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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

football boots nike mercurial 2010

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  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:37 AM
    Screenshot fail :) build number in Quicklook titlebar.

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  • minnesotamacman
    Oct 18, 05:47 PM
    It has been said here already, but Apple is smart to back both. I have a feeliing that HD DVD is going to win out in the end. Sure Sony is going to Blu Ray everyone, but not many people over 30 are going to get a PS3...

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  • drlunanerd
    Nov 27, 04:54 AM
    They are doing a similar event in the UK on Friday 1st December - a 'one day only special sales event'

    It says it's a "shopping event" (http://www.apple.com/uk/retail/shopping/?CDM-EU-0994) though, not a sale.

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 16, 09:52 AM
    Purely due to the amount of manufacturers creating Android devices.

    Which is the entire problem with Android. And which is why you will never, ever, see any single Android device outsell the iPhone.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 01:16 PM

    Size: 1.17GB

    Title: Mac OS X Lion Preview Update

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  • tuartboy
    Jan 9, 03:46 PM
    I would have put an image of a keynote on the compressor window, BUT GOOGLE IMAGES RETURNED RESULTS FOR THE STINKING MWSF 07 VIDEO AND RUINED THE SURPRISE! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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  • swy32x
    Sep 8, 07:48 AM
    Yes, he is in fact criticising the whole gangsta image ... "We say ******* the police and that's how we treat 'em / we can buy our way out of jail but we can't buy freedom" ...

    How is he a 'no-talent ass clown'. So, you don't like hip-hop. How is he a no-talent hack?

    It seems that he felt a bit out of place during his performance, but at the end of his performance the applause and crowd were ecstatic.

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  • roadbloc
    Mar 10, 12:07 PM
    In case you haven't noticed, they've redefined computing almost overnight.

    I think you're the only one who's noticed that. I haven't yet. I've yet to even see an iPad outside the Apple Store.

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  • SMM
    Jan 12, 04:12 PM
    Yeah. I love the products but I loathe the man. Then again I'm just a regular user and not one of those scary MacDroids. You know, the ones with the blank stare, the ones that repeat mantras about Windows viruses and the dreaded blue screen of death... some even believe Windows gives you AIDS. They're kind of like scientologists or Jehova's Witnesses. But you gotta keep in mind those were the ones he was addressing, as always. Hence the smugness. The Keynote is his church and he is their god. Notice the constant applause and cheering over stuff like, oh, some new button or menu item. Mac will always be my second platform because these people just scare the poop out of me.

    Whatever you are attempting to sell is failing the 'smell' test (if you follow me). You do not know the man I am fairly certain. I am always suspicious about how well screwed on people are, who see others as mindless droids and cannot keep their bowel movements under control. :confused:

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  • toddybody
    Apr 5, 03:45 PM
    Ha ha ha ha ha! What a joke:D

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  • zweigand
    Mar 28, 02:49 PM
    Perfectly reasonable to expect an "Apple Design Award" winner to be available in the App Store. It's Apple's award to give.

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  • Zwhaler
    Apr 15, 09:55 PM

    Owned that's all I have to say...

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  • davidcarswell
    Jul 22, 09:58 AM
    Untrue. The iPhone is the only phone affected this way. Apple implying a lie doesn't make it true.

    Guess we believe what we wanna believe-I have yet to see one iphone personally drop bars - even trying to make it happen-mine and 9 other iphone users have all desperately tried to make this attenuation BS happen - well we honestly gave up-
    All of us ENJOYING the best phone ever-
    Honestly I am truly starting to wonder if these claims are out and out LIES as apposed to just enduser errors-and a small bunch of Debby downers.... well maybe it's all 3
    get your money back nagging

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  • Meanee
    Mar 17, 12:28 PM
    Nice. Too bad some kid is going to have $300 docked from his pay...

    I believe labor laws say that this is illegal, he won't have to reimburse the store. Don't think they will flat out fire him, but it's a "one more time you are missing even a cent, your ass it outta here" type of deal. If he ever made a mistake in past, they can give him the boot as well. Best Buy is not corner drug store. The pinch of losing 300 bucks for them is not as bad. But the kid might easily be out of the job very soon.

