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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

girl hip tattoos

girl hip tattoos. Megan Fox, the girl from
  • Megan Fox, the girl from

  • twoodcc
    Apr 25, 09:41 PM
    well i got a new motherboard and processor for my third i7 system. i also put in 4 GPUs in it as well. i have it running all 4 GPUs and a bigadv unit in a VM, but i'm not sure if the bigadv VM is working right. it didn't look quite right when i left, but i had to leave. i guess i'll find out in 3 days if it's working or not

    girl hip tattoos. hip tattoos for girls.
  • hip tattoos for girls.

  • avalys
    Jan 9, 01:33 PM
    Well, Apple stock is up 7%, so it must've been good, whatever it was.

    Come on guys, post the stream!

    girl hip tattoos. tattooed on her right hip.
  • tattooed on her right hip.

  • jared1988
    Apr 6, 08:37 PM
    where did you get those? Did you make them?
    My mom and I would love some!
    We already have those rubber bracelets but we have very tiny wrists.

    couple places to get stickers
    i got mine here

    this guy is making some, i think they look a little cooler. look for the march 16 blog for all the ordering info

    girl hip tattoos. Tattoos For Girls On Hip.
  • Tattoos For Girls On Hip.

  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 26, 10:58 AM
    What box? Not seeing one here (Firefox 4 on Windows Vista at work)

    sorry for shoddy editing

    Edit: and the worst thing is how they appear when a page is loading. Which on my slow connection here at work definitely is an issue...


    girl hip tattoos. Celtic Butterfly Hip Tattoos
  • Celtic Butterfly Hip Tattoos

  • snberk103
    Apr 19, 01:54 PM
    It's their job, we just have to deal with it. A few months back, a TSA agent groped my junk. I joked with him, "Linger any longer and you'll have to buy me dinner.";) He didn't even crack a smile.

    Probably the 5th time he heard that crack that shift. :)

    I wonder what comment would actually get them to crack a smile. Sort of like baiting the Guards at Buckingham Palace to crack a smile.

    girl hip tattoos. tattoos for girls on hip.
  • tattoos for girls on hip.

  • Hallivand
    Apr 6, 04:49 AM
    So an app advertises an app for advertising more apps.

    Nice one Apple.


    girl hip tattoos. girl tattoos on hip. tatoo art
  • girl tattoos on hip. tatoo art

  • lena
    Nov 24, 03:35 PM
    For those of us ordering online, if you go through fatwallet.com, you can get a 2% cash rebate - every penny counts!

    girl hip tattoos. But, Cover Girl wouldn#39;t
  • But, Cover Girl wouldn#39;t

  • Erwin-Br
    May 3, 05:58 PM
    Too many people think they are entitled to get everything for free. No matter if it is a new service for $20 a year or if it is tethering they didn't pay for ... Don't know where people get it from that they should get everything for free (or cheap).

    I didn't hear anyone saying they have the right to use free tethering, or that they are entitled to get it cheap.

    Since when can't people complain about the price being too high anyways? And who on Earth would prefer to pay extra for tethering instead of getting it for "free". And note that I put free in quotes, because you're still paying for your data and bandwidth, so it's really never been free anyways. You're just paying twice for the same thing now, which is consuming bandwidth.


    girl hip tattoos. Hip Tattoos
  • Hip Tattoos

  • iGary
    Sep 25, 09:44 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "My car runs fine on Chevron gas."

    1. Use parking break.

    2. Try accellerating to freeway speeds.

    Report back when done.

    Seriously, you realize that the "straightening tool" is not a free-form rotation tool, right? It's optimized for 1-10 degree straightenings, not flipping the picture around.

    That having been said, yes, straightening is maddeningly slow on G5s (also on iPhoto ... I have dual 2.0 G5s, and fullscreen or even windowed straightening stutters all over the place). They've got an algorithm problem there (or, more likely, an algorithm which doesn't check for a "break" often enough, which makes it unresponsive and seem really slow). But, the test for that isn't doing a 180-degree rotation on an image; the test is trying to get a correct 1.25 degree rotation when the tools seem to be fighting with you.

    The key is this: they could fix the tool to work perfectly for straightening, and still flipping the image around 180 degrees would be slow as molasses to render. Which is just fine, because the 90-degree rotate works fast as can be.

