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Monday, May 30, 2011

pics of selena gomez and david henrie

pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez David Henrie
  • Selena Gomez David Henrie

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Mar 24, 03:28 PM
    Well, happy birthday, Mac OS X.

    My my, how you've grown. :)

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. David Henrie Spills Secrets
  • David Henrie Spills Secrets

  • Multimedia
    Oct 4, 03:43 AM
    Two things I would love:
    2: Octo-core Mac Pros BEFORE this happens! Like, you know, late october, early novemberish...

    I'm a dreamer :)Clovertown doesn't ship until November so I'm thinking Apple could add a BTO option for them +$800 for Dual Quad 2.33GHz Clovertowns in December without rocking too many boats. Then the choice will be between 4 fast 3GHz cores (12GHz) or 8 slower 2.33GHz cores (18.64GHz) for the same $3,300.

    FYI Each of those processors are priced precisely the same $851 - in case you thought 8 cores were going to cost more. They won't.

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez e David Henrie
  • Selena Gomez e David Henrie

  • Patrick J
    Apr 15, 04:20 PM
    Not if the pictures were taken with an iPhone :D

    Specially without flash ;)

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. David henrie images
  • David henrie images

  • saberahul
    Mar 18, 05:18 PM
    ... another thread turned into a bash fight.


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. selena gomez prank david
  • selena gomez prank david

  • JMax1
    Jan 5, 03:20 PM
    hey that was my idea this time :(


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. David Henrie, Selena Gomez
  • David Henrie, Selena Gomez

  • dsnort
    Aug 1, 03:32 PM
    Do not act as stupid ass consumers with no brain. It is your right when you by music to listen to i where ever you want it too.
    You payed for it didn't you so now it is yours ....
    DRM is ******** and it takes away your rights as a consumers.

    Act now stop that ********.

    One more thing. At least we have the freedom and our goverment tries too help.

    I don't FEEL ignorant and stupid. Maybe that's because I took the time to READ and UNDERSTAND the limitations imposed on me by iTunes/iPod before I BOUGHT in. And maybe because I understand that what I am BUYING is a DIGITAL DATA FILE that must be interpreted by a certain APPLICATION to become music, and that this was EXPLAINED to me before I BOUGHT. That I don't OWN the MUSIC, and that there are LIMITATIONS to what I can do with it. ( And if you think I'm wrong on that last point, let a copyright holder catch you using their music for commmercial gain. Write back to us and describe the world of hurt that descends on you)!

    The fact of the matter is that reasonable DRM's protect the artists who are the source of the music. And Apples DRM is one the most reasonable in the industry, both protecting the artist, and allowing fair use by the customer.


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. selena gomez and David henrie
  • selena gomez and David henrie

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 3, 08:42 PM
    Can't the police get a warrant for the IP address? I think if they have a warrant above their heads they might "find" a IP address. All the information they get from a xbox or 360 that gets on XBL they HAVE to know the IP.

    Well, I guess Microsoft thinks they are above the law (what else is new) and claims they don't have to give out the info to anyone. I'm not sure if the cops are able to get a suppena for Microsoft's info.

    This post is on Digg, we are trying to get some attention from Microsoft. If you have a Digg.com account, Digg it! http://digg.com/gaming_news/Stolen_Xbox_360_Microsoft_refuses_to_assist_police

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. is selena gomez dating david
  • is selena gomez dating david

  • MattInOz
    Apr 6, 08:38 PM
    Product is designed to help people realize value.
    I mean it's taken them this long to work that out.


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez, David Henrie
  • Selena Gomez, David Henrie

  • CanadaRAM
    Jan 12, 12:44 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand....
    i totally agree with you. "aint that just cool?" "probably the best photo management program in the world" he's was pretty hard to stand.

    But you watched. Again.


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez David Henrie
  • Selena Gomez David Henrie

  • dalvin200
    Jan 12, 02:56 AM
    anyone seen this article on the register (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/01/11/jobs_mansion/) about SJ's mansion?

    can't ppl leave him alone? lol!!


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez and David Henrie
  • Selena Gomez and David Henrie

  • JGowan
    Nov 16, 10:18 PM
    I threw up in my mouth a little bit�...You can't TM that... I remember Jack saying that on Will&Grace like 3 seasons ago. :D

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez On Twitter
  • Selena Gomez On Twitter

  • sarge
    Oct 18, 03:18 PM
    Please, this conversation is so 2005...

    November 17, 2005 (Computerworld) -- Turner Entertainment Networks has its lenses focused on holographic storage for the future of storing and retrieving its movies, cartoons and commercial spots. The network giant has completed a test of the cutting-edge storage technology, which it said will soon move the company away from tape- and disk-based storage.
    "The holographic disk promises to retail for $100, and by it will have capacity of 1.6TB each. That's pretty inexpensive," said Ron Tarasoff, vice president of broadcast technology and engineering at Turner Entertainment. "Even this first version can store 300GB per disk, and it has 160MB/sec. data throughput rates. That's burning. Then combine it with random access, and it's the best of all worlds."

    Optware is now neighbors with its only other U.S. competitor, InPhase Technologies Inc., which is also in Longmont. InPhase said earlier this year that it will begin shipping its own 300GB drive by the end of next year.
    Holographic disks can attain far higher density of data storage than standard magnetic disk drives, which store data only on the surface of a disk. Holographic disk technology allows data to be stored as a holograph throughout the polymer material that makes up a disk.

    Optware also plans to release a holographic disk product for streaming video that's targeted at the film and broadcast industries, and a consumer disk product that is about the size of a credit card with 30GB of capacity.


