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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • vansouza
    Oct 20, 12:10 PM
    After living in the PC world since 1981 I got myself a Mac mini this year; just to keep my iPod 4G in line... XP was always blowing away my music... Then I got a 24" iMac and a 5 and a 5.5G iPod... All that has to help Steve's numbers... so how many Mac users really have more then just one machine?

    How many of us found PCs so perfect that we ran out and got one more... I think there is a very real difference in the user experience...

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  • TwinCities Dan
    Apr 5, 10:47 PM
    Okay, I've changed my mind....I downloaded this app, and now it's my most favorite app ever.:D


    May it bring you success and wealth! :D


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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 29, 02:19 PM
    I have to laugh at the people worried that one day Apple will cut off software access in OS X. Apple said they won't do that. That would be bad for business. It makes no sense.

    Steve Jobs' "PC is a truck" analogy was perfect. What these people aren't getting is that most computer users aren't nerds and hackers, but they've been forced to drive trucks all these years when they'd really be a lot happier with a Honda Civic.

    PCs are to be used for tasks a nerdy kid would get beat up for talking about in school. That's the test I use. Everything else is better suited to the post-PC world.

    And if you can make the PCs friendlier by adding post-PC features for the less technical tasks, what's wrong with that? It's a better experience for non-techies that have to use PCs for one reason or another, and who ever said hackers don't want to use nicer consumer-level software?

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  • nagromme
    Sep 25, 11:17 AM
    The reasons people HATE this new version so much:

    1. It adds a lot of features and answers requests.

    2. It's a free update.

    3. This is a photography event, and people were caught off guard when Apple showed their photography product, despite the Aperture image right on the invitation.

    4. Apple never releases hardware on Tuesdays, so there is no hope for any MacBook Pro updates tomorrow.

    5. There will never be another chance for new MacBook Pros. We now know that the current models will be sold forever and ever, even after Apple goes out of business, which will happen by the end of the year.


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  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 19, 07:50 PM
    If Vista is a dog, and gets a lot of bad media attention out of the gate (this will be exacerbated if Apple can release a Leopard that makes Vista pale in comparison), a lot of these upgraders-in-waiting are going to be pushed over the edge and will buy mac-minis or new mac laptops, knowing that they can fall back to Vista if OS X doesn't work out for them.

    If Vista is brilliant, and Leopard turns out to be just a minor upgrade of Tiger, most of these upgraders-in-wating will just buy another Dell like they always have.

    The most likely scenario is somewhere in the middle... Vista will get mixed reviews, but will be viewed a a very significant improvement over XP, and Leopard will be a significant improvement over Tiger, but will only have a few features that Vista lacks, and some of the upgraders-in-waiting will take the plunge, but the more conservative will stick with the devil-they-know. As a result, the number of OS X installs will continue to grow, but it won't break the crucial 10% market share that makes it a 'mainstream' OS.

    First Scenario: Never. Tiger added very little. Dashboard is nice but the real upgrade was merely Spotlight. Seriously... a little stability here.... fancy features there... nothing special.

    From the Leopard Preview its obvious they have nothing big up their sleeves that they've shown yet. Plus if this was likely they would have multiple huge things.. which guess what.... they don't. Cause if they had tons of great stuff... they would have at least showed us once. Time Machine barely counts as something good since itll probably be a resource hog and Virtual Desktops is nice... but still doesn't seem as nicely implemented as in Linux.

    Option 2: Seems more and more likely as Spring draws nearer. THE BRAND NEW ICAL.... just has a diferent brush of aluminum. And Vista while not changing anything of how XP works, it does change how it looks for the much better. Adds many Applesque touches such as attention to detail, and really does stop a lot of Spyware. I don't see it being amazing.... but it will be good. Based on what they have shown so far... if Vista isn't a resource hog, buggy, and a security risk. It'll beat Leopard. SOrry, guys but really at this point. I could even swallow one of the three for Vista to still win. Leopard is showing a weak showing currently, Jobs better have a A or two or actually 4 up his sleeves cause he needs them.

