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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wallpaper cantik

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  • v66jack
    Apr 10, 05:21 PM
    Meet my new desk mascot.


    It even makes Angry Bird sounds!!!

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 22, 06:57 PM
    Whereas I agree with your post entirely, I get the feeling that you wouldn't be saying this if Apple were the only ones not to collect such data. You have bashed Google many times for the amount of data it collects, but as soon as Apple is to be seen to be doing it, it's all cool. A "non-issue.":rolleyes:

    some how I think the only reason he is saying that is because Apple is the one doing it.
    If it was anyone else LTD would be bashing it like no tomorrow.
    My issue with it is the fact that it does not let you opt out. It would be one thing to freely give away that infomation. It is another not to be even given the option to opt out. On top of that the way Apple is doing it is even worse.
    Google and Apple are in the wrong I feel. I just feel Apple is even more wrong than Google. Google at least only stores the last 50 cell towers and 200 wifi compared to Apple which keeps all of it locally.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 8, 01:14 PM
    Yeah, that makes a little more sense. But what....iPad2 accessories?

    I still have a hard time buying their reason.

    A lot of these companies also have Agreements with the Manufacturers on when, how, and what they can sell. Maybe Apple has told them to run this promotion to help draw not only sales but accessories sales or like I said above maybe its a promo like the Back to School promo.

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 22, 11:27 PM
    My router is having some trouble, seems to quit working whenever I'm at work :mad: I bought a new one on ebay, hope it gets here SOON!

    dang. i've had good luck with my apple extreme routers so far

    i pay $130aus a month ($~110 US) for 50GB of downloads! (adsl2+). at least i hit the speeds.

    are you on cable lord?

    dang that's a lot of money. but fast speeds also. i don't think they even offer those speeds around here

    Yes I'm on cable, I did have dsl a couple of years ago but the company couldn't offer anything faster than 10gb/s at a higher price.

    yeah dsl is slower around here also

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  • islesguy81
    Mar 25, 12:23 AM
    Happy Birthday!:apple::D

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  • patp
    Mar 17, 07:45 PM
    Whenever an Adroid user gives me any crap, I just say one thing to them and it always shuts them up.

    "battery life"

    Works all the time. :D

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  • themadrussian
    Mar 18, 12:38 AM
    And your point is?

    You said public perception overrides performance. I believe that in your case, specifically with the Inspire, that you are incorrect. The iPhone 4 is absolutely capable of outperforming the Inspire, especially in upload speeds. Theoretically the Inspire should trounce the iPhone 4 in download speeds but I have yet to see a speedtest or review that shows its download speeds at any level which the iPhone cannot match (over real world HSPA 7.2 speeds, which are consistently in the neighborhood or 3-6 Mbps depending on location and network congestion). The fastest Inspire 4G test I've seen was 4.5 Mbps, a download speed that the iPhone 4 reaches with extreme ease.

    There are intangible elements involved in smartphone operating system preference and of course, people should buy what makes them happy. The fact is, people like the way iOS works. A lot of people do. There's a reason it's widely emulated. There are advantages and disadvantages to every phone and every OS - the iPhone 4 lacks some features that some people would value greatly (removable storage, replaceable battery, larger screen, hardware keyboard, OTA OS updates, ability to install applications from any site/APK) but personally (and this is key here, personally) I prefer its overall experience to that of Android and WP7. I have spent a great deal of time using an Android phone (HTC Droid Incredible) on a regular basis, as well as occasional use of an HTC HD7 (WP7), and I can say firmly that iOS and the iPhone 4 provide the best combination of high quality hardware (and superior battery life) and simple, efficient, and fast software.

    My point is - it's not some mass-media brainwashing that makes people like (or even love) their iPhones. They are very nice phones running a very nice, mature operating system.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 29, 01:37 PM
    These naysayers have been moaning and groaning about iOS forever. They will continue to do so forever. In the meantime the rest of the world will get on with using some great software (many of it free) and getting a lot of things done.

