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Monday, May 30, 2011

kournikova and enrique

kournikova and enrique. Anna Kournikova and Enrique
  • Anna Kournikova and Enrique

  • Erasmus
    Jan 5, 06:05 PM

    Thanks Arn! You're a true legend.

    In terms of not being able to wait, you should come live in Australia. Considering the Keynote is at like 4:00 am or something, I'll be able to get the stream when I wake up!

    I think I'm going to enjoy Wednesday Morning...

    kournikova and enrique. anna kournikova and enrique
  • anna kournikova and enrique

  • apfhex
    Jan 8, 02:17 PM
    So I just watched a bit of the Bill Gates keynote at CES. It was streaming live at 500k with no problems. Is this because there isn't as many people watching it?
    Probably. :D BTW, you have a link to that? Edit: nvm I found it on MS's site. (http://www.microsoft.com/events/executives/billgates.mspx)

    kournikova and enrique. kournikova married enrique
  • kournikova married enrique

  • toonerh
    Oct 28, 03:06 PM
    Actually, Apple has never gotten around to posting the 10.4.8 sources on their Darwin web page. The involved found it on an intermediate page that has all recent stuff and allows html directory list (normally disabled).

    Nothing has changed for 3 weeks.

    kournikova and enrique. Anna Kournikova and Enrique
  • Anna Kournikova and Enrique

  • SuperBrown
    Jan 15, 05:12 PM
    REALLY REALLY hankering for a backlit apple keyboard for EONS! using the same backlighting features as on the laptop keyboards. If they can do it on the laptops why don't they do it on the keyboards?

    I could not agree more.


    kournikova and enrique. Kournikova and Enrique
  • Kournikova and Enrique

  • fun173
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X

    kournikova and enrique. anna kournikova y enrique
  • anna kournikova y enrique

  • leekohler
    Jan 15, 02:08 PM
    Who is Apple kidding, the ultra-portable market is for *cheap* ultra-portables or for Tablets. If I didn't buy a 7" touch-screen UMPC for $1000, why on earth would I buy a non-touchscreen, ethernetless, 13" envelope-sized "sub-notebook". The price is Pro-line, the lack of screen options, lack of graphics, lack of FW800, lack of ethernet, speaks otherwise. Even a touchscreen would have saved this thing, right now its just an incredibly expensive, thinner, backlit Macbook. I mean, I get it is thin, but are they serious? My MBP is thin enough....

    Agreed- this was a real bummer.


    kournikova and enrique. Reps for Enrique Iglesias are
  • Reps for Enrique Iglesias are

  • GFLPraxis
    Jan 9, 04:03 PM
    I'm ticked off too, I but luckily I only refreshed this page once or twice so all I know is that they announced one product, I've missed most of the details.

    When's the dang video gonna be up?

    I didn't see the ticker though. I'm ticked because of people IMing me.

    kournikova and enrique. anna kournikova Enrique+
  • anna kournikova Enrique+

  • Met
    May 4, 12:16 AM
    As Android has gained in popularity, however, things have begun to tighten up, with Google recently exerting control (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/31/google-tightening-control-over-android-as-fragmentation-increases/) in an attempt to reduce fragmentation in what has long been billed as an open system available for tweaking and customization by any and all who wish to deploy hardware utilizing the platform.

    I wish people would stop making a big deal about this rule that has existed from the beginning of Android. It has ALWAYS been there; it's not something new! Google implemented this for OEM's that want EARLY access to the code and OEM's that want access to Google's closed sources apps, such as the Market and other Google apps for Android.


    kournikova and enrique. Enrique Iglesias:
  • Enrique Iglesias:

  • nishioka
    Apr 5, 06:44 PM
    anyone that would download this app is a complete moron

    Or looking for ideas to stea- errr, borrow for their own iAd. :D

    kournikova and enrique. Anna Kournikova and Enrique
  • Anna Kournikova and Enrique

  • Frazzle
    Jul 21, 06:51 PM
    It's a problem. It's been reproduced by CNET, Consumer Reports, NYT, and many others.

