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Monday, May 30, 2011

wedding updo hairstyles 2011

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 26, 12:39 AM
    I'll be a little bummed if this turns out to be the iPhone 5, especially with no resolution bump. I don't mean I'll be upset with slightly less ppi, but I would like to have a little more screen space instead of just a barely enlarged one.

    I'll have to see what Apple has in store for iOS 5. If it's worth it I'll get another iPhone, if not maybe I'll check out the Pre 3.

    As a developer, this will be pain in the ass!

    Retina Displays have exactly the double number of pixels with the same resolution, having a second resolution is a giant step to gain one of the crappiest features of Android. I really doubt Apple would do that.

    What if this isn't a bigger screen but a smaller device with the same screen on it? Hmm..

    Before posting it's always a good idea to read the article and a little bit of the thread, not just the headline. Had you done any research, something I expect of developers, you would know that the general consensus is that it will be a larger screen with the same resolution. Also, Apple is giving you quite an amazing product and App Store to sling your wares instead of complaining you should maybe just put a little more effort into your applications and thank Apple for the opportunity they're giving you and others.

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  • amin
    Sep 26, 02:19 PM
    I think this is fantastic news and can't wait to try Aperture 1.5. The only thing I don't like about Capture One is the lack of integration with iLife.

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  • donlphi
    Sep 25, 02:27 PM
    According to the new features list for Aperture 1.5

    "Run Aperture on any Intel-based Mac. Any desktop, including Mac mini, iMac, and Mac Pro. Or any notebook, including MacBook and MacBook Pro.

    Technically my POWERMAC G4 can run iMovie, Keynote, and other mac software. RUNNING and FUNCTIONING (at a reasonable speed) are two totally different things. iPhoto takes a day to get going. I can't imagine aperture.

    Anyway... I don't want to ruin anybody's happy day, but the reality is, if you don't have the latest and greatest Apple Machine, the current software runs pretty slow.

    Go to the Apple store (yes, this means some of you will have to leave your apartment) and try running this software on a mac mini. Don't get depressed when it takes your entire lunch break to start the software. Forget about moving stacks of photos around and editing. As I mentioned... I had problems with the G5 QUAD and the original aperture at my Apple Store in Seattle. THEN AGAIN... they haven't updated half the things in the store. SLOPPY SLOPPY SLOPPY.

    Just a thought.

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  • scu
    Oct 11, 05:40 PM
    I think it will come out only if the video iPod that is out now is starting to slow down in sales. The product cycle determines how quickly the next upgrade comes out. On the Apple Store the iPod is in 2nd place. When it drops down to 4th we might see the new video ipod. Although Apple might not wait that long and introduce it sooner to keep demand strong.

    If the rumors are true about using it with iTV then this item will become a hot gadget quickly and iTV will sale even better when it does come out.

    I have not bought an iPod in 3 years and own 3. For the first time I might buy a new one if this video iPod comes out with these specs.:)

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  • Cloudane
    Jan 9, 12:03 PM
    In terms of new stuff I think just the thin portable, as that's the only thing there's been any leaks/evidence for (the leaks usually have everything covered!)

    Other than that, refreshes - in order of likelihood: MBP refresh with the new keyboard (even tho I think it'd look a bit odd if it's white), 16GB iPhone (not 3G yet), Glossy ACD option, Cheap ACD option (watch for the gradients and poor quality!), MacBook refresh, maybe some tweak to the ATV, maybe a non Glossy iMac option (just to wind up those who bought an iMac and dislike it!).

    Things I don't expect them to update: the iMac (already done recently), the Mac Mini (ditto and they don't like updating it), or any of the iPods (also too soon) or the Mac Pro or XServe (that would be silly, and the place would get firebombed)

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  • Rot'nApple
    Mar 24, 11:02 PM
    Now I feel really old with all this OS X ten celebrations! Doesn't help that I started with System 6.....

