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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

thor chris hemsworth body

thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body.
  • thor chris hemsworth body.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 17, 06:21 PM
    uh ok... "built in pdf reader... windows marketplace - providing users easy access to Windows applications." - never seen that in an operating system before...

    True but that's a very very very early build; not even a win8 build; looks like Windows 7 SP.

    I think we should wait for a while to see what win8 brings to us.

    As of now, it's got the pathetic ribbon UI. :rolleyes:

    thor chris hemsworth body. 12 of 19. Chris
  • 12 of 19. Chris

  • trunten
    Apr 5, 03:03 PM
    Next up, iAd the movie!

    thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body.
  • thor chris hemsworth body.

  • Huntn
    Mar 4, 11:00 AM
    Firing incompetent teachers sounds like a great idea, but it doesn't require unions to be disbanded to achieve.

    Unfortunately, it does.

    It does not.

    thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body.
  • thor chris hemsworth body.

  • NAG
    May 3, 01:48 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    It shows you how superior their open os is. Because if it wasn't open it would be controlled by evil Apple who would force you to use tethering.


    thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body.
  • thor chris hemsworth body.

  • steviem
    Apr 13, 12:54 PM
    I started my first full-time job recently so I'm not covered by my parents' insurances anymore which is why I got some own ones:


    Asstel: When you just got's ta get that booty...

    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth body in thor.
  • chris hemsworth body in thor.

  • xappeal
    Sep 12, 06:24 AM
    Plus quicktime already has online features....


    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth body thor.
  • chris hemsworth body thor.

  • hayduke
    Sep 12, 12:50 AM
    A long time ago I remember reading that Jobs said that people didn't really want to download movies or even own movies. The only movies worth owning (according to Jobs) were children's movies because they typically watch them hundreds of times. The average adult, on the other hand, might watch his favorite movie a dozen times. I think this idea, whether or not it can be tracked back to Jobs, is spot on. I've bought a few DVDs and most people I know have bought a few, but nobody I know buys as many movies as they do music (even if you compare total duration, rather then #).

    I wouldn't be surprised if Apple's movie store is simply the only way to get Disney/Pixar content and they're happy to stash the revenue from those sales in their pocket. They'll sell enough to make it worth the investment and if it goes really well and the demand grows (or Amazon appears to do well), then they just open the doors and make other studio's movies available. I bet this is more of an Apple control issue than a movie studio control issue. Apple is proven when it comes to DRM (like it or not).

    I guess we'll see...

    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth body thor.
  • chris hemsworth body thor.

  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 10:36 PM
    I would.

    You see...ATi's integrated graphics solution is WAAYY BETTER than Intel 945 integrated graphics solution, so, it would be the perfect match for a lowcost laptop: Turion CPU and an ATi chipset.

    Here's a page with some IGP benchmarks: http://kettya.com/notebook2/gpu_ranking.htmWow even spending an extra $1 on something from ATI would be well worth it. Almost double the performance over the GMA 950.


    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth body in thor.
  • chris hemsworth body in thor.

  • extraextra
    Aug 7, 02:55 PM
    I just saw a guy buy a 23" yesterday. Hope he got the new pricing for it!

    thor chris hemsworth body. 2011 CinemaCon: Chris
  • 2011 CinemaCon: Chris

  • MacQuest
    Oct 10, 09:35 PM
    Apple will utterly HUMILIATE microsoft's zune device by releasing this "true" video device .

    What's funny is that m$ actually thinks that they're gonna compete with the iPod when it's [i]this device that they should be chasing.

    The zune won't even stall the current 5.5g's iPod sales, but the combination of the current iPods strong [as usual] sales and this "true" video device will absolutely SLAUGHTER m$'s zune.


    thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body.
  • thor chris hemsworth body.

  • Patrick J
    Apr 15, 04:06 PM
    Which holes are those? All the holes in those pictures correspond correctly to the holes on my 3G.

    Bottom: Speaker, screw, dock, screw, microphone
    Side: Volume rocker, vibrate switch
    Back: Camera

    So you have a humongous hole on the side?

    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth thor.
  • chris hemsworth thor.

  • maz94protege
    Oct 29, 07:35 AM
    AT&T drops a ton of calls in my area, but it's no different than when I used Verizon.