    I'm glad Apple is pushing things forward. The last thing I want to see is OS X stagnate. Since we are now in the post-PC era, ideas from iOS are precisely what need to be explored. It won't be too many more years from now when the majority of consumer-level computing devices will be tablets running iOS-type gestures. It will be the expected thing to be able to support finger gestures to do common tasks. Any OS that cannot handle this will be considered old-fashioned.

    Apple is doing the right thing by getting the future into OS X. They don't want to be left behind.

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  • iJaz
    Oct 11, 06:07 AM
    It may kill the first iteration of the Zune, but MS has stated it�s a multiple years effort � they acknowledge it�s going to be hard to beat the iPod bastion, and if at all possible it will take time. But, I suspect Apple have plenty of different prototypes in their labs, ready to be launched to complement new market demands.

    I sure hope that Apple will keep Zune and MS will one step behind, they really should be able to.

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  • radiohead14
    May 3, 03:02 PM
    1. Root
    2. XDA Forum
    3. Side load
    4. ???
    5. Winning.

    it's amazing what those XDA devs could do. great helpful community there.

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  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 12:27 PM
    This is why I do not see "electric cars" gaining mainstream popularity any time soon.

    Me neither. Anyone hoping the volt would be priced below $30k was on something, IMHO. I was personally hoping for $35-37K due that $7500 tax credit would make the volt a bit more appealing. That lease offering doesn't look bad though. I wonder what are the terms of the lease.

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  • k8to
    Nov 17, 11:44 AM
    To software, AMD and Intel are compatable parts. They aren't identical, but most software won't care at all. So this wouldn't be a "switch" like IBM to x86. Nothing disruptive.

    The question is, of course, where is the lower-power AMD cpu. Tulatins are not _bad_ chips for power efficiency, but they're certainly bested by core 2 duo. The lack of any strong competition makes this rumour just that.

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  • andys53
    Mar 28, 04:14 PM
    Just give Apple & Stevie boy an award for the most tech headlines. Assure him ego boosting daily publicity to fill the insatiable need for attention, just like any 2 year old kid :)

    But what a 2 year old kid. To be able to take Apple to be the 2nd. largest company in the world in just a few short years!

    For my part as a consumer I like the App. store, if later that changes, I think public pressure will force Apple to reverse some of it's practises or watch trade dry up. :cool:

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 28, 01:28 AM
    HAHAHA, funny, you happened to pick the *worst* possible example there, Transsexuals can and do compete in the Olympics, as long as they've been taking hormones that bring them to the typical range for their gender for a period of 2 years before competing. People do change gender physically.

    I'm not going to bother to repeat myself with a detailed argument, feel free to read back through my discussing with MattSepeta.

    well crap

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  • Stella
    Aug 1, 01:52 PM
    If that is the case, you guys must be *********g miserable.


    Believe or not, iTunes is *not*the secret of happiness - it does not make or break a country.


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  • TheAshMan
    Jul 22, 04:45 PM
    What real issues?

    Apple are selling iPhones as fast as they can make them.

    Aside from a tiny minority on the internet, the avg. joe is out there enjoying and using their new iPhone. If it was a big issue as the media portrayed it, Apple wouldn't be selling a single unit.

    You people are funny.

    I'm not really sure how to respond if you don't know what the issues are. My main point was the videos are dishonest and Apple has damaged themselves with their response. You disagree?

    I agree it is a great phone and that everyone loves it as long as they have good coverage. I don't have the new one, but I have marginal AT&T coverage with my current iPhone. If I had just spent over $2,200 (phone + plan) and lost calls, I would not be happy. I think the response to give away the bumpers and reminding people that they can return them was a good, concrete response so far, but these propaganda videos are laughable and may come back to bite them.

