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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

paris france wallpaper

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  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 16, 01:07 PM
    I just want to sync my music. **** itunes **** what ever. I love bit torrent. I refuse to pay for music or movies.

    Proving, once again, you're an absolute wanker.

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  • Jaro65
    Mar 25, 08:25 AM
    Happy Birthday, OS X! Curious where we'll be when celebrating tenth birthday of iOS.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Mar 13, 04:26 PM
    Can you say just one company that seems to capture the needs/desires as Apple has?

    I don'y see lines for the latest Droid phone or pad...

    Like it or not of late; Apple knows how do things right...
    I think you missed the entire point of his post.

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  • BadMoon
    Mar 17, 11:32 AM
    you forgot to bash the xoom

    Oh yes, that thing sucks. :cool:

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  • darkpaw
    Jan 15, 03:30 PM
    Not overly excited about the keynote.

    I got a 17" MBP 2.6GHz back in December, and it's fine for Logic Pro 8 and Lightwave 3D on the move.

    I don't see how I would justify a $1799 thin laptop that's missing some necessary ports (FireWire 400/800, Ethernet (yes, I know there's a $29 adapter doodad)). Besides, how much will it cost in the UK? (The internet is being too slow to check...)

    As Steve Jobs said when he announced the iPhone in the UK, "It costs more to do business over here". Yes, which is why the $20 iPod touch apps update is �12.99 over here, instead of �10.20 which is what the exchange rate demands. Even with some made up tax, it's another example of "rip-off Britain".

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  • wordoflife
    Mar 24, 03:03 PM
    I never really liked OS X until 10.5.

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  • HyperZboy
    Apr 9, 08:31 PM
    Oh crap. 400 fear-mongering posts in the other thread were for naught. :eek:


    Come on people, think next time. Like Apple gives a rat's ass how their retailers horde iPads when Apple themselves can't even supply them.


    Seems like half the people here have worked at Best Buy and the other half hate Best Buy and refuse to shop there. Yet both groups know equally as much about Best Buy's retail marketing plans as well.

    Hmmm, what are the statistical chances of that happening? :D

    Earth to Geeks... You think Apple doesn't specifically ship certain stock just for a promotion? (therefor it's not considered "stock" the day or week before)

    Apple even ships stuff with orders to merchants not to open boxes until a certain day/time.

    Not to mention, we know Apple has been having supply problems. So I see nothing wrong with Best Buy conserving stock for a promotion. This a whole lot of nothing except to the fanatics on geek websites who worship at the alter of Steve Jobs and have no lives.

    If all these people posting really worked in retail, I'm convinced it must have really been at McDonald's, not Best Buy! I'm told by a reliable source they really will sell all of the Big Macs they have on hand. LOL

    The only thing I've learned here is that the average Best Buy employee is not in the loop to know what they're talking about nor is the average Best Buy customer. Show me a local manager and I'd still think they're out of the loop. Unless somebody from corporate or a regional manager goes public or Apple or Best Buy makes a statement, this story is a whole lot about nothing.

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  • mk_in_mke
    Sep 26, 07:06 AM
    I am the owner of a Fuji S3 Pro and I bought Aperture 1 about a year ago ($499). And there was no support for Fujifilm Raw files. I returned the item to Apple.

    I checked again today and the Fuji S3 Pro file format is now listed in the Camera Supported page Apple posted for Aperture 1.5 (http://www.apple.com/aperture/raw/cameras.html)

    The web page says OPTIMIZED Support. see below

    Aperture 1.5 supports the RAW formats from the following digital cameras, providing optimized support to those cameras followed with an asterisk (*). Shoot JPEG? Using Aperture, you can import JPEG images from virtually all digital cameras.

    FinePix S2 Pro*
    FinePix S3 Pro*

    Does anyone know what this is about?

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  • Prom1
    Mar 24, 09:42 PM
    I was there at the beginning - in & out 3 times.


    OS X you've been the Apple of my eye since the beginning!

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  • Paris, France wallpaper

  • novagamer
    Sep 25, 11:38 AM
    I love the new loupe, that's really handy how you can park it to the side and it follows your cursor without obstructing your larger view. Quite a nice upgrade I think, and for free!:)

    Is this available in software update yet?

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 15, 12:11 AM
    Ooooh! great, it will be good to get the points on our team from that 465!

    thanks. so far this thing is smoking. but it is using different units. i'm not sure what the ppd for the card itself is, but it's gotta be 10K ppd or more.

    2 more :eek: farout man! how do you afford all that hahaha!

    well only 1 465 gtx. the other was just another 9800 GT. but when i run 3 of them in the same computer, one of them overheats - to 104C! but if i take one out, then it runs fine

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  • gnasher729
    Oct 5, 02:45 PM
    Methinks you don't have a good grasp of public key encryption. (Or at least how it's supposed to work).

    It seems that you got encryption and decryption mixed up.

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  • Pressure
    Oct 19, 10:23 AM
    Aye, international numbers would be good to see.