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. selena gomez david henrie pr
  • selena gomez david henrie pr

  • Branskins
    Apr 29, 09:51 PM
    Well they said that touch screens for desktops/laptops like to be horizontal in front of you, so they already said the trackpad is like their touch screen.

    So I don't like the arguments about how the slider isn't good for non-touch screens: the trackpad IS the Mac's "touchscreen"

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez David Henrie
  • Selena Gomez David Henrie

  • theelysium
    Dec 13, 01:13 PM
    Apple is not going to waste their time making a 4G phone for a network that is literally 35 grains of sand tossed out on to the US map.

    There is way too much hardware development, patent fees, marketing costs and other things to consider. Apple would not go through all those costs just for a measly 4G LTE network.

    This news is bogus.

    Take a look for yourself: http://www.droid-life.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/verizon-lte-markets.jpg


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Co-stars David Henrie and
  • Co-stars David Henrie and

  • mmcc
    Mar 29, 06:34 PM
    MMCC, excuse me if I don't buy that gross and volume of your niche has gone down with the introduction of the app store. It seems pretty much impossible that volume sold for products in your niche went down...

    Impossible? How so? I've already said that the freebies are dominating my category. What is hard to understand about that? Before in the Apple Download pages, for example, all apps were listed first in each category by release date. Free or paid, each app enjoyed the top of the listing for a while.

    In the Mac App Store the freebies are staring you in the face on the Category page and you cannot escape it. They have their own top list. They are always there taking possible sales.

    Perhaps your volume went down, but what that most likely tells me is before you were better at marketing your product than competitors, but now given equal footing as others, people are choosing some competitors over you instead.

    Really? I already said I was #1 in the Category for a time. I was #1 for a week back in January. Guess what? No big windfall (year over year comparison it was still well below last year at the same time) and that was within a month of the opening of the Mac App Store when interest is usually highest (at opening of a new store).

    The idea that your whole segment was moving 100000 units before the App store and now are moving 50000 units just seems impossible, unless something else effecting the segment happened. It is not because of the Apple App Store.

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. David Henrie and Selena Gomez
  • David Henrie and Selena Gomez

  • DeathChill
    May 3, 11:38 PM
    Since I am the local technology guru, people are just shy of harassing given the constant barrage of questions just asking if I own one. They are amazed that I do not own an iPad or tablet since they are "popular".

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.

    Just curious, what is wrong with Air Video?


    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. Selena Gomez and David
  • Selena Gomez and David

  • racebit
    Nov 16, 10:17 PM
    Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full

    hmm, maybe a truckload?

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. David Henrie and Selena Gomez
  • David Henrie and Selena Gomez

  • xraytech
    May 4, 10:42 AM
    I really like the tone of these commercials.

    Also, I enjoy that they keep saying magic or magical; only because I know how angry people (trolls, mostly) here get about it.

    Ha ha ha!!!

    pics of selena gomez and david henrie. David Henrie Joins Twitter
  • David Henrie Joins Twitter

  • eva01
    Sep 7, 08:15 PM
    Jobs in 2008 is that what i am hearing. YAY president Jobs.

    Apr 29, 07:58 PM
    Context. Is. Everything.

    Context is Legion.

    All these months, and again you try to argue with me over what I meant. New Zealanders really have a problem with the concept of "I know better what I meant that you do and it was clearly posted had you followed the context".

    I thought regulars long ago learned to stop taking me seriously? All I've been doing is borderline trolling since 2010. How is "So KDE4 is a bad 90s Linux Window Manager?" not an obvious troll comment? Of course its not, its an average modern window manager.

    God you canadians are so serious about everything. ;):rolleyes:

    Nov 16, 02:29 PM
    As it has been said, I agree that AMD shows promise and is a good option for down the road, but the fact is that Intel is just a better option right now. They have more of the ability to develop the chips Apple needs at the quantity they need them, and the timeline is there so it's Apple's call, not the chipmaker's, when they can release upgrades. Down the road, possibly, but not right now.

    Mar 29, 03:54 PM
    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Windows Live Marketplace in Windows Vista a integrated (badly integrated but still integrated), App Store before it was discontinued due to lack of consumers and made to redirect to a Microsoft website that sold some products?

    I believe Microsoft did partner with Digital River to bring 3rd party products to such a store. However it was badly organized, poorly promoted and ultimately drew little business as you indicate since it offered customers little or no benefit over direct purchases from the developer. Developers lost interest. It morphed into the current MS/DR relationship where DR handles much of the on-line sales of MS products.

    I sort of hope developers lose interest in the Mac App Store as well. ;) Unfortunately, consumers love the basement pricing.

    Dec 13, 10:38 AM
    Dont underestimate the power of marketing. They might have this LTE/CDMA combo where the LTE is not all that functional but is there only for the publicity. Think about the splash of the FIRST 4G iPhone!

    Aug 2, 11:33 AM
    Norway is doing you all a favor. Do not act as stupid ass consumers with no brain. It is your right when you by music to listen to i where ever you want it too.
    You payed for it didn't you so now it is yours ....
    DRM is ******** and it takes away your rights as a consumers.

    Act now stop that ********.

    One more thing. At least we have the freedom and our goverment tries too help.

    A couple of points people always seem to miss.

    #1 -- This is not solely about iTunes. It isn't an attack on Apple... it's FOR ALL online music stores.
    #2 -- "Just buy CDs" DOES NOT cut it. They won't be around for much longer.

    Stop being such asses and realise that proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing for consumers and society. I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use.

    Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame. We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time.

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