    No issue? It was being demonstrated that in marginal signal areas you could have 5 bars and then lose a call if your finger was in the wrong place. Apple immediately realized how bad that was for their brand released a patch that dramatically alters the signal bar on the phone, making them more accurate. They have 18 PhD's working on the antenna technology and they were "shocked"? Please. They knew exactly how their previous calculation distorted reality.

    This issue brought it to the forefront. I have seen claims that many phone makers do the same thing, but how come my AT&T Blackberry Bold from work gets 2-3 bars at my house, but the iPhone gets 5? Apple knew it was enough of an issue to call a major press conference, where they discussed and obfuscated the issues.

    Most people would use a case anyway, negating the issue for them, but that isn't the point.

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  • billchase2
    Oct 10, 06:35 PM
    :D i knew i didn't buy a new ipod yet for a reason...

    my money is going towards one of these...

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  • rtdgoldfish
    Mar 26, 02:21 PM
    So I have not seen my 360 on my network since Friday :(

    That leads me to believe they either noticed the wireless adapter was connecting to a network and unplugged it or they got rid of the system. The investigator came back out today and said they need more evidence before they can get a warrant and he doesn't want to knock on the doors of the two houses I think it could be in case they do still have it and decide to ditch it when the cops are on to them.

    So basically, I don't have much hope any more of getting my system back. I am thinking of calling the cops and having them just knock on the door and see what happens. Maybe the people are stupid and have the system sitting in plain view and the cops will notice it when they try to question the neighbors.

    I'm going to check out my local EBGames again and see if they have anyone that traded in any of my games or even the system.

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  • Doenertier
    Oct 3, 03:46 PM
    In case you haven't noticed, it's already easy to get DVD-quality movies and TV shows online for free. Yes, yes, I know, that's illegal, and we're all going to get sued by the MPAA and the RIAA and NCAA and AARP. Just let me know when I should actually start worrying about it.

    The moment you've got a life to lose if you're sued and you have your hds full of pirated movies, music and stuff would be a good point to start being worried. About that life of yours if you're having a job and a family and things like that. Could get nasty if you're having a criminal record and things like that, you know.

    Just my thoughts.

    And since when can you get a criminal record from a civil lawsuit? Since never, that's when.

    And how exactly would they know to sue you in the first place?

    Okay, you've got me. Pirating stuff is fun and nobody will ever get to you. And if they do it's still fun since you don't get a criminal record. And if you got one then it would be totally unfair. Man, I am a total idiot for even considering to buy stuff. You know, pay money for it.

    Let me just say the following: I do not like being restricted in what I do with the stuff I pay for. But I know what I am allowed to do in advance (that is before I pay money for it). Therefore I can DECIDE to pay or not. And to use it or not. And if I am not willing to pay for the package I get, I don't pay. AND DON'T USE IT. That is even if I do not like being restricted.

    But nevermind, that is just me. (I thought like you on this matter a few years ago)

    Sep 12, 01:29 AM
    I'm waiting to be disappointed. I realized that the anonymously submitted schedule of events could very well turn out to be true, in which case I'm not too miffed that I'll be missing live coverage of the event.

    Here're my reservations:

    - iTunes should be strictly music. iTube or iFilm or iMovies or iVideo or Apple Movie Store should be a separate application; or else name it iMedia and completely rethink the interface. I find that since the addition of video podcasts and TV shows, iTunes is getting really difficult to keep tidy and organized, even with features like smart playlists and a 20" screen. It looks like a big, sloppy mass of text.

    - The price should be $11.99 - 9.99 for new movies, $9.99 - 7.99 for older ones, and an iPod version should be thrown in with the full-quality feature. Any more than that and I'll just buy and rip the DVD or, more likely, just download it elsewhere. This pricing structure is not going to happen, I know, and so I'm already less than thrilled.

    - The wireless Mac-to-TV bridge has to be really cool and effortlessly simple (and PC compatible too). This proposed "TubePort" USB dongle sounds like the most likely solution for a cross-platform device, but I'm hoping that the AirPort in all its various incarnations (Express, Extreme) will get a revamp and allow for video streaming somehow.

