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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

blake griffin and parents

blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • Ugg
    May 4, 04:46 PM
    Which brings me back to my initial reply. A "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly. I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

    Dude, you're clueless.

    I have a severe congenital hearing loss and it's really amazing how parents don't really understand the long term consequences of poor hearing protection.

    Just as in almost all other health matters, the more exposure to loud noises when young, the more likely a child is to end up with a hearing loss as he ages. Some parents do insist on hearing protection when using firearms, but I'm sure there are a lot that don't. Shooting guns without hearing protection is like taking a five year old to a Nascar race. Very, very irresponsible simply based on the noise level.

    I'm sure Dr Choi was speaking of the danger of firearms being discharged by and around children with a lack of supervision, but your tunnel vision when it comes to the health and safety of children is appalling.

    blake griffin and parents. Blake Griffin Will Revive The
  • Blake Griffin Will Revive The

  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 07:13 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)


    All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.

    How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.

    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • apfhex
    Jan 5, 03:17 PM
    Right in the beginning, there was a live video feed to all the Apple stores... I went to two of them, both at the Mall of America store (and both times sat next to some very quirky Mac users... y'know... the regular type). Then one year, I went and it wasn't on. I was pissed. Then I learned Apple wasn't doing that because it was too expensive or something.
    I wish they at least did that still. I mean, they offer a streaming video after the event, is it really so much more expensive to to offer it live? That would be something worth getting up early and going to the Apple Store for.

    Although I find enough excitement in both reading the live text updates and then getting to go to Apple's site and see the product pages,and watch them in action in the keynote video.

    blake griffin and parents. forward Blake Griffin warm
  • forward Blake Griffin warm

  • 0815
    Apr 25, 12:20 PM
    Uh, no... the iPhone 4 was called the iPhone 4 because it was the 4th version of the iPhone (not because it came after 3 in 3G). If the next iPhone is called the 4S, that'd be the 5th iPhone model. So the next one after that would be called the iPhone 6.

    It would go:

    iPhone 3G
    iPhone 3GS
    iPhone 4
    iPhone 4S (or iPhone 5)
    iPhone 6

    Agree. It is just stupid that they in the early years named the phones after features ( iPhone2="now we have 3G network" and iPhone3="now we have a faster phone with 3G network") and than suddenly switched to the generation number .... This is really confusing to many people (my favorite ones are the one that still claim that the iPhone 3G is the "iPhone third generation" ....)

    I just hope they stick now with generation numbers and no more 'added feature suffix' .... so would the '4S' be for the bigger screen or for more speed ? - if they have both, would it be the iPhone 4SS ???) -> just bad naming schema.


    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • obeygiant
    Apr 15, 02:41 PM
    People who have made history have just been people and gay or straight have never come into it. What does it matter? A stand alone class in college on "gay studies" I would have no problem with. The requirement in public schools to teach gay history is bit absurd.

    Those who are gay and feel as if they've been wronged, I feel for them and effort to make it right, but the level of suffering by gay is nothing compared to what black people or women have endured over the centuries. It bothers me a little when gay suffrage is pitted against something like slavery. Just not the same, IMO.

    blake griffin and parents. Blake Griffin. by Eryn Sun
  • Blake Griffin. by Eryn Sun

  • aardwolf
    Sep 28, 02:25 PM
    This house can be yours too for the low price of 399,999.99 (or 349,999.99 with a 10-year contract.). Of course, version 2.0 will be out in 12 months that makes this house obsolete.


    blake griffin and parents. forward Blake Griffin is
  • forward Blake Griffin is

  • gravytrain84
    Mar 17, 11:52 AM
    Nope, because I left LSU with my character intact.

    u mad?

    Me? Mad? Lol

    blake griffin and parents. Blake Griffin protecting the
  • Blake Griffin protecting the

  • firsttube
    Sep 12, 08:23 AM

    NO...t until tomorrow. :D


    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 25, 07:02 PM
    Mighty Mouse has shipped. Woohoo! Told me it would be 2 weeks!

    I noticed that given my two order numbers are about 20000 apart and the orders are 4 hours apart, they were doing 5000 sales an hour from apple.ca yesterday?

    Anyone know if that is alot?

    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • roadbloc
    Apr 8, 11:58 AM
    You can say that about any consumer product.
    Speaking in general terms, MS has added more to windows, improved performance and reduced the bloat with win7.

    Apple has gone the opposite direction, adding bloat and no major feature since 10.5

    +1. Hopefully Lion will be worth the added system requirements.

    Anyways, he features I've heard that are to new to Windows 8 so far is:


    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • Ugg
    Apr 16, 08:27 AM
    We probably would be speaking English and the computer might be different or it might not

    So when talking about WWII, we shouldn't mention that Turing was gay? What about the fact that he was persecuted by the British government?

    He was only one of many people who were involved in the war effort, but his contribution and later persecution should not be ignored.

    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 10:25 AM
    I see where you going wlh99, and don't worry.. my full intention is to learn, not to get code from all of you. Many people in this thread underestimate my knowledge of objective C (and I understand why, I got lost with the pointers). I have 2 1/2 months since I started development and had 0 idea of the language or programming (I was a Pastry Chef actually :D, which is the name of my first app).

