thing 1 and Thing 2 t-shirts
  • Thing 1 and Thing 2 t-shirts

  • Melrose
    Mar 7, 07:38 AM
    Yes, it's Apples highly erratic priorities that are puzzling.

    Their extreme hypocrisy and superiority complex that causes them to go into denial in so many cases.

    They stonewall and refuse to operate in a candid & open way with customers. Instead they practice silently hiding as many of their issues as possible.

    Apples one true area of brilliance is their masterful art of marketing. In the finest example of typical American deceptive advertising, Apple describes their products as "magical & revolutionary".

    You really think that many people are that stupid and brainwashed? :eek:

    thing 1 thing 2. Thing 1-Thing 2 Twin Baby
  • Thing 1-Thing 2 Twin Baby

  • Lennholm
    Apr 16, 09:09 AM
    People talk about a so-called 'reality distortion field' about Steve Jobs and yet everyday we get people blatantly ignoring truth because it doesn't fit with their own personal world view.

    Yes, there were Palms, and Blackberries, Nokia's, Sony-Ericssons, and Panasonics etc before the iPhone but when we all saw the iPhone everyone instantly knew that was the future; touch-screen, icon based, intuitive, with an emphasis on both design and usability.

    You might not like the fact that Apple revolutionized the phone market but history says otherwise.

    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.


    thing 1 thing 2. Thing 1 Thing 2
  • Thing 1 Thing 2

  • Geckotek
    Dec 20, 11:49 AM
    Yes I'm well aware of China Mobile's vast GSM Edge network. But this is a 3g phone. So that 558 Million actually doesn't count given that it would be like giving the phone to T-Mobile knowing that they can't support 3g. And Apple doesn't pull moves like that since it would open them up for lawsuits (if someone unlocks on their own, that's on them).

    The real numbers to look at are 152 Million valid GSM 3g subscribers against 178 Million CDMA customers. And no contract prohibiting having a phone for both. So again, if this is about making money, why didn't they make a CDMA phone for that second group. Assuming they are open to having a CDMA iphone at all.

    You can't add. That would be 152M GSM 3G subscribers vs 85M CDMA subscribers. And to answer the last question, probably because they had a GSM phone all ready to go.

    And on what basis would someone have a lawsuit? Because the phone has more capability than the network????? Sorry, no basis for a lawsuit there. That just makes no sense.

    I don't think China has much interest in the iPhone.

    We're talking about China specifically.

    Edit: DOH! You changed your post. (actually, Apple had problems keeping up w/ demand in China)

    thing 1 thing 2. Thing 1, like Francis
  • Thing 1, like Francis

  • CaoCao
    Oct 2, 08:37 PM
    A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.


    thing 1 thing 2. thing 1 thing 2 hair Dr. Seuss
  • thing 1 thing 2 hair Dr. Seuss

  • Clive At Five
    Jan 5, 03:00 PM
    What an awesome idea. Show up to your local Apple Store to watch the keynote and buy the product(s) that are available that day as soon as Steve says, "See you again soon."

    Doesn't anyone remember that this used to be the case? Right in the beginning, there was a live video feed to all the Apple stores... I went to two of them, both at the Mall of America store (and both times sat next to some very quirky Mac users... y'know... the regular type). Then one year, I went and it wasn't on. I was pissed. Then I learned Apple wasn't doing that because it was too expensive or something.

    Seeing the floor traffic of those places, I don't see how it couldn't be lucrative to get passers-by excited about fresh products...

    Whatever, I guess.


    thing 1 thing 2. Thing 1, Thing 2, and modes 1
  • Thing 1, Thing 2, and modes 1

  • chrono1081
    Mar 17, 11:32 PM
    OP I completely sympathize.

    I have friends who cell cell phones and I'm always hearing how their droids are better than my iPhone...but what I also hear is non-stop complaining about the droids being slow, or such and such not working on it. I always say things like "Funny, I never have problems with my iPhone". (My friends all assume that since I use an iPhone I know nothing about Android (surprise! I develop for both platforms!)).

    It can get worse with computers. I'm a windows desktop and server tech and I almost lost my job simply because a co-worker found out I had a mac, went to my boss and told him that I obviously wasn't good with computers since I needed to use an "easier, less capable" machine. My boss called me into his office (mind you this is my personal computer at home!) and asked me about it. Luckily not only was I able to show my work was excellent, but I also sold my boss on a mac who know owns one thanks to me and wonders why he didn't try them sooner.

    Its amazing how foolish people can be over a stupid piece of electronics.


    thing 1 thing 2. Thing One and Thing Two.
  • Thing One and Thing Two.

  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 12, 06:22 AM
    I don't think we'll see imedia or any weird name for the new movie store, but rather an expanded version of quicktime will be launched.

    Think about it:

    Already included with itunes
    Established brand name
    Already made for mac and pc

    Plus the app already is a pretty good player, just needs non-pro fullscreen.