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  • lilcosco08
    Mar 18, 07:07 PM
    Today I've had some pretty interesting exchanges with other smart phone owners. I personally have an iPhone 4, I've had it for ages and love it. Pretty much everyone else I know has an Android phone of some kind. Now, people are always so damn keen to try and compete with my iPhone! I mean seriously, these people just come out of nowhere! I don't even show it off either, people just see me use it and start coming out with stuff.

    For instance, one guy comes out with - "Oh so you have an iPhone 4, my HTC Desire is way better". When we ran some comparisons he was obliterated but refused to accept it lol. All I got was, "well you paid �500 for an overpaid Apple product that you need a case to use". Personally I've never had any antenna problems so anyway, moving on.

    Another guy comes out with "You don't have a removable battery so if your phone crashes then you're screwed". Anyone here had their iPhone crash? If yes were you unable to get it sorted at an Apple store? This explanation didn't bode well with said Apple hater. :p

    Some one else came out with "iPhone 4 is a brick". At first I thought he was joking but he soon turned serious, saying that the phone literally is shaped like a brick and has sharp edges which hurt your hand.

    Another guy claimed that iPhones are awful because they don't have flash. To be honest, I don't really care for flash. The only thing I need flash for is Youtube which has its own app, and most shopping sites have their own dedicated apps anyway. Flash is a resource hog that would kill the battery. This of course was nonsense to the nexus owner.

    I could go on but the shots people took just kept getting cheaper and cheaper, most reverting to "well you paid �500 for a phone, you must be crazy". I don't understand this. It seems that most people feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4. Its pretty sad, at the end of the day its just a phone. But people actually seem to hate Apple because they can't afford their products. Most of them admitted that had the iPhone been cheaper they'd buy one, hence they can't afford it so they are bitter.

    Anyone else experienced this? I get similar problems when people see my Macbook Pro lol.

    they jelly

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 12, 06:23 PM
    All the Windows 7 I use are campus installs, so since they're not configurable, I haven't really looked around the settings. Does Windows have virtual desktops yet?

    No. Its coming in Windows 8.

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  • belkjab
    Feb 8, 03:20 PM
    The article at the following URL explains "in great detail" how the Dell & Apple Flat Panels differ:

    Apple seals the panel and associated electronics inside of a case thus protecting these delicate components from dust. Unfortunately, the Dell Flat panel has vents on the top, back of the case which expose these components to dust. I would expect Apple's display to out last that sold by Dell.

    Who said anything about Dell claiming greater contrast. Which of my post said that Dell claimed greater contrast ratio and brightness?. I would never make that claim (The dell website claims that the Dell 24 inch is 700:1 contrast, same as the Apple panels, which just got that upgrade while the Dell panels where that for a while). As to brightness, Dell 24 inch is 400 cd/m2 while the apple 23 inch is also 400 cd/m2. I'm neither a Dell fanboy nor an apple fanboy (as i so fondly point out time after time, i have a apple power G5 mac with a 20 inch Dell monitor). I would never make claims such as Dell monitor is better than Apple monitor unless I knew that to be true.. I pointed out that they used the same panels. Yes, the size may be different but they come off the same manufacturing line. To see Dell specs, here is the link for the 24 inch http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=222-0863

    They are the same panels except notice Dell has more features which puzzles me greatly. Apple wants to charge a premium for their monitor and that is fine with me but come on!!!.. have more features than the other guy please!!!.. you know how annonying it is for a Dell fanboy to come up to you and say.. hey, our monitor is the same but mine is better and cheaper (better in terms of more features, not brightness or contrast). If you think features don't matter, you are living in la la land. I like the fact that i can hook up more things to my Dell monitor than i could have with an apple monitor. If the apple monitor was more versatile and offered more features, i'd consider paying the premium but i am not gonna get an overpriced apple monitor cause stevie says so.. I don't see him offering me rides on his boat.. why the hell should i get trapped in his reality distortion field?. Give me something better and i will gladly hand over my money to Stevie so he can get a bigger boat (and without any complaints).

