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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

birthday cards for mom

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 13, 09:49 PM
    Good to have you back folding again. We need the points...

    ^^ yeh i agree! would be nice to get a new bunch of people on having a crack.

    Welcome back. We need the points... Our medium term outlook not looking so great right now...

    thanks. it's good to be back, but like i said, i'm having serious internet issues here. i'm paying for 12 mb/s, and sometimes i'm getting less than 1! :mad:

    Yeah, we moved to 57th place but there is pleasurdome and bitgamer right behind us :( some new guy, awachs, is making 10 mil a week :eek: his electric bill must be outrageous, must have a pile of gtx480's... and he will pass us in about 3 or 4 months.

    dang. well once i get the internet situation under control, i'll be able to contribute more.

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  • bytethese
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X!

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  • Simgar988
    Nov 11, 04:19 PM
    I'm a Nazi zomb expert (and I do mean expert) and let me say that they made it hard this time around. It seems to be made specifically for the cult players. If you couldn't get past lvl 15 in the last levels, you aren't grtting past 4-5 here.

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  • Surely
    Apr 8, 01:09 PM
    I thought Best Buy was a place where you can try out devices so that you can later purchase them online for a lower price. They sell stuff there?

    Why would they need to have a promotion for the hottest selling device in the world?:confused::rolleyes:

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  • KeriJane
    Apr 9, 01:28 PM
    Some of it is copying, but it's good for consumers. The program packaging is because Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    I'm just glad Microsoft is focusing on consumer features in their operating system instead of just enterprise features.

    That's what Microsoft does. Copy Apple and make the copy so bad that Apple can't quite sue them. MS has been doing that for DECADES.
    That's why I call MS "The Worlds Biggest Out-Of-Focus Copying Machine".

    It's not good for consumers in the long run. We get stuck with expensive and inferior copies of Apple products. Yuck.

    A Microsoft App Store is almost too hilarious a concept to think about. Thinking about it might make good therapy for depression but could have side effects related to excessive laughter.
    If they're very lucky it will be Zune2.

    MS has been focusing on Enterprise features? Odd. Our MS based computers at work are actually worse to use than Windows computers at home. Perhaps our IT guys are just being cruel?

    Have Fun.

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  • thatisme
    Jul 21, 09:36 AM
    I find it great that they are doing this... in so far as it illustrates what their testing shows, that the iPhone 4 is not the only phone to have "antenna issues"

    I don't see Apple as using this in an advertising campaign, just that they are backing up their claims and research with true visual evidence

    If they were acting immaturely, they would have just left it at "well, everyone else has the problems like this too" and not offer up any data, evidence, etc to back up their claim.... It is very similar to a vocal majority on this site saying "Apple's antenna design is defective" and "All iPhone 4's are defective" as well as "Every iPhone 4 loses reception just by touching it"... no hard data showing that ALL phones are defective or that the antenna doesn't work...

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  • tristangage
    Apr 22, 02:50 PM
    To me, the whole idea is completely redundant.

    Yeah, we can tell.

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  • wvuwhat
    Dec 4, 07:29 PM
    The perk is only 200 bullets into an enemy chopper for Hardline pro (I think that's the one, but maybe not). You could have just caught him in one of the 2 lives that it would have taken him to achieve this.

    If you want a good team, you have to have a group of at least 4 friends that are serious about the game, all with mics. I've realized this during my short time span with this game and MW2.

    I've recently been tearing people up with 4 good friends every other night or so for 3 or 4 games of "Headquarters."

    I will say I am not happy with all the bugs in this game, which is why I'm not playing more. The parties of 3 or 4 of your friends, usually every 1 out of 3 games, you lose at least one player and have to back out and start again. Then, there's the losing connection to server and connection interrupted.

    I like the game, I really do, I like the differences in the maps and the amount of maps that are available, but there's some times where I just get so pissed off that I turn it off in the middle of the game. Especially when I get into a lobby with ALL 3/4/5/10th prestiges and I'm just a lowly first prestige.