    That's the weird thing. It's only a small problem. But it's been reported by all these media and it's an Apple product, so it will get 'eyeballs'.

    When the Nokia N97 came out (not in the US though) it was supposed to be the new flagship phone that was hailed as the 'iPhone killer'. But: the 'real' firmware wasn't ready and the preliminary version was riddled with bugs, the GPS antenna had a design fault requiring people to fiddle with bits of copper wire, the camera lens cover actually scratched the lens of the camera, the camera flash unit was creating a haze in every picture because of a design flaw and the phone either crashed, dropped calls or became unresponsive to its touchscreen several times a day.

    Now, the Nokia forums and several blog sites were awash with people complaining. Many users left Nokia and swore they would never return. The company quickly released a follow-up model and provided hardware fixes - but only for people who actually complained. The whole N97 debacle was very badly handled by Nokia and they lost a lot of credibility with high-end users. Android and iPhone got a lot of new users.

    Has any of this ever been reported in the mainstream media? Hell no.


    kournikova and enrique. Could Anna Kournikova be
  • Could Anna Kournikova be

  • bearbo
    Jan 12, 02:45 AM
    Overthrow of the government?
    :confused: i suppose that's the only definition for revolutionary for you? if so, what do you see in iPhone that's revolutionary?

    And only 200 new patents.

    is there anything other than the fact there's "200 new patents" (where did you get this anyway?) that you find revolutionary about iPhone?

    Apple is not a religion, Steve Jobs is not God.

    i'm outa this thread.

    kournikova and enrique. Kournikova and Enrique
  • Kournikova and Enrique

  • Westside guy
    Oct 28, 05:07 PM
    Well, stuff like iScroll2 - the two-finger scrolling hack for older Macs like my Powerbook - was able to be developed because of freely-accessible Darwin source code. I'd imagine the tun/tap 3rd party virtual devices + drivers (needed by openvpn) also wouldn't have been feasible if the developer couldn't get at the kernel source.

    Right now the osx86 project is of little interest to the public at large, since it's not like you get a box that is particularly useful to someone that doesn't want to tweak incessantly (sound may or may not work, networking may not work, printing may not work, etc.). But I imagine Apple wants to keep forcing them to re-solve the basic functionality issues over and over, so they don't get to the point where the average user would actually find it worthwhile to investigate this.


    kournikova and enrique. kournikova and enrique. anna
  • kournikova and enrique. anna

  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 07:17 AM

    I don't think so. Really office for free?

    The price of office is built into the price of the computer, just as the price of iLife is built into the price of a mac - standard accounting practice. You're really not getting iLife for free just like you're not getting office for free.

    kournikova and enrique. Anna Kournikova and Enrique
  • Anna Kournikova and Enrique

  • twoodcc
    Apr 26, 10:38 AM
    Oh sounds very exciting! Can't wait, hoping it word fine :D

    thanks. i hope it works also. if not, i know what i'll be working on this weekend. but it looks like the gpus are still going i think


    kournikova and enrique. Anna Kournikova and husband
  • Anna Kournikova and husband

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 13, 12:15 PM
    Niche? Really? So all the iPhones and iPads sold around the world and they're still niche? What's that niche called? the whole market?!

    There are 'Droid lovers out there.. with many not liking the closed "eco-system" that Apple imposes for apps; and the selective "censorship" in apps or how a device like the ATV2 won't show Gay&Lesbian genre in the Netflix app on the ATV2.

    In the end for the iPhone it seems that it has a 30% market share according to data I found. The iPad is harder to peg down since the numbers can be split between eReaders, tablets, netbooks, and even notebooks.

    Once it all shakes out, Apple IMO would be happy with 20-30% across all their platforms. The revenue stream from iTunes will keep them very happy.

    I disagree. The click wheel made it easier to use, as it was intuitive (scrolling clockwise down, anticlockwise up), and was also easily used inside a pocket [find the clickwheel and you're go]. The clickwheel has been hailed as a masterstroke for Apple; getting rid of the plethora of buttons on MP3 players and replacing it with a sleek interface. I find it the most annoying part of using my iPhone is that I have to look at the screen to use the controls.