    I'd answer this, but you know, I'm tired of fighting sarcasm.

    girl hip tattoos. Hip Tattoos for girls - Flower
  • Hip Tattoos for girls - Flower

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 27, 05:48 PM
    Sale Day MB 2/120 now shipping! :)

    Shipment exception. :(

    C'est la vie.


    girl hip tattoos. Tags : 56 face tattoos, girl
  • Tags : 56 face tattoos, girl

  • thesdx
    Jan 10, 03:53 PM
    That was just plain stupid. Nice way to ruin your career, Gizmodo. No Macworld for you. (I hope)

    girl hip tattoos. Tattoos for Girls on Hip
  • Tattoos for Girls on Hip

  • lax33
    Sep 12, 10:08 AM
    I see everyone has been wondering about content should Apple offer movie downloads via iTunes. How coincidental is it that Lionsgate made a statement recently about iTunes offering movie downloads in the near future. Lionsgate also has one of the largest film libraries and has been rumored as a potential takeover in recent months as well.


    girl hip tattoos. Hip Tattoos for girls - Flower
  • Hip Tattoos for girls - Flower

  • ericschmerick
    Sep 28, 12:25 PM
    Aperture runs fine on my MBP 15" 2.0ghz. I have 2GB of ram, and I've definitely noticed that it'll use almost all of it. After 1 hr or so of working with images, I've seen it using 1.5GB+ of ram. So I suspect if you're running it with 1GB, you're missing out on some level of performance.

    I agree, the rotate/straighten tool sucks hard. I've found that it's really hard to move the mouse precisely enough, and the click buttons on each side go up/down by 1 degree! Too much for each step.

    I think the thing I love more than anything is not having an intermediate format. Working directly with RAW, and just leaving everything in that format until I'm ready to output, is terrific. I'm not a huge photoshopper, so once an image is sharpened, straightened, and levels adjusted, I'm usually done. So I'm not outputting a TIFF and bouncing into PS much. That might make a big difference in how you think about the value of aperture. I can't even imagine managing a whole separate collection of TIFFs, like I used to, now that I'm working directly with RAW.

    The actual RAW "conversion" (if it can still be called that) and adjustment process, for me, is about the same speed than C1 or PS was. I have iView Pro as well with well over 10,000 images in databases, and it's terrific, but I'm not using it any more.


    girl hip tattoos. hip tattoos for girls. girl
  • hip tattoos for girls. girl

  • dc52nv
    Apr 7, 01:50 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    my pants are ruined!


    girl hip tattoos. Star Tattoos
  • Star Tattoos

  • dsnort
    Aug 1, 01:57 PM
    Problem is Demark, Norway and Sweden are just the first countries to really crack down on DRM like this but they will not be the last. Pulling iTMS away from them might work right now but think long term. The 3 counties will not be the last to do it. Other will follow suit with the DRM. France will at some point get the laws passed since they are pretty close to DRM set up like that with ones that went though so it would not be much of a surpise to see France force DRM to open up there as well. I could see most of the EU at some point forcing the issue.

    Should apple pull iTMS away from every country that does that. No it will catch up to them and they will just open up to all. Problem is any country the pulled out of they burned those bridges and will have a very hard time getting back in and will more than likely lose a lot of market share long term by pulling that stunt.

    Long term the wises action is for apple to give in and just open it up because those countries are just the first and they most certanily will not be the last.

    I have always thought Apple would eventually open up it's DRM of their own free will. At this time, there is no serious competitor to the iPod/iTunes combo. Should serious competition arise, perhaps sometime Zune, the iPods inability to play music from other sources will be a competitive disadvantage.
    However, as a philosophical issue, I have a problem with any government interfering like this in a free market! Sometimes such interference is necessary to prevent harm to the public, but I don't see where this is the case with the iPod. It doesn't cause injury to the user, ( if you heed the volume warnings ), and there are alternatives. Those who don't like iPod/iTunes locking them in to one player are fully free to use the alternatives!

    girl hip tattoos. Ankle tattoos are sexy.
  • Ankle tattoos are sexy.

  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 7, 09:18 AM
    Lots of rumors coming out about Windows 8, the next version of Windows.

    First off, looks like Microsoft's copying Apple again: they're including a built-in PDF reader in Windows 8, and creating an APPX system for packaging applications in self-contained, sealed packages (a la Mac OS X): http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows8/windows-8-secrets-modern-reader-135788

    Secondly, MSIE for mobile devices and MSIE for "traditional" Windows may be merging, similar to how Safari is developed: http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows8/windows-8-secrets-internet-explorer-immersive-135787

    Finally, a little feature that should've been in Windows 7 - automatic colorization of the translucent window title bars to match your desktop: http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows8/windows-8-secrets-aero-autocolorization-135807


    girl hip tattoos. hip tattoos for girls
  • hip tattoos for girls

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 18, 07:28 PM
    With the new codecs Sony can barely justify 50GB discs for movie distribution. How in the world can you justify 300GB discs?

    That's easy... The next video format, which is already forming alliances within the industry. Currently known as SuperHD or Super Hi-Vision with 4K and 8K resolutions.

    Or... We can put all 6 Star Wars films on a single disc in full 1080P glory.

