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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

kesha cannibal lyrics

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  • peharri
    Sep 12, 07:50 AM
    You won't be if Apple are increasing the bitrate of audio tracks as part of the update. It's about time they did.

    Yeah, I'm sure he'll be delighted if his iPod suddenly has less capacity in exchange for a imperceptible improvement in quality. ;-)

    Now, a reduction in bitrate, as an option, might be good...

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  • 22nd Cannibal release, Ke$ha

  • Patdt13
    Apr 13, 05:40 PM

    Surprisingly good.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:11 AM
    what time is the event on in Australian ESTD ?????

    3am for the four hundredth billionth time.

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  • 0815
    May 3, 05:18 PM
    Ok, I'm taking down the names of all the carrier defenders here.

    The next time you people bitch about the cable companies or magazine publishers charging you twice for the "one" thing you paid for I'm gonna be all over you.

    I will defend magazine publisher that track down people that steal their magazines from the news stand or anywhere and prevent them from stealing so that I don't have to pay a higher subscription fee caused by their crimes.


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  • miamialley
    Apr 5, 03:02 PM

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  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:49 PM
    I'm not chancing it. I've made my own HTML to do it for me :P

    Very nice, my friend. But if you will allow me to improve your idea:



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  • dmelgar
    Jul 21, 10:52 AM
    Really classy apple. Try to cover up your mistake by confusing users and trying to insult competitors you didn't think you even had to worry about.

    Apple continues to disappoint in surprising ways. What happened to the focus on building great products?

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  • KnoxHarrington
    Mar 25, 01:33 PM
    *rolls eyes*

    I'm gonna say this again: not happening. Lion may very well be the end of OS X in the sense that they give it a new version number and use new naming conventions but iOS and OS X are not merging in the sense that OS X will be locked down like iOS.

    General purpose computers versus what are still treated consumer electronics (phones, tablets, etc.) have different needs and their OSes are different. Are there rumors about Windows 7 being superseded by Windows Mobile? How about doing away with Ubuntu in favor of Android?

    There are a lot of components that the two OSes share. They will continue to share components and will continue to, more or less shape one another. It doesn't make any sense to lock down a computer. Developers are what make a platform. Locking down a computer like the iPhone and making it hostile to developers will KILL Apple.

    Take your tinfoil hats off people. If you think we're heading toward a day when I can only install Apple approved AppStore apps on my laptop, you're just being paranoid. It doesn't help Apple AT ALL to do that.

    I really *like* the fact that the OS X and iOS groups seem to be talking to each other and sharing ideas with each other, rather than being in squabbling little camps that snipe at each other like you see at Microsoft.


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  • MacRumors
    Aug 7, 02:18 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Although not mentioned during the keynote, Apple has reduced the prices on its Cinema Displays. The 20" Cinema Display now sells for $699 (down from $799), the 23" Cinema Display now sells for $999 (down from $1299), and the 30" Cinema Display now sells for $1999 (down from $2499), representing cuts of $100, $300, and $500 respectively.

    Update: MacForum member BlizzardBomb notes that the specifications for the 20 and 23" displays have been bumped. The 20" display now has a brightness of 300 cd/m2 (up from 250 cd/m2), and the 23" display has a brightness of 400 cd/m2 (up from 270 cd/m2). Both models also now feature 700:1 contrast ratios (both up from 400:1). The 30" display remains at 400 cd/m2 and a 700:1 contrast ratio.

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  • Like her debut album, Kesha

  • Aniej
    Jan 5, 04:11 PM
    I didn't see any replies to my idea about posting a counter to tick of the DD:HH:MM:SS until climax, I mean Keynote.;) Usually I take that as a bad sign, but you know how you all get when you have blue b..., you can't think straight. So is this idea worth pursuing, kinda like the widgets available, but might be nice to have directly tied to the link with no spoilers.


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  • Jaymes
    Mar 28, 02:51 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 09:33 PM
    Go Ohio! Crush the unions! Return to fiscal sanity. No more hiding behind a union... time to return to personal responsibility. Ohio today, Wisconsin tomorrow, who's next? Sweep the states clean, Tea Party!

    BTW, there is no 'RIGHT' to collective bargaining.
    Collective bargaining is a legislative privilege granted by friendly law makers in some localities which can be quickly and abruptly eliminated (as you've all just observed.)

    Public unions are idiotic. Imagine a private sector union where the union members themselves were able to contribute to the election and vote for the individual whom they'd be bargaining against. BRILLIANT! It's a conflict of interest - straight up.

    Interesting quote by Bill Gates recently: (http://www.gatesfoundation.org/foundationnotes/Pages/bill-gates-110302-ted-2011-line-up.aspx) (thanks for the help twice in one day, Billy boy!)

    I thought a long time about who I should invite to speak at the session I was asked to curate. I’m really excited about the speakers who are coming, because each of them is contributing to a revolution of one sort or another, fueled by knowledge and innovation. We’ve posted lots of content on Gates Notes related to these speakers and their topics, and eventually their talks will be available online too.