    Same with me. its all about location. I have AT&T (iPhone) and Verizon (BB Storm), both drop calls, where i have coverage on one, i dont on the other and vice versa. So to say one has better coverage or not, its hard to point in the right direction. Really... As long as i can make a call im good, I had perfect coverage 2 days ago on the Storm and the network wasnt working, while my iPhone had 1 bar on 3G and no issues.

    But its a cool commerical, I like how they are only talking about 3G coverage not over all service coverage, kind of makes Verizon look better. Then again...who is struggling for not having the iPhone?


    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth thor pictures.
  • chris hemsworth thor pictures.

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 25, 06:21 AM
    Happy BD keynote?!

    They didn't even put up a small square on their Mac sub-page.

    I do hope OS X still has a good 10 years in front of it. The best of both worlds for Unix people.

    thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body.
  • thor chris hemsworth body.

  • lmalave
    Oct 3, 02:09 PM
    iPhone will come out before X'mas.

    If they do that I will be flabbergasted. It definitely would be months ahead of any analyst expectations. The time is right though: Cingular is already rolling out 3.5G high-speed mobile services, and currently they only have one phone available for that service (the LG CU500). I apple pulls a surprise like that, it will be the biggest Apple surprise and biggest Apple product launch ever, far eclipsing both the iMac launch (which had eye-popping design but was launched at a time when Apple was an afterthought in the tech world), and the iPod launch (which launched to a big collective "meh" almost universally).


    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth body in thor.
  • chris hemsworth body in thor.

  • Sydde
    Apr 15, 08:08 PM
    What will be next? Here are some fine suggestions:
    - Gay ArtsI thought that came naturally to them?
    - Gay Phys.Ed.Oh, now that is just weird. I suppose if there are no straights in the class. But anyway you could just teach dance, that would take care of that.
    - Gay Comp.Sci."How do you start a gay computer?"

    thor chris hemsworth body. chris hemsworth thor body.
  • chris hemsworth thor body.

  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 03:15 AM
    no, I wouldn't prefer osx media player, i'm not saying that I would prefer anything different, imedia would make more sense, but there's no way apple would change the name of there most well known software.

    I figured you didn't I was just kidding. :o I do agree that if they continue to incorporate more into iTunes it won't have that simple iLife feel. Where you just grab a Mac for the first time and there's no thinking involved on what goes where. I also agree that the name is too significant at this stage for them to change it, a lot of average computer users would be confused the next time they go to upgrade and use the new named version. I'm sure they've thought of something for a full movie download service, but who knows?


    thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body. and
  • thor chris hemsworth body. and

  • RebootD
    Apr 8, 01:29 PM
    More sensationalist "reporting" from another tech blog. Best Buy has been known for holding hot items (game consoles, etc.) for Sunday flyer promotions, for years. It was obvious that was what was going on here.

    But no, Tech-Crunch-Gear-Whatever has to drag Apple, even Tim Cook into it. What a bunch of gossip rags... it's embarrassing.:eek:

    And fake outrage from the people here :rolleyes:

    They are a store and can do as they please with their inventory. If they want to keep 20 of them locked in a sealed vault they can for as long as they want.

    It only gets into the "wrong" territory if they held back stock and then charged more than MSRP creating a fake supply shortage to boost prices.

    thor chris hemsworth body. thor chris hemsworth body.
  • thor chris hemsworth body.

  • peharri
    Sep 12, 07:44 AM
    If the iTunes Music Store is going to be called the iTunes Store (iTMS > iTS?) then shouldn't the name iTunes change as well to coincide with the change in available media? :o

    Maybe they can get Senator Ted Stevens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_of_tubes) to change his mind if they rename it the "iTubes Media Store"? The name would look similar enough that most people probably wouldn't even notice.

    thor chris hemsworth body. quot;Thorquot; Movie Toys vs.
  • quot;Thorquot; Movie Toys vs.

  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 03:40 PM
    Not overly excited about the keynote.

    Yes, which is why the $20 iPod touch apps update is �12.99 over here, instead of �10.20 which is what the exchange rate demands. Even with some made up tax, it's another example of "rip-off Britain".