    Most likely option:

    Same as your most likely option except cut down Leopard down a notch. And see Apple began to stop growth around 7.5% as they are unable to justify the price gap, as new technologies start surfacing earlier in other machines... I haven't seen any hybrid technology or Blue-ray in Apple. Other companies are showing them off. Leopard better be good very good, and Apple better have some innocation in computers up their sleeves like new cases for the first time in what 8 yrs? If they want to beat 10% of the US market. We'll get the bronze by next quarter (beat Gateway) Yet. beating gateway isn't saying much. They create such bad crap, thats just shameful.

    A Toast to the New Finacial Year and many new and exciting (for once) Apple Products.... I mean stuff girls can get excited... not just Intel CPUs. :p

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  • jettredmont
    Jul 21, 08:38 PM
    Show me another phone that can drop calls from just the position of one finger. Nokia have their problems at the moment, but their reception has always been rock solid.

    See one post directly above yours: the Nokia N1. Both points refuted with one example!

    The point, again, is that the signal drop through touching the "right" spot with a finger maxes out significantly lower than the signal drop through dense body attenuation, as you get when your hand or head is blocking the signal. They are different things, but the more significant one is the one Apple is showing here.

    This is just how antennas work. You can degrade a signal by detuning it, but you can stop the signal dead by attenuation.

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  • Highland
    Aug 2, 11:33 AM
    Norway is doing you all a favor. Do not act as stupid ass consumers with no brain. It is your right when you by music to listen to i where ever you want it too.
    You payed for it didn't you so now it is yours ....
    DRM is ******** and it takes away your rights as a consumers.

    Act now stop that ********.

    One more thing. At least we have the freedom and our goverment tries too help.

    A couple of points people always seem to miss.

    #1 -- This is not solely about iTunes. It isn't an attack on Apple... it's FOR ALL online music stores.
    #2 -- "Just buy CDs" DOES NOT cut it. They won't be around for much longer.

    Stop being such asses and realise that proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing for consumers and society. I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use.

    Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame. We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time.

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  • Jazwire
    Apr 22, 10:57 AM
    Home Schooling +1

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  • Ugg
    May 4, 03:05 PM
    Not sure what's medically relevant about owning or not owning a gun, but still, why penalize a doctor for asking and not, say, a teacher, clergyman, mechanic, dry cleaner, etc.? It doesn't make any sense.

    I think the Florida legislature is out to show how stupid and paranoid they are.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 16, 11:58 AM
    Why does it matter that he was gay? I thought that gay people where supposed to be the same as everyone else. Did his being gay give him some sort of super powers to break codes?

    Positive role models for others. Perhaps attitudes towards the LGBT community will change when they see that some of the great contributors to civilization where also a part of that community. Up until the civil rights movement, most history classes were about dead white men (presumably straight). Now we have a much broader sense of history including minorities and aboriginal histories. This just fills things in a bit more.

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  • dr Dunkel
    May 2, 11:17 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Location tracking "bug"... haha... well, I'm glad Apple got caught.

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  • dr_lha
    Oct 17, 10:06 AM
    so it's kind of a mixture here.
    1. more capacity -> blu-ray
    2. lower price -> hd-dvd
    3. porn industry choses the cheapest format -> hd-dvd

    the big thing will be the players. blu-ray players had a bad start (frames were dropped, image quality wasn't that good, delays).

    it looks like blu-ray will have a hard fight.
    The capacity argument was only really important for VHS vs Betamax because of the recording aspect. AFAIK there are no HD-DVD or BluRay recorders right now so essentially the capacity of the disk is meaningless to most people for Movies. Picture quality should be the deciding factor, and much like VHS vs Betamax, most people apparently can't see any real difference between BluRay and HD-DVD.

    Really the only thing BluRay has on its side is the PS3.

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 01:23 PM
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender it's all a bit grey there....

    Having been a transgender individual in a potentially life threatening situation a couple of times, generally I informed them of my medical history like any sane patient would.

    You're focusing on selective binary aspects of sex in a topic relating to transgender people, do you not think that this could be seen as somewhat offensive and inappropriate?