    Also, I’m giving my third TED talk in three years. (You can view my talk from 2010 on Energy & Innovating to Zero and from 2009 on Mosquitos, Malaria & Education.) This time, I wanted to share some of what I’ve been learning about state budgets. I got interested in them because states supply most of the money for public education in the United States. What I’ve been learning, though, is that states are under increasingly intense budget pressure, and not just because of the aftereffects of the economic recession, although that has made things worse.

    There are long-term problems with state budgets that a return to economic growth won’t solve. Health-care costs and pension obligations are projected to grow at rates that look to be completely unsustainable, unless something is done. But so far, many states aren’t doing much to deal with their fundamental problems. Instead they’re building budgets on tricks – selling off assets, creative accounting – and fictions, like assuming that pension fund investments will produce much higher gains than anyone should reasonably expect.

    Eventually they’ll have to make some hard decisions about priorities, and I’m worried that education will suffer, even more than it is suffering already because of budget cuts. The issues are complicated and obscured by the complexities of accounting, so most people don’t fully understand what’s going on. More people need to investigate their state’s budget and get involved in helping to make the right choices. My TED talk is sort of a call to action for citizens, taxpayers, parents, everyone.

    The Tea Party will be kicked out of office just as quickly as they were voted in. Hopefully a Democratic wave will come in 2012 and undo most of this crap.

    Hahaha, keep telling yourself that! http://www.gallup.com/poll/125066/State-States.aspx ;)


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  • Erasmus
    Jan 5, 06:05 PM

    Thanks Arn! You're a true legend.

    In terms of not being able to wait, you should come live in Australia. Considering the Keynote is at like 4:00 am or something, I'll be able to get the stream when I wake up!

    I think I'm going to enjoy Wednesday Morning...

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  • Nd2ski00
    Apr 6, 12:42 AM
    Should be as popular as a TV channel with non stop commercials.


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  • kesha cannibal we r who we r.

  • gekko513
    Aug 2, 02:47 AM
    Lyra, your tone is condescending. Calling Scandinavian laws "perverted" tells us that you're single minded to begin with and that your points can't be taken seriously.

    I'll still address the point you make about the size of the Scandinavian market. The total population of the Scandinavian countries are 18.9 million. The total population of the USA is 296 million. The size of the Scandinavian market is only 6.4% of the size of the US market, but if Apple pulls out it's still lost income, potentially up to a couple of percent of what Apple makes in the US if you count loss of sales of music and the domino effect that will cause loss of sales of iPods and Macs.

    Of course Apple can survive without the Scandinavian market, but why give up potential profit for nothing except stubbornness?

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  • brepublican
    Nov 16, 12:38 PM
    Digitimes = wrong, always wrong.

    Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full


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  • CiBoys
    Sep 12, 01:25 PM
    iTV YAYYYYYYY took 2 years FINALLY!!!:D

    and this ........... OMG!!!


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  • bbplayer5
    May 3, 02:29 PM
    1. Root
    2. XDA Forum
    3. Side load
    4. ???
    5. Winning.

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  • Kesha Cannibal | homorazzi.com

  • Mal
    Jul 25, 12:03 AM
    I'd be worried about that exept one incontrovertible fact. Steve Jobs has more creative spark in his left pinky than M$ does in it whole genetic tree.

    I think that's the idea. The implication I got was that they were going to give Microsoft a generous stretch of rope and let them hang themselves.


    Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 05:01 PM
    If you read his first post it says, the cashier counted the $230 looked dumb founded and printed the receipt and then asked " are we cool"...

    Sorry but the cashier KNEW he hadn't collected all the money... He's the last person in line to make sure the product goes out the door and is paid in full..

    Sorry it all on the cashier on this one..


    I guess you're not clear on the difference between fact and assumption? Nothing in the first post says that the cashier knew that he hadn't charged enough. If anything it shows the moment the mistake was made and the moment in which the OP should have said "No, we're not cool. You didn't run my card yet."

    Apr 25, 12:09 PM
    No it will go from 4S to 5 lol

    I don't think so... They skipped iPhone 2 and iPhone 3 and went right to "iPhone 4" because it was the 4th generation. Why wouldn't they call it iPhone 6 if it's the 6th generation?

    Mar 19, 06:13 PM
    How did this thread become an argument between different dialects? Stop trolling and enjoy using the phones that you have.

    Nov 16, 12:31 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Digitimes claims (http://www.digitimes.com/systems/a20061115PR207.html) that according to Taiwan component makers, there is an increase in orders for certain capacitators that are intended for use in an AMD-based Apple notebook. Few other details are provided.

    The rest of the article remains speculative, pointing to comments (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060922105414.shtml) by AMD CEO that he felt that Apple would eventually come around to working with AMD.

    Readers should note that Digitimes remains notoriously inaccurate (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/09/20030917033706.shtml) with their rumors.

    Jan 6, 08:43 AM

    We'll update that page. It's linked to this thread.


    Great, thanks, count me one who likes Steve as 'Live' as I can get with nothing spoiling the excitement in advance. I hope one day Steve can get Disney to carry the even really live on one of its TV stations. Doesn't Steve have some pull there?;)

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