    Interesting thought...

    thing 1 thing 2. be quot;Thing 1quot; amp; quot;Thing 2quot;
  • be quot;Thing 1quot; amp; quot;Thing 2quot;

  • CasaRed
    Jul 27, 03:36 PM
    I agree that as priced that the majority of people getting this car would lease it. Keep in mind though that if you have a daily commute of less than 40 miles, you'll seldom need to purchase gasoline, so compared to a regular car or even a Prius, those savings will add up faster.

    Either way, at this point this car seems to be at an early-adopter stage where you would expect to be paying a premium until it becomes more of a commodity or there's more competitors in the space. Kinda like how a 5gb iPod used to cost $400. ;)


    thing 1 thing 2. Dr Seuss Thing 1 amp; 2 Twin Gift
  • Dr Seuss Thing 1 amp; 2 Twin Gift

  • ron dj
    Sep 12, 02:44 AM
    The whole Movie Store (iFlicks/iMovies, what have you) idea is too similar to the iTune's introduction, with the iPod, and those third-party music download sites that popped up everywhere all because of the "music store idea". Already, Amazon.com has a movie store, and I'm sure there are more to come/already out, but what these businesses are forgetting is that the reason iTunes was/and still is so successful was almost entirely because of the iPod, and its ultimate ease of accessibility with iTunes. Of course Movies are alot different than Music, but if Apple releases a movie-based (widescreen, easy upload, etc) iPod that has the same user-friendliness as it relatively did/does with music, these third-party "Movie Stores" are going to follow the same path of every attempted third-party music-download site to "over-do" iTunes, insofar that those businesses don't charge significantly less than Apple does. In all, Apple WILL release its Movie-ample iPod with the Movie Store or subsequently and immediately after the Movie Store opens, since there is every reason TO do so.

    thing 1 thing 2. Jaap Van Zweden: The Thing
  • Jaap Van Zweden: The Thing

  • azentropy
    Oct 7, 05:58 PM
    Great ad.

    I'm still hopeful that when my contract is up next year that I'll have choices than AT&T to get an iPhone on. For the most part AT&T has been fine where I currently live and work. However I'm been looking at homes in a different area of town and noticed I was getting horrible coverage.

    thing 1 thing 2. 01 24 09 Thing 1 Thing 2 Cake.
  • 01 24 09 Thing 1 Thing 2 Cake.

  • ElBerserko
    Oct 6, 05:15 PM
    I spend at least 98% of my time in AT&T 3G coverage areas. While Verizon's coverage map may look impressive with their sea of red, they seem to be forgetting that dirt can't use 3G.

    May 14, 04:28 PM
    the temps haven't been that high (70C or under). i have changed the voltages, but maybe not enough. that's one of those things you have to play with.

    but it looks like 2 of my rigs are down now. i might be driving back to fix them tomorrow night i guess. i'll put both of them back to 3.5 ghz and hopefully they'll stay stable.

    my asus has been rock solid compared to the other 2 though. staying at 3.5-3.6 ghz

    so i'm back at my apartment now, and i was wrong. the home built rig is still going! it's the asus and alienware that both restarted for some reason (probably a crash of some sort).

    so that's somewhat good news. i've got the other 2 running again now, but we'll see how long it lasts this time.

    i haven't messed with the asus in a long time, so i'm not sure what's going on with it. i might need to change some settings on the alienware though.

    anyone want to recommend me a good remote desktop solution for windows?

    Sep 8, 11:30 AM
    Kanye West is supposed to be the SMARTEST man in the music bus. Seems to me to be the most ignorant.
    If you don't like Bush fine, but he HAD NO RIGHT to say what he said especially in the venue that he was in.
    His ignorant comments cost donated money to the victims plan and simple.

    How dare Kanye West be pissed off at something that EVERYONE should be pissed off at. He simply said aloud what everyone else was thinking. I say props to him, and I don't even like rap.

    Apr 5, 03:59 PM
    :eek: Looks like the beginnings of NASCAR styled advertising that is blasted everywhere.

    App Dev's and Apple should stick to the minimalist apple principles - clean interfaces, w/o out the commercial crapola.

    Jan 2, 08:59 PM
    Because they refuse to read analysts predictions or run statistics of their own? Yeah, not buying it.

    FYI, there were already reports that Verizon is testing their network and preparing it for an onslaught of iPhone users.

    Also, once again I need to point out that most of AT&Ts issues revolved around their own network deficiencies and a bad WCDMA migration. Verizon has neither of those 2 issues.

    I'm not denying anything you're saying, because it's factual. I'm just saying that, in my honest opinion, I don't see Verizon faring much better than AT&T at the start. They can do all the preparing and testing that they want, but the only way they're really going to be able to know if they can handle it is when it happens. Seeing is believing is all I'm saying. And just to reiterate, I don't think Verizon knows just how many people will switch on or near the day of launch. AT&T's probably going to be dishing out a LOT of early termination fees.

    Also, I'm banking on a lot of people leaving AT&T and getting off of their back because AT&T still really hasn't fully recovered since the iPhone's launch back in '07.

    Apr 9, 12:57 PM
    It's really easy to spot fake beats when your scrutinizing them.

    The knockoffs don't break? j/k

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