    System 7 version for me and my FIRST EVER computer, a Performa 6200CD my friend and I purchased on August 15, 1995 as we were the only two "Thinking Different" in our local CompUSA store at midnight amongst all the exuberant Windows people getting their Windows 95 OS... Then 8.6 with my PowerMac Blue and White G3 tower, then OS X Tiger 10.4 with my FIRST INTEL CHIP IN A MAC EVER, 24" White iMac, and then with my MacBook Air, FIRST LAPTOP EVER, the second gen, with OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, and iOS 3.2 to 4.3 iPad first gen 3G 64 GB, and maybe iPhone 5, we'll see but definitely looking forward of the further demo of OS X 10.7 Lion... Ah the memories... Thanks again Apple and Happy Birthday, again, OS X. :apple:

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  • Arcus
    Apr 5, 04:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Is Larry Page retarded? Seriously? Have you heard him speak? I think he is retarded!

    You never go full retard though....but this is dam close.

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  • 840quadra
    Jan 5, 09:29 AM
    There is also no guarantee that the link will be active during the keynote (aka live) . I made the mistake of Digging WWDC 2006's QT link. It got to the front page, but it wasn't live..

    I was :o

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  • wordoflife
    Mar 17, 05:54 PM
    It's probably the lines fed to them by retail employees at point of purchase. This is actually cheaper yet better than the iPhone because *insert random pro here*

    It has a kickstand lol

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  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:15 PM
    Positive role models for others. Perhaps attitudes towards the LGBT community will change when they see that some of the great contributors to civilization where also a part of that community. Up until the civil rights movement, most history classes were about dead white men (presumably straight). Now we have a much broader sense of history including minorities and aboriginal histories. This just fills things in a bit more.
    Your only role models should be the ones your personally know. Teaching "gay history" is more about promoting homosexuality than helping children.

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  • BoyBach
    Jul 26, 04:48 PM
    A funny article about Zune's new software etc, and what it means for PlayForSure:

    Switched On: The next PlaysForSure ad (http://www.engadget.com/2006/07/26/switched-on-the-next-playsforsure-ad/)

    Microsoft. Your products. Our prerogative.

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 15, 06:13 PM
    I love Apple but these are bad news.
    The more competition there is the better products get for the end user! :mad:

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  • BlindMellon
    Apr 25, 05:33 PM
    I don't get the fascination with a marginal bigger screen, if I need a bigger screen I get my iPad.
    I actually really dislike the borderless look. I hope they don't do this. A larger screen is one thing I really don't need. If I want a big screen, I'll get an iPad.

    yep, 3.7" screen = iPad. :rolleyes:

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  • Bistroengine
    Apr 5, 04:10 PM
    If they had coupons with the ads that would be good. Otherwise, I'm not sure why I'd want to download this app. There isn't much interesting about little micro ad banners.

    An app that brings all the things I hate together. Lovely. I know advertising is a necessary evil but an app that just displays ads? Biggest WTF of the year. I mean really, who the hell could this be marketed to? People that just enjoy looking at tiny, crappy advertisements? No one is that boring or unproductive.

    Have any of you negative commenters ever owned an iPhone or even seen an iAd? If not, please reserve your comments.

    These aren't just tiny micro banners/advertisements. Those are just the teaser into viewing the full screen iAd and actually, some of them are fairly creative in their implementation. Most are fairly interactive and none of the iAds take you out of the current App your using just to view it (like the old AdMob ads would do). There may be some that allow you to email a coupon to yourself, but I haven't come across any yet.

    Long story short, if you don't like ads, don't download free apps that are ad supported or (here's a clever idea) DON'T CLICK ON THE AD. Otherwise, just keep your useless and/or 'clever' comments to yourselves unless you actually know what your talking about.

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 28, 03:48 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Very, very smart move. Good for Apple, good for devs.

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  • Consultant
    Apr 15, 04:34 PM
    Let's see, Google's open wasteland is undesirable. What's news? ;)

    Ho hum...

    Competition for itunes would not be a bad thing but those record companies are just too greedy!