    As I said, I am what I am, I'm fine with that, I just don't appreciate you "helpfully" pointing out that there are certain aspects of sex-differentiation you can't erase.

    That does not mean you're not being a douchebag when you directly or indirectly call a transsexual woman a man or male, even citing your oversimplified ideas of sex and gender. It propagates a culture that sees us in terms of our troubled history rather than who we are and in some cases will be.

    Does that make things clear for you? I'm not trying to be confrontational for the sake of it.

    I am missing the argument here.... I never meant to be seen as defending "3gsiphone" or whatever that guys name is.... Because his words WERE rude and innapropriate and discriminatory. Damn right they were.

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  • linknprk
    Apr 5, 03:26 PM
    why does macrumors link to the appshopper description of the app instead of the actual apple link?

    Seems like a useless middle step

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 17, 03:34 PM
    That is a very poor speed, at least I'm getting close to 10 mb/s but paying for 30 I think... $76 a month. These monopolies we have in the US are a drag, they can do whatever they want and the gov does nothing about it. Mine is adequate for all the folding at least.

    yeah what i'm getting is terrible. but it's been getting a little better today. but i can't upload bigadv results with these speeds

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  • wlh99
    Apr 27, 09:34 AM
    Update *** "I though it worked but the timer kept going on the background.

    crashed :confused:

    wlh99, do you get an exception in the invalid method " [myTimer Invalidate]" ?

    I didn't test the code at all, so no. But it doesn't surprise me. An exception is thrown when you try to message an object that no longer exists.

    I test to see if myTimer is nil as a check to see if the my timer object exists. But elsewhere in the progam I release myTimer and never set myTimer to nil. So, the pointer still points to a memory location, but no object is there so the [myTimer invalidate] fails with an exception. It's a very beginner mistake on my part.

    mytimer = nil;
    to the cancelIt: method.

    I strongly recommend reading this document:

    The important thing (assuming you are trying to learn to program) is that you don't just accept that it works, and that instead you know why what you were doing was wrong, and why the answer works.

    Look at your first post. Can you say why it crashes? ulbadr's response was pretty direct in his answer, and you didn't understand it. Do you understand it now? Can you say for sure what the code you first posted does, and why it crashes?

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  • balamw
    Oct 10, 07:15 PM
    I think Apple should keep the name "True Video iPod," just as a salute to all the rumor mongering.

    I'd laugh. (and then buy one)
    Do you think it's a coinkidink that the acronym for True Video iPod just so happens to be TVi? TVi, iTV, what's the difference.:p


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  • Queso
    Oct 19, 09:57 AM
    I'd like to see the figures just for the UK rather than "international". I'm a firm believer that it's the Apple Stores that are causing the upswing. Outside of the US, the UK is the only country where Apple stores are expanding their reach, which would confirm whether or not my thinking is misguided.

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 14, 10:50 PM
    I understand the point you are trying to make (re: enhanced security measures] but technically those two incidents had nothing to do with the TSA since they both flew from non-USA airports - that is, the TSA didn't screen them at all.

    While this is true, we can't allow that technicality to wipe the slate clean. Our security as a whole is deficient, even if the TSA on its own might not be responsible for these two particular failures. Our tax dollars are still going to the our mutual safety so we should expect more.

    I guess that depends on how you define "not much trouble". We can't know the actual number, since we will never know many actually get through. But they are catching over half the weapons that their own agents try to smuggle through on test/training runs. So that counts as being "some trouble". How much "trouble" is enough? Read my post above about how much risk a "bad person" organization is willing to take on 50/50 odds. My late father made his career "gaming" situations, so I have a bit of a passing knowledge of it. I am certain that the TSA has "gamed" the odds, and the TSA believe that they have reached a reasonable balance between costing the public time, money, and indignities - and - ensuring a reasonable level of safety for the flying public. They may be wrong.... but I would bet money that, to the best of their ability, they believe they have reached a balance.

    Well when a fanatic is willing to commit suicide because he believes that he'll be rewarded in heaven, 50/50 odds don't seem to be all that much of a deterrent. What's worse is that we've only achieved that with a lot of our personal dignity, time, and money. I don't think we can tolerate much more. We should be expecting more for the time, money, and humiliation we're putting ourselves (and our 6 year-old children) through.

