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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

funny quotes about life and love

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  • Applejuiced
    Apr 27, 12:46 PM
    same with me. On IE7 running Vista

    Edit: Now works! :)

    Works now for me too.
    Win7 with IE9.
    Had to log out of the forum, delete all cookies and restart the computer.
    Then I logged back in and the arrows work without bringing me to the main forum section any more:)

    It was working fine for 15-20 and now started doing it again. I didnt log out or even closed the IE page I had open.
    I dont know whats up, seems like its still buggy....

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  • DeSnousa
    Sep 12, 07:20 AM
    Can't wait :D

    The Australian store is claiming that the store is busy or to check my connection :confused:

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  • Links
    Aug 9, 06:49 PM
    Would someone who bought what they assume to be the newer
    version of this display with improve brightness and contrast
    please post part of your serial number.

    Mine: 2A6211XXXXX (Xs represents the rest of my number)
    date of manufacture: May 2006

    Determined from the decoder at:

    I'm trying to detemine if the one I just bought is in this new batch.
    And if it isn't I want to return it quickly.
    I have 15 days to return it and exchange if I don't want this display to the store
    where I bought it (not from an Apple store).

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  • sunfast
    Sep 12, 08:45 AM
    Front Row 2.0 would be cool (just because it needs to be quicker dammit!) but I assumed that would come with Leopard.


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  • iShater
    Jul 27, 12:32 PM
    It has a lot of standard features, and seems to be more on the premium targeted market vs. regular sedans.

    Did the Preius start out on the expensive side as well?

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  • wpotere
    Apr 13, 11:07 AM
    Very simple. The way MOSSAD has done it for decades on El Al planes. 2 armed Sky Marshals on the plane. Problem solved. And it's cheaper and less intrusive.

    Great, a shoot out on a plane loaded with innocent bystanders. :rolleyes:


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  • greggl1
    Oct 14, 01:53 PM
    Apples Releases its 3Q numbers after the market close this Wednesday. There have been many times where Jobs has used blow out earnings announcements to launch new products in tandem. I wouldnt be surprised if they launched the video/wireless during their earnings call on Wed.

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  • Korivak
    Oct 3, 09:56 PM
    I think a lot of people are setting themselves up to be disappointed.

    People have been talking about the iPhone for literally years now. And you never know - it might happen. But I think it's more likely that iPods will keep on being iPods. This is the product that hasn't ever added something as simple as an FM tuner, and the reason that they haven't is that it's more parts, more menu items, higher cost and something that only a very few feature addicts care about. Everyone and there uncle already has a cell phone, and a significant percentage of people already have an iPod - and most of them aren't about to throw away hundreds of dollars worth of techie toys that work perfectly to spend hundreds more on something that does the exact same things. Think back to the iPod Photos. Neat idea, a whole new major feature...and the only one that sold well was the one with the larger hard drive. Pretty much everyone thought it was cool, and then ignored it and bought the less expensive monochrome iPod (unless they happened to have 60 GBs of music). Maybe if the iPod was able to add cell support cheaply enough that it was a standard feature across the entire line (like the eventual iPod with Colour Screen), then it would sell - but that's a big engineering and manufacturing challenge for a feature not everyone's going to use (unlike colour album art, which you can't really help but enjoy). Hell, the amount of negotiation it would take to get iPhones working on different networks all around the world (a bit more of a localization issue than just translation and a standard USB interface) would be a nightmare, and probably be better spent getting more music, tv shows and movies.

    And a "real" video iPod? I'm content with the current "fake" iPod with Video. Widescreen, larger screen, touch screen, wireless...it's all going to cost money and battery life. If you really want a "real" video iPod, get a Zune when it comes out. Microsoft, sweethearts that they are, will sell it to you at a loss because they don't have to worry about silly and mundane things like profit. But you can't plug it in to your Mac or import your iTMS music to it. Eventually, Apple will figure out a way to improve the iPod and still make a profit, and at that point, they'll release the - say it with me - the iPod. Until then, you can have your choice of the iPod, or not-an-iPod.

    Also, if Steve Jobs were to retire, all he'd do all day would be hang out at Apple and give passionate speeches about Apple products. Basically, exactly what he does now.


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  • balamw
    Apr 12, 09:18 AM
    Oh... hang on. That sounds awfully familiar. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Works)

    They killed Works for Office Starter precisely for this reason. You get basic, ad-supported, functionality with the PC but are actively encouraged to "activate" to a real version of Office. This incentive wasn't there with Works as a separate suite.