    There are plenty of competition. Look back the history for the past 10 years. Almost all of them, including Microsoft's versions, failed against iTunes.

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  • KeriJane
    Apr 10, 08:21 AM
    You do know that Windows had an App Store before OS X, but it got axed due to it being badly implemented which resulted in lack of custom? All they are doing there is returning and improving one of their own features, not copying Apple.

    Hi roadbloc

    In post 19 of this thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12360982&postcount=19), I wasn't intending to imply that MS was copying the App store. I was merely trying to point out the hilarity of such a concept. In a misguided attempt at being nice, I even tried to allow that MS might be the victim of cruel IT departments and may not be wholly responsible for the extreme inadequacy of their Enterprise products.

    Now that you mention it, I've reconsidered.

    It's both "almost too hilarious a concept to think about" AND just another cheap ripoff of Apple yet again!

    Just because they made an abortive attempt previously doesn't mean that they're not trying to jump on Apple's coat-tails once again.

    Well, maybe not so much "jumping on Apple's coat-tails" but rather... MS is trying to blatantly copy Apple once again so as to beat them to death with their own invention or successful refinement of an existing idea.

    I still feel that just thinking about the concept of an MS App Store could do away with most anti-depression drugs at the cost of exhaustion and fainting from excessive laughter.

    See? Even I can admit SOME good may yet come of MS's chicanery! ;)

    Have Fun,

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 12:21 PM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.
    It looks like a retina display to me. People often thought the display was paper on first glance on the demo units after the iPhone 4 announcement.

    Doesn't the status bar look taller? I remember a thread on here talking about how they overheard engineers discussing iOS 5 and that was one of the things that would be different. It was going to allow for an SBSettings type of thing and maybe a place for notifications to scroll? Anyways, cool. But I think this is fake.
    It looks about the same as my iPhone 4's status bar.

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  • Earendil
    Sep 25, 06:36 PM
    Why would Apple logically develop a piece of software that uses the graphics card when I have four processors - many others have two - begging to be worked. I guess I never understood the logic of using Core Image to power this thing.

    In a perfect world it would figure out your specs and use what it can. However I'm betting that using a graphics card to do a lot of the heavy lifting enables it to run on far more computers than going proc only. Many of us don't have duel or quad cores, and our procs are also doing other things. Heaven forbid I use other apps at the same time as Apature to. However my graphics card is decent, and sits idle even when other apps are open.

    Like I said, perfect world you'd have your cake and eat it too, however for the time being, I'm not so sure the path they chose was all that bad. I'm quite open for discussion on this though, as I'm no expert :)

    Apr 6, 01:34 PM
    for the wife

    preordered for myself the playbook =)

    Aug 6, 11:21 PM
    I think the Volt is a technological dead-end given the steep US$41,000 price and the fact your car is lugging around a big bank of batteries as deadweight.

    As an aside, expect a lot more turbodiesel cars in the US market over the next few years. Reason: the new Euro 6 emissions standard coming into force starting in 2014. Since Euro 6 is very similar to the EPA Tier 2 Bin 5 emissions standard and many automotive manufacturers want to get their turbodiesel engines Euro 6-compliant as soon as possible, that means it will be soon very easy for European cars with turbodiesel engines to be 50-state certified for US sale. There are rumors that a new generation of Euro 6-compliant turbodiesels being developed at Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW will likely be offered in the USA as early as the 2012 calendar year.

    Jul 30, 04:01 PM
    well i still have 3 main machines for folding, but none are back up to full force.

    i don't have any of them running over 3.6 ghz (the fastest now is like 3.55 or so). so right now i'm just running -advmethods instead of -bigadv on 2 of them, and i'm actually using the other one, so no cpu folding right now.

    Nov 24, 07:32 PM
    apple's canada store is also down...

    It is up now. I just ordered 2 iPod nano's off of it.

    Full of Win
    Apr 29, 01:36 PM
    Come on Open GL 3... come to daddy.

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