    Believe me when I tell you that I know what's going on with my code. I'm aware that If you release an object that it doesn't exist you'll get an exception every time.

    Making it work is a lot less important than knowing how to do it, for future work.

    Back to the Code, let me go give it try.. b-back


    Ok, it doesn't crash now but timer still won't restart. I'm going to create another timer object (not pointer, I'll use the same pointer). I get this idea that I can't reuse or reset the same timer over again (invalidating and releasing it only pauses the timer). Wish me luck :)


    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents. Blake Griffin; Blake Griffin. mahicantu. Apr 26, 11:00 PM. I bought an iMac April 16.
  • lake griffin and parents. Blake Griffin; Blake Griffin. mahicantu. Apr 26, 11:00 PM. I bought an iMac April 16.

  • kuebby
    May 2, 09:35 AM
    No thanks.

    Seconded. It's such a PITA to re-jailbreak after each of these mini-updates.

    blake griffin and parents. Meet Blake Austin Griffin,
  • Meet Blake Austin Griffin,

  • adouglas2001
    Jan 15, 02:55 PM
    Just sold my Apple shares.

    Genius move, that.

    Have you never heard of "sell on the news?" Everyone's already done it.

    Apple is down $13.50 as I write this.

    It will come back up, provided the economy as a whole doesn't implode.

    I got an Apple gift card for the holidays, and was waiting to see what Apple was going to announce. My decision? I'm ordering a refurb MBP to replace my G4 Powerbook this week.

    "Old old old?" Not compared to my early-2003 computer. It's dramatically faster, dramatically more efficient, and dramatically more capacious than the machine I've got. Based on the Penryn tests I've seen so far, an MBP update will result in only a marginal improvement. I don't NEED a few extra percent of battery life or performance here and there.

    It is always wiser in the long run IMHO to be a late adopter and buy near the end of a product lifecycle than near the beginning. Early adopters are, and have always been, late beta testers.

    I dunno...seems that everyone could use just a little less caffeine and stop obsessing over instant gratification and wish fulfillment. Take a deep breath. Leopard WILL be updated. Blu-Ray WILL happen. The MBP WILL get a refresh. And so on. But not today. Big deal. Wait a few months.

    Could be that age and decades of experience have given me an appreciation for the long view. I just don't get all torqued up over every tiny move that Apple makes (or fails to make). They still make great products.


    blake griffin and parents. Los Angeles Clippers - Blake
  • Los Angeles Clippers - Blake

  • bushido
    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    more worried about it still using the dated iOS :P

    blake griffin and parents. Blake Griffin biography
  • Blake Griffin biography

  • gwangung
    Jan 12, 05:57 PM
    I still don't get the blogger pulls a prank equating to all bloggers everywhere being punished by conference organizers. Seriously, it sounds all Zod evil where they threaten to kill some random guy if Superman doesn't bow down to them.

    Seriously, you DON'T????

    I can certainly see that. I'd be doing that if I were running a conference.


    blake griffin and parents. down with Blake Griffin
  • down with Blake Griffin

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Sep 26, 01:34 AM
    ummmm... may have been said, it's grea that it runs like a normal app now, but hwo do I get it to load from my 1.0 disk to my 12" pb and Macbook? Do I have to shell out again? Where's the love?

    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin college.
  • lake griffin college.

  • Jpog
    Apr 16, 04:35 PM
    Hello everybody :),

    I'm the autor of these pictures. I've made this with 3dsmax and Vray render. Photoshop has been just use to create the noise and resize the pictures.

    For the perspective problem on the third pics, it's just a lens distortion of my camera.
    Stop search, it's just a 3D render exercise.

    I'm happy to see that my work unleashed passions but it's A FAKE.

    To have more information, see : http://iphone4fake.over-blog.com

    Now we have just to wait June to see the real truth.

    (Sorry for my english, i'm french ^^ )

    blake griffin and parents. lake griffin and parents.
  • lake griffin and parents.

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 13, 02:31 PM
    MacBook Air FTW! As long as its a decent price I will be happy! :)

    Sep 8, 09:52 AM
    So Saunders then what you're saying is that to believe in god you can't swear? He's not sending mixed messages because his songs aren't saying ******* god.

    And just so you know, compared to any other big rappers right now, Kanye doesn't swear at all. He has the cleanest lyrics of any of the current big rappers because he isn't gangsta rap.

    May 10, 03:52 PM
    well i'm pretty sure my home built rig is down. you can see a clear difference on the number of WU's completed. i wasn't planning on going there this weekend either :mad:

    the Rebel
    May 4, 12:14 AM
    FYI, I just looked up the US Department of Transportation statistics.

    Trucks outnumber cars in some states, but cars outnumber trucks in other states. Overall they say that passenger vehicles in the United States are 58% cars and 42% trucks, but the total number of trucks continues to increase whereas the total number of cars has actually decreased slightly.

    Dec 13, 09:49 AM
    Appropriate Page 2 post, I think.

    There are some parts to this rumor that just don't add up. If/when I have time later I'll post more...

    Nov 25, 06:20 AM
    Could someone please tell me what is thanksgiving, I have seen it being celebrated on many american television programs and I know it's got something to do with turkeys but they never seem to mention its origins. Also is it a national public holiday ?

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