    EDIT: Apple may be king of the upsell on the hardware front, but Micorosoft is great at in in software.


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  • MrSmith
    Jan 11, 09:08 PM
    ...But it is not the business of the press *to set about to* change or influence that which they observe.
    Especially not in politics. Oh, no.


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  • cambookpro
    Apr 14, 08:11 AM
    2x 2011 MBPs:


    And, while I've just spent �4k on computers, surely another �500 can't hurt?


    Black 32GB with red smart cover :cool:

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  • Huntn
    May 5, 06:20 PM
    Guns are within my scope of practice (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rchoi/detail?entry_id=88328)

    Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.

    If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

    Why? In the mind of the NRA:
    Step 1: Talk about guns.
    Step 10: Ban and confiscate guns.

    Therefore they resist even common sense initiatives supported by police such as gun fingerprinting.


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  • allpar
    Apr 29, 03:45 PM
    Great news. Now if only they'd kept Rosetta, I'd upgrade happily. As it is... I'm going to have to stay stuck in Snow Leopard.

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  • nuckinfutz
    Oct 17, 05:58 PM
    Apple supports both formats. They've made this clear last April when they announced HD DVD support (rudimentary) in DVD Studio Pro 4. At NAB 2007 I fully expect them to announce authoring support for HD DVD and Blu-Ray. They may make them modules that you add on if you need to for licensing/cost reasons.

    HD DVD vs Blu-Ray- forget the specs. You can't win that argument since both platforms use the SAME codecs. Both will look identical with the same encode. Thus it comes down to price and content.

    HD DVD has the price - players can be had for $399
    Blu-Ray has the content- 7 of 8 large studios

    The storage is inconsequential. HD DVD already has 3 hr movies in Troy and King Kong (nov 14) which look phenomenal. These new codecs AVC and VC-1 can kick out a phenomenal picture at DVD bitrates.

    Don't wait...by the most affordable player you can and start enjoying the best HD you will see on your HDTV.

    Do it now!


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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 03:56 PM
    You get 20gbs if you purchase an mp3 album...or pretend to. I purchased 6 foot 7 foot by Lil Wayne one song and 99 cents

    20gigs of free storage if you purchase a single album?

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 09:32 AM
    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.

    Where can I find the definition of a smart phone?


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  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 09:57 PM
    I think we should just close this thread. Eventually, everyone who wants to buy an iPhone for what it offers, will go ahead and buy one.. while the others will go ahead with their usual jealous whining :p :D

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  • FriarNurgle
    Apr 8, 01:24 PM
    Bet they are lowering the price and want to avoid refunding money to so many people.

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  • Glenny2lappies
    Nov 23, 05:21 PM
    I hope iPod accessories go on sale. I sure could use a power brick...


    Mar 24, 03:42 PM

    Nov 23, 06:52 PM
    So wait... a $101 discount on the 17" iMac but only a $41 discount on the 24" model? That doesn't make sense. Usually the more expensive the item, the larger the discount.

    The dicount is around $100...the highest end model is $2059...the 24" iMac with wireless keyboard and mouse...it's a configuration they stock in the stores.

    Jul 21, 06:40 PM
    Ok yeah,yeah whatevers Apple. You need to do a hardware fix. Quit pointing fingers. Because unless you can tell me, the other phones in question sold 3million AND told their users that their phone is awesome cuz they made the attenna better, you're not gonna get me to stop thinking Apple is da bomb.

    Apr 12, 02:42 AM

    I've been telling this to people for awhile now...if Microsoft *truly* wants a killer OS, then they're gonna have to do what Apple did a decade ago -

    Leave the cruft, even if it breaks stuff for awhile, get RID of the registry (this was a good idea...coming from DOS, and being used in Windows 95), use a Linux or UNIX kernel as the base OS, and make applications self-contained, like Apple's are.

    It may be copying, but they've copied everything ELSE, why not copy something that *might* have a shot at making the apps easier to install, and viruses harder to get in?

    Besides, the apps were *almost* self-contained back in Windows 3.1 - anyone remember .ini files? If MS had let people keep those, there never would've been much use for a registry to begin with.

    Do you really think MS will ever do that?

    May 3, 11:25 PM
    If I could only find a personal use beyond web browsing.

    The reason why I didn't buy an Ipad yet. I would only browse on Safari and play games. Something that is available on my Macbook Pro.

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