    It's even worse on the continent: EUR 2,268 excl. VAT in Germany which equals $ 3,356 for a standard MBP 17" (US store: $ 2,799)

    BTW $ 2,112 excl. VAT for MBA in Europe !!! Ridiculous.

    Apr 29, 06:49 PM
    The main problem with the "slider" idea is that it wasn't intuitive which selection was active (since we're so used to a depressed icon indicating selection). I like the concept of a slider; it reminds me of the old tile games. Perhaps a compromise would have been to have the selected item's text glow, as if a little LED were behind it. That would have made it really clear which item was active.

    Oct 19, 07:07 PM
    When one considers Dell's quality of their computers, why are they still #1?

    corporate sales. When you have large IT staffs and reserves of machines, reliability is less of an issue.

    Mar 28, 06:09 PM
    Respectfully, I think you're missing the point. In its totality, installing an app is more like:

    1) Google or otherwise search for an app. Make sure its the Mac version, compatible with your OS version, processor, etc. There probably won't be any reviews, more like select quotes from people who liked it.
    2) IF you trust that website, fill out your credit card information, PayPal account, etc.
    3) Download it and do the process you described for installing.
    4) If you need to re-install the app, buy a new computer, etc. hope that the company allows you to re-download it.
    5) If you have a good/bad experience, good luck reviewing it or rating it.

    I'm a pretty tech-savvy guy and I still appreciate the ease of the Mac App Store.

    Hyperbole.. dear lord - over exaggeration.

    * use your favourite mac listing website of your choice - you only need to find a few, and they don't take long to find. Only need to do this once.

    * Pretty much all companies allow you to re-download, so no need to worry there.

    * a lot of software listing sites allow reviews, for example, mac update, versiontracker

    * most software companies use reputable payment processors, larger companies often use their own - and can be trusted.

    * UNLIKE, the mac appstore, you can very often download TRIAL versions so you can TRY BEFORE you BUY!

    Sure, the mac app store is convenient, but shouldn't be relied upon as the only source of software due to its limitations and limited software listings.

    If someone never ventures out side the appstore then they'll miss out on gems such as 1Password, Launchbar, bettertouchtool... and many others.

    Anonymous Freak
    Oct 12, 11:56 AM
    Nice try, SavMan. But I'm not buying your interesting yet psuedoscientific explanation for why 5G iPods only 'appear' to scratch more easily.

    White 5G iPods are just as easily scratched as the black ones, as any disappointed owner will tell you. I've had a 4G iPod for 2 years, carrying it back and forth to work in my pocket. I take it out of a Belkin case to recharge it, then put it back in for transport. The thing still looks practically new. I know someone else who purchased a new white 5G iPod. Within moments of gentle handling, the thing is covered with light scratches.

    It seems to me that a softer grade of acrylic is being used on these latest iPods. I'm not the only one who's noticed this problem. I don't believe that it's the result of some optical coincidence. Everyone knows that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of complaints to be found on the net.

    Whatever the reason is, a manufacturer who doesn't care what their customers have to say about their expensive products will soon find those customers flocking to other companies' products. Hellooooo Zune!

    And no amount of fanboy cheerleading will stop it.

    If you have a black nano or 5G iPod, try putting black electrical tape on the sides, covering the 'face' of acrylic. The scratches will seem significantly less obvious. I can attest that my 3G iPod (rounded corners) has just as many scratches as my white nano, and my 3G iPod was very well taken care of (always in its included case,) whereas my nano was usually just thrown in my pocket.

    SavMan's explanation seems to be a very good explanation. Not fanboyness. (If I did more than just listen to music on my nano, I'd probably be angry about the more obviousness of the scratches on it. But since I almost never look at the screen, it just doesn't bother me. Just like the scratches on the 3G's screen don't bother me.)

    Jan 9, 07:46 AM
    There�s little point in putting flash memory in a consumer-grade notebook.

    The expense is enormous (retail: 32GB SSD $250, 64GB SSD $1500 vs. $150 for a 2.5″ 250GB SATA hard drive)

    Power savings don�t increase runtime significantly, since other systems use far more power than the hard drive.

    The big advantage to SSD is shock resistance: great for a Toughbook, but pointless in a MacBook.

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