    As to my first glorius revelation, you must be a newbie. you should search for my name in other apple forums. I don't suffer fools gladly (or people who reply to a post too quickly). When i post, i do not expect an instantaneous response. It's ok to google the information before you respond. I can wait!!. If you don't know or understand, say so but do not try to make a point about something you don't know about. You replied to one of my post about how wrong I was that dell and apple were using the same panel and now you claim you don't know about the lcd production process?.. and you complain about me being mean?.. you leave yourself open to such an attack when you start making statements you have no idea are true or not.

    Google is a great resource.. I don't know everything either (i wish i did but unfortunately, time is finite and my brain only has so much capacity).. but I always research stuff on google before posting. It helps (also helps to view the company you are bashing website to see their monitor specs before posting).

    BTW, since the apple 30 inch is definetly a better value than Dell 30 inch (although i am sure Michael will not take that lying down.. watch for dell to suddenly drop prices on their monitors) i am soliciting funds to my "get a apple 30 inch monitor" foundation. I get the feeling i will not be seeing your dollar. Oh well. Maybe I haven't antagonized everyone in all the forums and i can get some donations to my wonderful foundation (whoose sole purpose is to get me a 30 inch apple monitor).

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  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 8, 10:04 AM
    I agree somewhat on the second point, but instead of just bashing others for not doing something, why doesn't he make an effort?

    Because bashing others creates news, and it sells......

    how do you know he's not making an effort? are you actually tracking what he does to help the poor (and whatever other issues)?

    i have to agree with killuminati here (without even being a rap person).. your theory that because he uses the n word (which by the way can still be seen as a proactive measure to take racist words away from non blacks) is contradictory to being religious/spiritual is absurd. same goes for cursing in general. did you ever think that perhaps the n word isn't seen as curse amongst many blacks? we're not talking about white people calling black people n's here, it's a big difference.

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  • leroypants
    Apr 8, 03:53 PM
    It's still pretty ******.

    If I walk into a Best Buy and to buy a product that's for sale, knowing full well they have it in stock but they just want to "hold it" for something, I'd be pissed.

    How pissed do you think people would be when they get the Sunday ad and see a guaranteed minimum of 20 ipads, travel to the store only to find out they only have 3 instock because they sold 17 on Saturday? They hold a certain amount because the Sunday ads say they have a minimum in stock.

    Apr 30, 12:40 AM
    Thanks for the feedback on the preferences for the scrollbars, folks...I removed it from the article.

    You should have made mention of the edit in the actual article. I thought many of the early commenters were making things up until I realised they were just commenting on something from your original post.

    Drew n macs
    Apr 8, 02:16 PM
    Was at Best Try the other day and saw them selling styluses for the iPad...39.00

    A Pogo Sketch on Amazon is $7.00...

    And people wonder why retail is hurting...

    A little off topic, how about 25-100 dollar hdmi cables. you might burn a consumer once or twice before they realize there are other alternatives (aka the internet and 3 dollars).

    Oct 5, 01:37 AM
    good lord, if anyone actually got through reading all this, can there be any doubt left that all consumers want is DRM-free content???
    Actually what many consumers want is DRM transparent downloads. They don't want to constantly be reminded of their restrictions and they don't want the restrictions to get in the way or have to know any of the technical details.

    Fairplay does a fairly good job at that, which is why it has been successful.

    OTOH Amazon unbox seems overly restrictive with its two machine and 48 hour limitations. Zune's 3x3 DRM also seems to miss the boat as it'll probably annoy more users than get them to buy tracks...


    Oct 3, 01:34 PM
    They might get laughed at but apple will be the ones laughing when their the first to debut santa rosa with 800mhz fsb and nand flash. Hopefully this is whats going to happen

    This is my prediction as well. We'll see!

    Oct 3, 06:12 PM
    I expect is a series of product that interrelated in their functions.

    first for sure iTV

    then wireless 3.5 inch iPod video that can linked to iTV (might be earlier even b4 Christmas)

    iPhone that will bring us some special functions

    MBP nano....


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