    But seriously, the new codecs aren't that magical and even with VC1 or H.264, it's pretty easy to run into a barrier with a 25 to 30 GB disc size. Sony shouldn't have any troubles with fitting films at full quality on a 50GB disc. Also keep in mind that the layer substrate within BluRay is a lot thinner than DVD/HD-DVD discs and they claim that a disc could potentially hold up to 12 layers... Sony has done lab tests and industry demonstrations with prototype 4-layer discs, but the exposure has been very minimal.

    Also Holographic storage is going to be the next form of optical media, almost surely anyway unless something incredible comes out of nowhere. It has a lot of room to grow as a format as well and as capacities increase, we will begin to move from compressed video to uncompressed and/or lossless codecs. So when the 3.6TB holographic storage media hits, we'll be able to put full HD res 1080P24, uncompressed 32bit color transfers of features plus full uncompressed 8 channel audio on a single disc with room to spare.

    HVD or something like it would be keen for an Ultra HD format or a 4k format in 10-15yrs but right now it's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist for movie playback.

    Yep, but I think that day will be here quicker than 10-15 years. While there will be a move to continue to push HD resolutions higher as I mentioned. I think we're going to see an even bigger push to max-out the quality of the image resolution we can deal with now. Current HDTV sets are shipping with the ability to display a full 1080p uncompressed signal. While BluRay and HD-DVD do a fair job of using this ability there's still noticeable compression artifacting and color limitations, black crush, etc.. Just imagine what would be possible with an uncompressed or lossless codec.

    girl hip tattoos. Gun Hip Tattoos
  • Gun Hip Tattoos

  • aristobrat
    Oct 6, 12:24 PM
    So no, the upgrade to 4G will not cause spotty coverage.
    True, but it's not like they're going to flip a switch, and suddenly all of the "red" on the Verizon coverage map (3G) is going to light up "purple" (or whatever color they use for 4G).

    Verizon is going to be in the same boat AT&T is -- having to go out and touch each one of those towers... installing new equipment, upgrading backhaul circuits, etc.

    Any new "G" coverage is going to start out spotty, and then roll out/fill in. If it's like prior rollouts, major population centers first, rural areas later.

    girl hip tattoos. Cross Tattoos for Girls hip
  • Cross Tattoos for Girls hip

  • paradox00
    Apr 26, 11:52 AM
    Oh please don't be so smart. What you say means to lose the pixel density of Retina Display. Would you want that?

    Jobs indicated that the "magic number" for a retina display was around 300 dpi. A 640x960 3.7" display would still be greater than 300 dpi, so they'd likely still use the marketing term and we, the users, likely wouldn't notice the difference.

    A slight reduction in pixel density doesn't mean the display suddenly becomes garbage.

    Apr 25, 05:57 PM
    That lady has "issues", just looking at her demeanour. :eek:

    'atsa no lady, 'atsa my wife!

    Jan 10, 10:29 PM
    Hope they don't shut down Steve's screen at the keynote...

    Oct 18, 03:07 PM
    I'm curious to see how that plays out. Samsung at first wanted to put out a hybrid player, as well as another company whose identity I forget; but apparently Sony's Blu-Ray licensing explicitly forbids combo players. So I don't understand, is NEC's chip a clean-room solution or did they find some other solution?

    Ricoh already has the necessary optical elements for a dual format player -- they announced this two months ago. In addition to NEC, LG also has a chipset for a universal player. All the pieces are in place except the legal/licensing restrictions.

    Samsung and LG both announced they would begin work on universal players, but once Sony finalized the Blu-Ray licensing, LG just disappeared and announced two Blu-Ray only players, the higher end model will sell under the Marantz label. Samsung, recanted and said they would not pursue a universal player at this time... You won't see Samnsung challenging Sony on any such thing -- these two now share manufacturing and technology for several products, including LCD panels.

    Most likely, due to it's ties to LG and NEC, Philips would be the most likely to come out first with a universal player. But until someone finds a way around Sony's licensing restrictions, it isn't going to happen... Many don't think that their licensing is legal and constitutes an antitrust violation, but at this stage in the game the small market doesn't jsutify the effort. Ultimately, we will see universal players, it's a guaranteed thing. But I doubt Sony will budge from their licensing restrictions until they feel HD-DVD has lost the market... At that point they'll lift the restriction and like everyone else they'll release a BluRay player that can also play those "other" discs.

    Apr 22, 06:28 PM
    I think everybody should be able to see how many positives and negatives specific posters have given. e.g. I gave a few +1s today and no -1s so somewhere on my profile or under my username it should say 3 +1s given, 0 -1s given or something like that.

    Dec 9, 06:29 PM
    heres what i enjoyed doing best with this game:

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