    Good news for Apple :)

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  • Tommyg117
    Oct 11, 08:33 AM
    yeah, it'll come at the same time as the iphone.

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  • Champs Elysees — Paris, France

  • pw1388
    Apr 8, 01:45 PM
    What it is that if something is on the Sunday ad then they legally need to have a minimum amount of the product in stock. If you read the fine print it would say this amount of this product in store. So I don't get all the Best Buy hate here...

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  • mrploddy
    Nov 24, 12:22 PM
    Wheres the topic for the UK sale ????

    I've had an email from Apple for a sale on Friday 1st December 2006 for the UK

    Let the speculation begin, same discounts or different ? O_O


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  • mrblack927
    Apr 21, 11:53 AM
    Nice job guys. I don't want to shoot down the feature just yet, because you obviously put a good bit of work into coding it, but I'm not sure how well it will work long-term.

    On the one hand, it will (well, should) get rid of those annoying "+1" posts. However, without actually counting towards something, it's kind of pointless. The problem is, as soon as you do make the points count towards something, (ie. hiding low-rated posts or rewarding high ones) it starts to become a competition. Being that this is a mac community, opinions against Apple will be systematically filtered out and ones in favor will be promoted to the top.

    Essentially, there will be no incentive to have a discussion with differing opinions, and you will start to loose the multi-sided discussion that makes forums like this one great.

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  • Hotel De Ville Paris France

  • jbanger
    Apr 9, 12:18 AM

    sony nex5 double lens kit

    not as impressive as some of the other recent camera purchases, but i'm happy nevertheless

    i've been eyeing this off for a couple of months now and by chance noticed a major price discount on a major electronic chain's website yesterday morning

    jumped in the car and went straight down and they had to honour the price which was well below cost :D

    best part was the dude that sold it to me rang his wife as i was leaving telling her to come in and buy one as it was cheaper than what he could get it for himself, lol, and then reported the website misprint

    paris france wallpaper. Paris, France wallpaper
  • Paris, France wallpaper

  • TheBobcat
    Mar 29, 11:12 AM
    This is really exciting!

    Too bad we don't have caning here like they do in Singapore. I'll bet if we did little punks like this wouldn't pull this crap.

    Apr 9, 01:21 AM
    How did you get beats for $80?

    Probably knockoffs. Or as many here would say, the owner just wanted to get rid of them because no one wanted to purchase them :p

    Got my MacBook Air 13" an ultra-violet RadTech Sleevz sleeve.


    Aug 1, 08:39 PM
    The problem is that the license says that the limitations can change at any time, so one doesn't really know what one buys, even if one has read the license - which I'm sure most people has not. I don't believe that the complaint is first and foremost about the DRM (which one may have opinions about exactly how it is implemented and shared but most anyway recognises it as a necessary evil) but rather what is summarised in these two sentences: "it is unreasonable that the agreement the consumer must give consent to is regulated by English law. That iTunes disclaims all liability for possible damage the software may cause and that it may alter the rights to the music". I think most of us agree that it is not reasonable that that which we buy can destroy anything on our computer and that they can e.g. suddenly just allow me to play a song just five times. And even though we all trust and like Apple these sort of licences are getting sillier and sillier (and it is certainlly not just Apple, it is basically the whole industry) and I think it is really good that someone who has the time and knowledge to fight it takes a stand against it, even though I believe shutting down the store may be overkill but I'm sure it won't come to that.



    I understand what you are saying, and empathize with your concern. I just find it bewildering that the focus of so much of this debate is Apples DRM, which is one of the most reasonable out there. This is not a case, so far, of Apple abusing the customer so much as it is of Apple having so many customers. For real DRM abuse stories, check out what Sony did on some of the DVD's they sold. Or Napsters subscription service where you have rights to the music as long as you keep making the payments, every month. Or try to decipher M$'s DRM policy. Or try to sign up for Sony's Connect Store on a Mac.
    I personally don't think it will ever come to the point where Apple will pull iTunes from any country, at least, I certainly hope not.
    As for the post you quoted, sorry. People who insist that everyone who doesn't agree with them is mentally defective touch a hot button for me. Especially when their reasoning is.....suspect.

    Oct 10, 06:49 PM
    so sorry family, but i had to cut your Xmas present budget by 50% so i could get a new video iPod.

    actually, as we are all Mac Addicts, i think they would understand...


    Mar 24, 12:44 AM
    Does anyone out there know where Connect360 saves its log to?? I have the setting enabled for "Detailed Logging (Debug Mode)" turned on but I can't seem to find where it is located on my HD. This would really be helpful since I am not sitting at my laptop 24/7 waiting for this idiot to connect to my network.


    Oct 29, 08:37 PM
    So then you only consider the BSD license to be free?

    in a sense he's right. with a bsd license, you can really do whatever you want. you can modify the code to your hearts content and release or not release the code. perhaps there's an advertising clause, depending on the bsd license. and that's about it. however, with gpl, if you release the binary, you must release the code upon request.

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