    - A true video iPod needs to come soon. As in, before Christmas. And I really don't think we're going to see it today.

    We'll see how it goes, of course, but I don't know if the event will live up to the hype. That seems to be Apple's nagging problem lately.

    Nov 24, 02:59 AM
    for next year's googlers:

    Starting at $1,099. Save $101. MacBook
    Starting at $999. Save $101. iMac

    Starting at $149. Save up to $31 plus free laser engraving. iPod nano
    Starting at $249. Save up to $31 plus free laser engraving. iPod

    $358, save $41.95, Office 2004 for Mac Standard Edition
    $68, save $31.95, .Mac
    $68, save $11.95, Parallels Desktop for Mac
    $68, save $21.95, Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0
    $38, save $11.95, The Sims 2
    $38, save $11.95, Call of Duty 2
    $38, save $11.95, Sid Meier's Civilization IV

    $238, save $61.95, Sonic Impact VIDEO-55
    $128, save $21.95, Canon PIXMA mini260 Photo Printer
    $88, save $41.00, AirPort Express Base Station
    $58, save $11.00, Apple wireless Mighty Mouse
    $48, save $21.95, Belkin TuneTalk Stereo
    $38, save $11.00, iPod Radio Remote
    $24, save $5.00, Nike + iPod Sport Kit

    $298, save $51.00, iPod Hi-Fi
    $98, save $31.95, Logitech AudioStation Express

    $78, save $21.95, M-Audio Keystation 49e USB Midi Keyboard
    $58, save $21.95, JBL Creature II Speakers
    $18, save $6.95, Sony Personal Speakers SRS-P11Q

    Car Audio
    $58, save $21.95, Kensington Digital FM Transmitter/Auto Charger
    $58, save $21.95, Kensington RDS FM Transmitter/Car Charger for iPod
    $14, save $5.95, Sony CPA-9C Car Cassette Adapter (Bought it from apple.com a week ago. d'oh!)

    $398, save $101.95, Shure E500PTH Sound Isolating Earphone
    $398, save $101.95, Shure E5C Sound Isolating Earphones
    $238, save $61.95, Shure E4C Sound Isolating Earphones
    $138, save $41.95, Shure E3C Sound Isolating Earphones
    $78, save $21.95, Shure E2C Sound Isolating Earphones
    $48, save $11.95, Sennheiser PX100 Headphones
    $24, save $5.00, Apple iPod Earphones

    $58, save $41.95, Incase Ripstop Backpack
    $48, save $21.95, Brenthaven Metro Bag
    $28, save $11.95, STM Alley 13" Shoulder Bag
    $24, save $5.95, Incase Neoprene Sleeve

    $24, save $5.00, Apple iPod nano Armband
    $24, save $10.95, iSkin eVo3 Case for 30GB iPod
    $24, save $10.95, iSkin eVo3 Case for 60GB & 80GB iPod
    $18, save $11.00, Nike + Sport Armband
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    $18, save $11.95, XtremeMac SportWrap for iPod
    $18, save $6.95, Agent 18 VideoShield for 30GB iPod
    $18, save $6.95, Agent 18 VideoShield for 60GB & 80GB iPod

    Nov 23, 05:03 PM
    Would a US .Mac code bought now work in the UK in February? ;-)

    This is a "yes"...

    I subscribed to .mac while living in Japan, then moved back to the U.S.... there was no difference in the service, I just changed my address in the main account profile. As long as you pay, I think they don't care where you live... :P


    May 3, 03:22 PM
    This is a major setback IMHO...
    I know it is illegal but carriers make tons of cash with their inflated prices... Who protects us from that?

    Apr 22, 01:11 PM
    Just to make a point of how stupid this whole thing is I voted every one of Arn's posts negative.:)

    And you are why this system won't work.

    I do like the system though. Just hours before the buttons were added, I was wishing there was a like button because a post was really helpful. ;)

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