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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wallpapers natural

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  • rhett7660
    Jul 27, 04:01 PM

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 17, 06:36 AM
    I just want to sync my music. **** itunes **** what ever. I love bit torrent. I refuse to pay for music or movies.

    Nice one arsehole. Ruining my industry. I hope you don't get paid for the next few shifts you do at work and then maybe you'll realise how selfish and greedy you're being.

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  • runninmac
    Jan 5, 04:20 PM
    Great idea but sadly I don't have enough will power to wait :D

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 30, 05:30 PM
    well i'm back at my place and got my latest rig back up and going. i took out the 2 x 9800GTs b/c of heat, and they don't produce all that much anyways. i'm trying it at 3.8 ghz running bigadv and 2 x gpus. we'll see how long it lasts this time

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  • gleepskip
    Jan 5, 02:54 PM
    it would be great if apple would put up a video feed of the keynote live.

    if not that, put it in the local apple stores.

    What an awesome idea. Show up to your local Apple Store to watch the keynote and buy the product(s) that are available that day as soon as Steve says, "See you again soon."

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  • Puppies
    Nov 23, 05:24 PM
    We'll see if Macbook/Pro discounts are enough to sway me towards one :)

    In any event, it gives me an excuse to click on Apple.com tomorrow.

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  • Wallpapers - Natural Charm

  • ngenerator
    May 3, 01:51 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?

    Fees for the data for that one device. But please don't start a "tethering is awesome v. tethering is against the rules" war here, there's plenty of other threads for that.

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  • bikertwin
    Sep 25, 03:45 PM
    Right, a product in development since 2002 (http://photoshopnews.com/2006/01/09/the-shadowlandlightroom-development-story/) was a copy of a product released in 2005 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Do you really believe Lightroom has been in active development since 2002? I'm thinking it was a proof of concept in 2002.

    I mean, if it's really been in development since why isn't it finished yet? Why is it so far behind Aperture?

    That claim by Adobe is just ludicrous.

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  • Wallpapers - Natural Charm

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 29, 02:07 PM
    In another sense, the direction of the consumer PC/tablet/etc. will be where Apple takes it. They can play off of their successes with the iPad and iPhone and use that to shift the market to devices where Apple has a substantial amount of IP, experience, and expertise. It's one thing to be an alternative, as opposed to a shift where everything else becomes a (less desirable) alternative. That's where Apple is trying to go. Obviously not everyone agrees, but they have thus far made substantial inroads. Apple is increasingly a consumer-focussed company, so the utility of an interface in OS X, for instance, may suffer in it's usability for the "power user." It's hard to say though how much compromise will be made, as the dramatic changes in Final Cut Pro's upcoming release indicate a continued commitment to at least one sub-group of power users.

    Yes, and given how much copying is going on with other companies, I'd say Apple is being quite successful in getting their gestures to become a standard. Pinch to zoom is now almost universal.

    I have to laugh at the people worried that one day Apple will cut off software access in OS X. Apple said they won't do that. That would be bad for business. It makes no sense.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 20, 02:22 AM

    There are some really good PC manufacturers and for some windows is a good fit. OSX has some great advantages over windows, but it also has some disadvantages. You pick the computer (and OS) that best fits your needs. I like the idea of building my own computer and I can pick exactly what components I want into the computer - that's another option. You can then run windows or OSX (or even Linux) depending on which you prefer.

    The childish fanboyism the posted here does nothing to add to the dialog.

    Quite true about the fanboyism. I like Windows and OSX, as you said they both have their strong and weak points.

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  • Patrick J
    Apr 29, 04:26 PM
    I wish they would keep the slider buttons. I really really liked them :/

    Don't you think they were really unintuitive? It works on a touch screen. Not on a OSX device.

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  • ErikAndre
    Jan 11, 02:55 PM
    I predict a... ready for this... the Newton comes back.

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  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 10, 05:41 PM
    Working on my new setup. Just ordered a Dell Ultrasharp 24" and a set of Swan M10's.

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  • stridemat
    Apr 21, 01:21 PM
    I can see it being more of a hinderance in the main news threads, however for the question threads in the main forum it could be beneficial to highlight the most 'popular' answer.

    wallpapers natural. Wallpapers - Natural Beauty
  • Wallpapers - Natural Beauty

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 02:02 PM
    I think it's all cool now. :)


    Back to the issue at hand, McDonalds....

    I literally almost threw up towards the end of the video. Do you think the perpetrators were aware of the victim's transgender status? I could barely make out what they were saying in the video as I had to listen to it quietly...

    Also- Let's realistically think about what the employees can/should have done... My initial instinct/gut reaction is for the manager to lock the doors to prevent the girls from running. Then you need to realize that McDonalds surely has policies in place for times like this, and the risk of an employee getting injured attempting to apprehend a criminal is a lawsuit waiting to happen....