    The click wheel in my first iPod won me over... though at least with compatible headsets with in-line buttons we can at least advance to the next track...

    In case you haven't noticed, they've redefined computing almost overnight. They're now building on that. They've got the competition completely flummoxed. They're pushing the industry forward with their apparent non-innovations.

    One has to just look at the MBA, and even the MBP models...

    Links to Steve's presentations and nothing else, eh? If computing has changed, then why do we still have laptops and desktops? Even better, why does Apple still sell them?

    The links were about three of the four products that changed the tech landscape... the missing one was for the iPod.

    The 1st Mac changed how we ALL would look at using a computer for a very long time. The 1st iPhone changed how we look at the smartphone, as did the 1st iPad.

    As to your question about why does Apple still sell notebooks and desktops; or why anyone else might still be selling them. Seriously, till Intel and others can give us that power in a portable device - it won't happen. Yet the power that the iPad's offer are capturing the imagination of folks that realize they don't need major power for day-to-day tasks.

    What I think we are seeing is an integration of devices that no other single company has yet been able to do. From our music players, to our TV, to our tablets, to our notebooks or desktops. And getting them all to play well with each other.

    Goes back to my comments about Apple having a comfortable niche... 20-30% of us that like a seamless environment for our digital life...

    Honestly I think Apple got the multitasking almost spot on... the way it manages it is perfect for a device with limited battery/processing power.

    In the last 6 months I've "fixed" two phones for people (1x Android, 1 x Symbian) who've installed an app that's running constantly in the background and making the phone unusable to the point they thought it was broken. I used to find it with my own Nokia N95, the multitasking ability was excellent but you had to be careful what you left running or the battery could run down in a few hours.

    I think Apple have made an excellent trade-off in that way, it used to bug the hell out of me that I couldn't use sat nav or internet radio apps in the background, but since iOS 4 I've really not found any situation where I need "true" multitasking and the current implementation has little effect on the battery.


    We might not like the "limits" gives us... but in the end it helps in the "experience"....

    kournikova and enrique. anna kournikova and enrique
  • anna kournikova and enrique

  • emoeric
    Dec 13, 11:07 AM
    Haha, nope.

    This is the company that released an EDGE phone as it's first model. No way they're jumping to LTE this early in the game.

    Before my impending question...I agree with Warbrain here. The proof is across the board when it comes to Apple and their products. The didn't adopt 3g when it was out for a while and also didnt adopt wireless N technology for routers for a long time. Apple likes to perfect the technology first.

    Now, onto my question. Sorta belongs here... My white iphone 3GS 32gb just bit the dust. I have squaretrade and they are allowing me a replacement phone. sweet! The trick is do I get the iphone that is out right now, wait til january to see if they update the skin/ casing of the existing iphone4 (due to a verizon announcement and in turn update AT&T iphone as well) or do I postpone and wait until summer 2011?

    I find waiting until 2011 almost impossible and wonder if they are going to announce Iphone 5. Or will they do an Iphone4GS, with even faster network speeds, bigger screen, blah blah blah. Will the update be critical (iphone 5 rumors of location based computing, paying with the swipe of a phone)?

    I find the second option to be most feasible, but would like to test out the online community.



    kournikova and enrique. anna kournikova | Enrique
  • anna kournikova | Enrique

  • Zolk
    Nov 23, 09:28 PM
    What time does the sale start online, anyone??
    I'm writing from Atlantic Standard Time (11:27 pm now)

    "Shopping event is available only at the online Apple Store on November 24 from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. PST and at Apple retail stores."

    kournikova and enrique. Anna Kournikova Bikini
  • Anna Kournikova Bikini

  • Erwin-Br
    May 3, 05:47 PM
    So maybe, just maybe you fandroids out there, Apple had the foresight to design an ecosystem that just works and do it the right way.

    Sorry to shatter your illusion, but my friend doesn't have Personal Hotspot on his iPhone because his Telco removed the feature. So how is this different and better from Android, huh? At least on Android you can still easily circumvent it without hacking or jail braking.

    kournikova and enrique. Anna Kournikova Bikini
  • Anna Kournikova Bikini

  • Burgess07
    Apr 29, 03:09 PM
    Did distracting iCal go away?