    Either way, anyone with a ps3 that is "decent" with the game, friend me @ "DUBVMOUNTAINEERS"

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  • KeriJane
    Apr 9, 08:40 PM
    All the best Rumors have some humor and nonsense!

    This is a RUMOR forum after all. What good is a dry, factual press-release thread in a RUMOR Forum? :p

    But now that the theory of Apple copying Microsoft has been raised (Haha, a fine jest :D) let's see what they might be interested in copying from MS.

    They could copy the Registry! :eek:

    Or maybe Apple could adopt the concept of letting anyone at all, even trained chimpanzees in Zimbabwe toying with an EDGE cellphone, have complete access to all system functions and security features.... MS has had a monopoly on this for far too long.

    Or how about Applications that are expected to embed themselves into the OS?

    If these MS features don't abuse customers enough, perhaps Apple could adopt a paranoid and excessively complicated "Activation" scheme.

    Maybe hire some top MS executives? Preferably an out of shape, middle-aged one that tries to dance and screams a lot. :p

    Have a strange, voodoo-like gathering to proclaim the death of their competitors product like MS did when the Zune was announced?:eek:

    But that's just a very silly alternate universe.

    Win8 is going to have exclusive rights to all of these features and more for the foreseeable future.

    Have Fun,

    PS... Still got the silly giggles from thinking about the upcoming MS App store. :D:p:eek::p

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  • miles01110
    Apr 22, 06:13 AM
    On IE7 whenever I click either the "up" or "down" arrow I get taken back to the forum index.

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  • Torrijos
    Jul 21, 11:05 AM
    The antenna issue is real. It is more pronounced on the iPhone 4 than other smartphones because it is directly exposed to touch.

    That said, Apple is defending the notion that this problem does in fact affect nearly all phones to some degree. They show evidence and catalog it very clearly. What's wrong with that?

    What upsets me more is the backlash from those companies denying the issue altogether - denying an issue that these videos and others clearly show. Shouldn't this denial be more worrisome?

    Exactly, plus, like Anandtech showed (the only technical site that tried to gather technical information on the problem), the iPhone do suffer of a higher attenuation of signal when touched, but at the same seems to have better reception at lower signal levels this is why the amount of drop calls is less than 1% over the level of the 3GS.

    So if your in an average-low signal area, and touch the "mean" spot tightly you will still be able to maintain communications, the fact that some people seem to believe that you could be in a full signal area and drop a call simply because you touched your phone is at best lack of knowledge, at worst (like in a lot if not the majority of tech websites) cash trolling (Leprechaun-ing?!).

    A nice follow up from Anandtech (or any other site) would be to calculate/show real-life implications, like the distance from the antenna that the problems cost you.

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 25, 10:23 PM
    And in many ways, Adobe Lightroom has more features than Aperture, particularly (useful) editing tools so that you don't always have to go into Photoshop. The DEVELOP mode in Lightroom is rather brilliant.
    They really are doing nice things with the customer feedback. The Library portion, if it picks up enough features to truly replace Bridge (the revised name leaves room for optimism), would make this this scary good.

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  • BlackMangoTree
    Mar 24, 10:33 PM
    10 years on and we still have the crap and totally useless finder.

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  • 8CoreWhore
    May 2, 02:22 PM
    Not that I really care about the tracking services...but I wonder if Apple will skip the 3G again with this update...

    If not, encrypt your backups in iTunes on your computer (that's where the greatest threat lies).

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  • TheAppleDragon
    Apr 29, 04:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The iOS scrollbars ALWAYS looked that way to me. Dunno why. XD

    I kinda liked the 'old' switch look to the tab selection, but that's just me.

    Seriously though, no changes to Spaces...? :/

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  • 840quadra
    Nov 24, 03:30 PM
    Yeah you should. You could have gotten it cheaper from Macconnection. No tax, free shipping, free carrying case, free mouse and $100 off. Hmmm :rolleyes:

    Ohh free junk! I only assume that based upon the free stuff I received when I purchased form them in the past. I have also dealt with that company before, and never again! BTW, their price is not immediate, their discount is in the form of a rebate. :rolleyes:

    Tax? Not really an issue for me, I am registered under a non profit org (have been for 3 years now), so because of this I am able to write it off. I just didn't have my paperwork with for me to get the Macbook Tax free today, so I get a $62 rebate from the government in a couple months. ;) .