    Another gut reaction is that if the manager had a shotgun under the counter, this situation never would have devolved into the poor victim convulsing on the floor.

    My last gut reaction is that Baltimore finally made it to my list of places to never return to.

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  • Wallpapers - Natural Beauty Collection

  • TheChillPill
    Jan 6, 04:03 AM
    I would love to do this, but I'm put off by the whole 'unusable stream' thing that is inevitable for the first day or so.

    It's a shame Apple don't use the same tech used for their movie trailers - at least that way I can wait until it's half loaded before I start watching. That way it can be watched without any stutters or pauses.

    Even better, a full download via bittorrent would be ideal - and no doubt save them a packet on bandwidth.

    That said, am I correct in thinking that you can save the completed file with QT Pro? Perhaps someone could do that and make a torrent from it?

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  • Wallpapers - Natural Beauty 02

  • miamialley
    Jul 21, 09:13 AM
    Fine, but does it drop as many calls as my iP4?

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  • Eso
    Apr 25, 08:22 PM
    They had the perfect opportunity to change the screen size last year. They introduced a higher resolution screen and a new design. They could have designed the phone for a larger screen and talked about how the screen was both larger and sharper. Instead, they kept the same screen size and talked about the 326 PPI retina resolution.

    So now you think that they are adding a larger screen with fewer PPI to last years' form-factor which was designed for a 3.5" screen? C'mon... get real.

    Why would Apple create a new design with the same screen size if they were planning on using that same design a year later with a larger screen? It doesn't make any sense. If they had plans to use a larger screen, they would have done it with the iPhone 4. If they do it in the future, it will have a different design.

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Jul 21, 12:40 PM
    But Apple admitted that it DOES drop more calls than 3GS.

    They spun it as "less than 1 per 100", but assuming all 3,000,000 iPhone 4 users make about 5 calls per day, that's over ONE MILLION dropped calls per week MORE than iPhone 3GS.[/I]

    That total number is meaningless to the end user. The Average user will make 100 calls on a 4 and 100 on a 3GS and not see a difference.

    It's also a number that could change from week to week depending on all sorts of nebulous factors. This week the stats might favor the 4 by 1 call for all you know.

    Jan 9, 03:00 PM
    It's been 2 hours now, any predictions on how much longer? (I normally don't pay attention to the qt stream.)

    Oct 28, 06:12 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD? A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief? Maybe I'm missing something :o
    Who says they don't?

    In fact, if you believe this guy's blog, Apple may very well have saved FreeBSD from oblivion: http://trollaxor.com/text/thank_apple_for_freebsd.html

    (I'm not necessarily saying he's right about saving FreeBSD, just that NeXT/Apple have contributed to it.)

    Jan 12, 07:44 PM
    Welcome to America. We're just now getting 3G (in regards to GSM networks, anyhow).

    So I'm told, but A) 3G phones are backwards compatible with old GSM networks. Mine switches between 3G/regular GSM constantly when I'm at home, as I live very close to a base station but far from the nearest 3G mast. Hence they should just stick a 3G 'sleeper cell' in there for (near) future use... and B) I respect that Apple is an American company, but they peddle their stuff all across the globe. Every little itty bitty iPod has 21 languages built in. When Apple Store closes down for maintenance it happens simultaneously all across the globe, and when it pops back online again the new products are available in all countries. Never in Apple's history have I seen them do something as US-centric as this - heck, we're not getting it until 2008! Strange, pretty damn alienating, and it had better not become a habit.

    Oct 4, 06:01 AM
    They might get laughed at but apple will be the ones laughing when their the first to debut santa rosa with 800mhz fsb and nand flash. Hopefully this is whats going to happen
    Apple won't be first, they'll either announce the same day as HP/Dell/Lenovo/Acer/Asus/... - or they'll announce later.

    With Yonah, Merom, Woodcrest and Conroe, the pattern has been "later".

    At some point the consumer experience is not appreciably improved by processor improvements. Except for media processing intensive applicatons, we are there.

    That alone ia an amazing statement for the Apple platform.

    Can any other platform say that or even promise that any time within 2 years?
    Windows and Linux are running on the same platform, and both have proven SMP capabilities far beyond what Apple is selling.

    Most of the quad and octo systems at IDF were running XP, W2K3, or Vista. None were running OSX.

    Mar 28, 05:39 PM
    Apple does not offer all of its own apps in the app store. Is Final Cut Studio in the app store?

    This requirement will have two effects

    (1) make the award irrelevant because everyone will know that the best apps were not even in the race and
    (2) Shows that Apple is greedy by asking others to do what they don't.
    At least now we know office 2011 won't be under consideration.

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