    Oct 5, 02:49 PM
    It seems that you got encryption and decryption mixed up.
    How so. Please elaborate?

    The decryption keys are everywhere and not top secret. Each iPod and iTunes has access to them. If you can get your hands on them you have something like hymn or FairKeys. Where does one get the encryption key?

    EDIT: BTW I'm quite serious, if I got it wrong please help me understand where you're coming from.


    Apr 7, 01:50 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    my pants are ruined!

    Apr 12, 09:52 PM
    I'm quite curious how well this works and if it is worth the hassle. It's not that hard to stick the batter in a pan and toss it in the oven. ;)
    I have a small cupcake obsession. I'd rather bake them then eat them it seems because they often go to waste.

    Wait......do you guys have a little obsession with cupcakes, or an obsession with little cupcakes?

    I just want to be clear, that's all. ;)

    Haha. :D That's a good one. I LOL at that! :p

    I have to a wait until the weekend to try it out since I'm working all week. Bummer. Well I'm sure they'll turn out great. I'll let you know then

    A little of both. I have a little obsession with cupcakes and little cupcakes feed that obsession. You know how girls are with little things!

    Yeah. That was funny.

    Oct 19, 08:35 PM
    First Scenario: Never. Tiger added very little. Dashboard is nice but the real upgrade was merely Spotlight. Seriously... a little stability here.... fancy features there... nothing special.

    From the Leopard Preview its obvious they have nothing big up their sleeves that they've shown yet. Plus if this was likely they would have multiple huge things.. which guess what.... they don't. Cause if they had tons of great stuff... they would have at least showed us once. Time Machine barely counts as something good since itll probably be a resource hog and Virtual Desktops is nice... but still doesn't seem as nicely implemented as in Linux.

    Option 2: Seems more and more likely as Spring draws nearer. THE BRAND NEW ICAL.... just has a diferent brush of aluminum. And Vista while not changing anything of how XP works, it does change how it looks for the much better. Adds many Applesque touches such as attention to detail, and really does stop a lot of Spyware. I don't see it being amazing.... but it will be good. Based on what they have shown so far... if Vista isn't a resource hog, buggy, and a security risk. It'll beat Leopard. SOrry, guys but really at this point. I could even swallow one of the three for Vista to still win. Leopard is showing a weak showing currently, Jobs better have a A or two or actually 4 up his sleeves cause he needs them.

    Most likely option:

    Same as your most likely option except cut down Leopard down a notch. And see Apple began to stop growth around 7.5% as they are unable to justify the price gap, as new technologies start surfacing earlier in other machines... I haven't seen any hybrid technology or Blue-ray in Apple. Other companies are showing them off. Leopard better be good very good, and Apple better have some innocation in computers up their sleeves like new cases for the first time in what 8 yrs? If they want to beat 10% of the US market. We'll get the bronze by next quarter (beat Gateway) Yet. beating gateway isn't saying much. They create such bad crap, thats just shameful.

    A Toast to the New Finacial Year and many new and exciting (for once) Apple Products.... I mean stuff girls can get excited... not just Intel CPUs. :p

    Nice analysis. Unfortunately I disagree with most of it, as do most of the analysts who write about such things. I do like the fact that you present an intelligent reason for your personal preferences (which these are).

    Apr 9, 03:54 PM
    My big question is... How is MS going to maintain strict control and ownership of a UNIX core?

    What Unix core? :confused: MS did not turn windows into unix, so its baffling that you would post any unix comments.

    The additions while you deride them are welcome, and yes, in many instances they did copy OSX.

    Also though they're adding more functionality, more then what you can say about apple and Lion. What is its major feature - making it more like an iPad :confused:

    Microsoft leap frogged apple with windows 7, it has more functionality, better ui and is faster. Aero Peek for instance is one awesome feature.

    I was hoping that apple would provide some meaty updates with 10.7 especially given the anemic update that 10.6 was.

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