    So in the end, I saved a $1 over the option you brought up, got it today, and I don't have useless junk to deal with on top of it :) .

    Also free Parallels!

    That is the only thing that interests me from their offer!

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  • Highland
    Aug 2, 08:04 PM
    Stop being such asses and realise that proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing for consumers and society. I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use.

    Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame. We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time.That's just wrong on so many levels. I wish I had more time...
    I dare you to try and argue against those points. Trust me, I've spent long enough in the music industry and observed all the DRM and copy protection stuff that's been happening since... well... a very long time (since DAT days etc).

    #1 "proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing" -- So you don't want to have free interchange on products you own with content you've bought a license to play? I'm not saying we have a legal right to play the content where we like, I'm saying we SHOULD.

    #2 "I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use." -- I think it'd be much better to have one DRM model for all. The idea of heaps of different online stores all selling music that only works with one or two devices is just insane. And if you think that wouldn't work because it'd be cracked... well, every DRM model can and will be cracked in time. They all suffer that flaw.

    #3 "Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame." -- The DRM is there because labels want it, not because Apple does. Period. Don't even bother arguing about that one.

    #4 "We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time." -- CDs won't be around forever. So what are we going to do when DRMed files are the ONLY choice? That's not an option I like to think about. We need to fight this right now or be in a whole lot of trouble.

    Honestly, there's really not really a sane way to argue that proprietary DRM is good for consumers. There's quite a few ways to argue that it's morally not a good thing for society. There's also a few ways to argue that it breaches fair trading practices.

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  • mensrea
    Sep 12, 01:26 AM
    Bloomberg weighs in:

    Sept. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Apple Computer Inc. today may begin selling full-length Walt Disney Co. films online and introduce a new iPod on which to play them.

    Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs will say at a meeting in San Francisco that Apple's iTunes store is adding downloadable Disney movies to its music and television shows, said three officials familiar with the plan. Jobs also may introduce an iPod with a larger screen and more memory to accommodate movies, said analysts including Eugene Munster of Piper Jaffray & Cos.


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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 29, 01:37 PM
    These naysayers have been moaning and groaning about iOS forever. They will continue to do so forever. In the meantime the rest of the world will get on with using some great software (many of it free) and getting a lot of things done.

    I'm glad Apple is pushing things forward. The last thing I want to see is OS X stagnate. Since we are now in the post-PC era, ideas from iOS are precisely what need to be explored. It won't be too many more years from now when the majority of consumer-level computing devices will be tablets running iOS-type gestures. It will be the expected thing to be able to support finger gestures to do common tasks. Any OS that cannot handle this will be considered old-fashioned.

    Apple is doing the right thing by getting the future into OS X. They don't want to be left behind.

    Nov 16, 04:22 PM
    Maybe the AMD laptops are coming today :eek:

    The store is currently down...
    http://images.apple.com/r/store/backsoon/title_backsoon1.gifVery interesting! :D

    I have a test so tell me what the updates are when I get back. :p

    Nov 6, 08:38 AM
    To my surprise I can't find another thread about the new Call of Duty game released on the 9th... so here it is.

    Has anyone pre-ordered their copy of CoD: Black Ops? And what platform are you getting it on, it's gonna be PS3 for me.

    My order with Amazon changed to 'Dispatching Soon' earlier. :)

    Sep 8, 09:52 AM
    So Saunders then what you're saying is that to believe in god you can't swear? He's not sending mixed messages because his songs aren't saying ******* god.

    And just so you know, compared to any other big rappers right now, Kanye doesn't swear at all. He has the cleanest lyrics of any of the current big rappers because he isn't gangsta rap.

    Red Defiant
    Mar 25, 04:09 AM
    10 years is a long time

    Apr 27, 09:39 AM
    3.7" ain't going to cut it, sorry

    how is that battery life going to be on that larger screen you want?

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