    If this is the TSA's best effort and what it believes is the best balance, I want a new TSA.

    OK, then why are hijackings down? I have my working hypothesis. I cited some evidence to support it. If you don't agree, then it is up to you to state an alternative one that is supported by more than unsupported statements.

    I am not saying the TSA (or in my case CATSA) is perfect or haven't mucked things up sometimes. I'm just saying that I believe that they have been mostly responsible for a dramatic drop in airline hijackings. I cited some statistics. Now it's your turn.....

    Your statistics don't unequivocally prove the efficacy of the TSA though. They only show that the TSA employs a cost-benefit method to determine what measures to take.

    Since you believe in the efficacy of the TSA so much, the burden is yours to make a clear and convincing case, not mine. I can provide alternative hypotheses, but I am in no way saying that these are provable at the current moment in time. I'm only saying that they are rational objections to your theory.

    My hypothesis is essentially the same as Lisa's: the protection is coming from our circumstances rather than our deliberative efforts.

    Terrorism is a complex thing. My bet is that as we waged wars in multiple nations, it became more advantageous for fanatics to strike where our military forces were. Without having to gain entry into the country, get past airport security (no matter what odds were), or hijack a plane, terrorists were able to kill over 4,000 Americans in Iraq and nearly 1,500 in Afghanistan. That's almost twice as many as were killed on 9/11.

    If I were the leader of a group intent on killing Americans and Westerners in general, I certainly would go down that route rather than hijack planes.

    ps there is no proof that it wasn't Lisa's rock. There are some very weird causal relationships in the world. Like shooting wolves causes the Aspen to die off in Wyoming. Or .... overfishing the Salmon in the Pacific changes the mix of trees along the rivers of the BC coast.....

    It's pretty clear that it was not the rock. Ecosystems are constantly finding new equilibriums; killing off an herbivore's primary predator should cause a decline in vegetation. That is not surprising, nor is it difficult to prove (you can track all three populations simultaneously). There is also a causal mechanism at work that can explain the effect without the need for new assumptions (Occam's Razor).

    The efficacy of the TSA and our security measures, on the other hand, are quite complex and are affected by numerous causes. Changes in travel patterns, other nations' actions, and an enemey's changing strategy all play a big role. You can't ignore all of these and pronounce our security gimmicks (and really, that's what patting down a 6 year-old is) to be so masterfully effective.

    Apr 27, 03:25 AM
    13 hours ago at 12:39 pm

    "...in total penetration" THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID. yeah I signed up for an account just to post this.

    Rating: 10 Positives / 0 Negatives

    It saddens me that THIS got more votes than many actual substantial posts...

    Jan 11, 10:17 PM
    I still like Engadget better. And after this, It'll probably be only Engadget that I continue to read.

    Jan 15, 01:43 PM
    And we have to pay MORE for the iPhone update?!

    Maybe I missed something, but I thought it was a free update for the iPhone but a $20 update for the iPod Touch?

    Sep 12, 08:21 AM
    yeah, the iTunes videos are definitely referencing movies I'd say. I mean we all know it was happening. The surprise is the non-disney titles, since we'd all assumed that that would be all Jobs was able to pull. But then again I don't see why studios would sign up with Amazon video, relatively unproven in digital content delivery, without signing up with iTMS, a very much proven system. I'm sure that's a huge part of Jobs negotiations, not ever once asking for anything exclusive. (That would be what his disney connections might be able to get him). If they're worried about being locked in to the iTMS, then they're free to allow whoever they want to to sell their stuff. The pricing scheme right now as rumored is at least two tiered, one for new releases and one for old, so yes, Mr. Movie Studio, you can make more money off your hot newest thing.

    The links from that iTunes Videos thing DO NOT point to any movies. They point to iPod versions of movie trailers. It's just a consolidation of the current content.

    But saying that doesn't matter because people aren't reading the thread.

    Nov 16, 08:09 PM
    Its probably feasible but like not not gonna happen...

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